Jan 28, 2025
This manga had a decent setup. The MC gets isekaied into a fantasy world as a prince but is immediately abandoned and sent away to a mansion in the middle of a forest full of demonic monsters because he has bad jobs/classes. When he is learning skills as a kid and learning how to take advantage of his "worthless" job it is not a bad story. He runs away to live in the woods as a ten year old with a warrant for his arrest... which is a plot device to keep him living in the woods that makes little sense. They had no reason
May 22, 2022
Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru.
The worst part of this anime is that it could have been good. Besides the first episode, the show feels like random clips from the second or even third season of a show. Plot threads are shown in flashbacks but instead of resolving them, they just create more plot threads that they don't do anything with. I never read the source material for Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru... but I can't imagine how this was all supposed to work.
The anime withholds 90% of the story from you and assures you that stuff was super cool. And then the plot twist only makes sense if the ... Dec 2, 2021
The manga had great promise. Very pure love story between two outcasts that were perfect for each other. A succubus who is unable to do lewd things and a guy with an insane excess of sexual energy so powerful that it scares off other women and succubi.
They live together in a platonic relationship but fall in love. Just when he tells her how he feels about her she says she is ready to try getting a job again but asks if he'd welcome her back home if she comes back. This feels like such an artificial way to stretch the story. The will they won't ... Jan 16, 2021
A comfortable and short manga about a boy who gets sent to a magical world and somehow builds a coffee shop with close to no social skills. I can recommend this to anyone since it can be finished in about half an hour, a full hour if you want to enjoy a cup of coffee while reading.
This is a manga that only functions in a bubble and I suppose only intended to. It tells the story of a socially awkward guy who runs an unpopular cafe in a magical world. They never explain how he built it or how he has access to every ... Jul 23, 2019
Grancrest Senki
The clean art really drew me into Grancrest and the first episode was good... and then it devolved into one of the sloppiest written anime I've ever watched. I really enjoyed some of the character designs and the art was always good but it couldn't help the story.
This is definitely a mixed bag. Plenty of anime can get away with having a sloppy plot simply by being enjoyable. Grancrest is deeply unenjoyable to watch, things are introduced and then happen minutes apart from each other. The ending is an absurd Mass Effect 3 style ending where the bad guy is killing to keep civilization from ... Feb 8, 2019
Psycho-Pass Movie
The animation, characters, story and sound direction were all great for this movie. But, half of the characters are supposed to be fluent English speakers and they just are not. Characters need translation devices to go from English to Japanese or back again... but the English speakers are painfully not fluent. I couldn't deliver lines in Japanese either. Who thought this was a good idea?
The most broken and monotone lines you could imagine break immersion completely. This movie plummeted in my eyes from an 8 or 9 right down to a 6. I have to say this is one of the few times that ... Aug 17, 2016
This anime is amazing. It may just seem like dirty jokes on the outside but it really resonates with me as someone who has seen censorship flourish. We live in a generation where people are offended by anything and everything. We see this censorship as panicky snowflakes scream their outrage and demand everyone submit to their way of thinking.
Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai parodies this authoritarian mindset by creating a world where they get their way at least on the subject of sex. It is a fun and exciting comedy full of energy but it is ... |