This isn't really a review but more like an overview of teh anime, no spoilers but not much details either, focusing on only the 1st season.
"Mushi": the most basic forms of life in the world. Detailed information on Mushi is scarce because the majority of humans are unaware of their existence.
Mushi-shi are those who research Mushi in hopes of understanding their place in the world's hierarchy of life.
Throughout his journey, Ginko, the Mushi-shi travels around the world and helps people dealing with mushi, that the people tend to think of as curses and diseases since most can't see or feel them. Ginko's journey is divided
Jun 5, 2015
Wolf's Rain
Wolf's Rain, known for it's very well made animation and art (for a title from 2003, it's really gorgeous) is a must-watch for every anime enthusiast, and if you ask why then the answer is simple: because it's unique, or I like to think that it is. Taking place in a wolrd ruled by nobles , where the poor struggle to make their living, a lone wolf seeks Paradise. Nothing much is said about that imaginary world except that it looks futuristic and beat up by wars. And speaking of wars, each of the characters seem to be fighting their own wars gainst their fears