So... In season 2 Sunrise robbed Suletta and Miorine of the protagonist position. They moved all their focus to Guel in order to make more money from Machismo fan base. I would consider that as a betrayal to Egalitarianism. If you are here for a story about the 2 female protagonists and Lady Prospera, or about revenge and love, then you should leave immediately.
Season 1 was mainly focused on building the relationship between two protagonists Miorine and Suletta. But the problem between them, the daughter of a murderer and the daughter of a victim, was not talked about much. So naturally we
expect to see season 2 foucing on this part since it's the main plot.
But they didn't. The screen time of the two protagonists were cut down too much to tell their story. The whole season 2 was trying to highlight Guel. If you add up the screen time, Guel got even more screen time than either of the two female protagonists. He became the one to defeat the heroine, to defeat Shaddiq, and the main plot was even about how Guel handled the problem among the Jeturk family. The old main plot among Aerial, Prospera, Miorine, and Suletta was just talked about in the last 2 episodes. Even the second to last episode spent half time on the Jeturk family. Sunrise just took a perfunctory attitude to tell the main plot of Miorine and Suletta and Aerial. Don't forget, their story was about revenge, that's something that couldn't even be handled in 12 episodes. But now, maybe only 2-3 episodes were about it. And naturally, the main plot became really terrible. The seemingly unsolvable chain of hatred and revenge was solved in one word:
Prospera "Your father killed my husband, my daughter, my teacher, my friends, my colleagues, all those innocent people."
Miorine "But we are family."
Prospera "Oh, you're right. I should give up revenging."
It is just like this.
(Below are some details about the alternative Guel main plotline. You can stop here if you are not interested.)
Personally, I would be satisfied as long as I get a good story. So even if the main plot about Suletta and Miorine was ruined, I'm still expecting the alternative main plot to be good. But no. They chose the worst character as the new protagonist which is Guel. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any prejudice against this character and his stan. But his characterization in season 1 decides that he cannot be a protagonist that easily handles all the problems. Shaddiq was structured as the best conspirator in season 1, but he suddenly became naive and easily defeated by Guel. Did Guel suddenly get any training on conspiracy or battle skills? No. Then why a manipulated naive boy suddenly can defeat all strong enemies? I expected to see the Jeturk brothers cooperate to defeat Shaddiq. Their brothership, synchronization, and combination of the wisdom of two people would make more sense to qualify them to defeat the best conspirator in Season 1. But I didn't see it. Guel just can defeat all his enemies. And as for his brother? The main plot of season 2 is about his brother suddenly wants to kill the brother he loves because he blames their father's death to Guel after knowing everything. Yes, after knowing everything. Just will any person with a normal IQ blame this to Guel? It should either be Shaddiq's fault or more reasonably, his father's own fault since his father died because he died on the way committing another murder. But Bundai needs the brother ball. Otherwise, there's not enough highlight on Guel. So they made Lauda an idiot again.
How was Shaddiq's conspiracy revealed? Because Shaddiq's fellow and cooperator Dawn of Fold's kid accidentally run into Guel and totally forgot Shaddiq was doing good for the Earthians and told Guel that Shaddiq was behind this. WTF, why is it so easy to find who's behind this? Ah I see, Guel is not designed to be able to do the detective story but we still want to promote him. Then we let the Dawn of Fold, the terrorist suddenly become idiots who tell kids about the plan to betray their friend who wants to save earthians.
So all in all. Season 2 was all for selling toys. Bundai found Guel was very popular, so they robbed the protagonist Suletta of all the highlights and give it to Guel. Suletta has already made enough money for Bundai, there won't be more growth so they abandoned Suletta and Aerial without hesitation. Meanwhile, because Guel had a naive character design, what Bundai did was to make all other smart, cunning, strong characters idiots so that they can be defeated by Guel in order to show how cool Guel is.
I would consider it a Bundai's cheat.
Jun 29, 2023
So... In season 2 Sunrise robbed Suletta and Miorine of the protagonist position. They moved all their focus to Guel in order to make more money from Machismo fan base. I would consider that as a betrayal to Egalitarianism. If you are here for a story about the 2 female protagonists and Lady Prospera, or about revenge and love, then you should leave immediately.
Season 1 was mainly focused on building the relationship between two protagonists Miorine and Suletta. But the problem between them, the daughter of a murderer and the daughter of a victim, was not talked about much. So naturally we ... |