Tsugumomo is easily one of the worst if not the worst manga to ever be created.
The story is generic and let´s not fool ourselves no one reads it for the "plot" , everyone who reads tsugumomo understands that people just are there to see literal hentai with censorship.If it was a normal shounen with ecchi it would be probably much better.
It´s decent and the fights are actually well drawn.
Dec 1, 2020
Sun-Ken Rock
This story has a simple enough plot , it´s about a guy that confesses to the girl he likes ,and after kinda getting rejected learns that she is going to Korea to become a cop.
He goes after her and by accident becomes a gang member. It´s actually embarassing how bad the overall story is , character motivations change out of nowhere and it´s overall just made so that Boichi can flex his 10/10 art ,If you want to read a good manga with a very strong story this isn´t it. The characters in here are mediocre , there is 0 development and they stay has simple stereotypical ... |