Jan 27, 2023
Had to write this review for my favourite Series. First of All bleach is that dish that you will either like it and became a fanboy for your whole life or you will hate it with core.
While it may not be the case for everyone.
First of All what is bleach?
By reading the synopsis you be like:
A samurai anime wow
Another sword style anime oh
While Bleach is said to be in big 3 it has lot less popularity compared to other big 3 members(naruto and one piece) but its just my opinion but i think bleach is better than both.
Bleach is not a roller coaster of emotion like naruto or one piece or a extremely well written and crafted story like AOT.
BELIEVE ME MAN its not either animation carrying show like demon slayer.
So what the hell is bleach, why do i and so many people like this so much.
Bleach is a fun ride of Great characters and well crafted plot . Pretty memeable and entertaining.
Bleach is not just a shonen where it mc wants to achieve greater heights and excite or inspire the viewers.
bleach main character ichigo don't want to be hokage pirate king etc. Or soul king in sense of this series.
Ichigo's only goal is to protect his friends and family. He was chosen to be a special boy before his birth it was not his fate. He didn't have aspirations to become a soul reaper, my god he doesn't know what that mean before he became one. Ichigo kept fighting for his friends and family which makes him a likable character because he doesn't have his own sense of justice.
Ichigo is not like other mcs who cry out loud their name, ambition, father name, mother name, aadhar card number everywhere. Bleach has so many unique and cool characters but you know why ichigo is still the most popular one. Because he is lovable he cares for people. He is the type of friend you wnat in real life or the type of person you wanna be.
Enough about mc, let's talk about villian, this is a non spoiler review so i ain't gonna spoil the villan name to you but i must say this anime villian is the best villian of all time. Even though he is a great villian you will love him but you won't support his actions unless you are a edgy kid.
That's what make him feel like a true villian.
If we talk about technical things then This Anime adaptation isn't too great at start but picks up later on. If you are planning to watch this series then be sure to skip fillers one which adds no value to the story.
If we talk about animation, then i think animation is weird at first but gets pretty awesome later on.
The legendary art style +good animation adds the scene.
The anime adaptation isn't perfect but worth a watch, you should read the manga too.
I know you may think if the story is not good(as maybe others told you) and the animation is inconsistent why would i watch this?
Well believe me story is great you have to feel it and understand it. Plus character designs are too good i'm sure you will love it and appreciate the authors drawings.
Plus bleach has comedy sequences and its comedy is better than other big 3.
So you should definitely watch this.
Sayonara :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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