Redline is an anime that defies explanation. The movie is seven years and 100,000 pages of hand drawn goodness that seems almost fluid with how godlike it flows. You can tell that the creators and animators loved this and put their heart and soul into this.
At first glance it might seem like just some racing anime with a quirky look, but if you even watch one minute of the anime before the true heart of the racing part starts you see this colorful and unique world. All of the characters are unique and as I said earlier fluid. Everyone looks unique and when the cars
Jan 26, 2021
Sword Art Online
light spoiler warning
This anime is a perfect example of an amazing first half, and then the second half just throws everything away. The first half (Aincrad arc) has some very philosophical ideas of does anything in this virtual world matter especially after so much time has passed, where people are getting married and abandoning the quest to get back to the real world because the virtual fake world has become a better home and is actually safer than trying to get back home. In fact the middle part of the first arc in my opinion was the best part. Along with having funny and interesting ... |