After finishing this tiresome second season, I felt compelled to write the first review for it.
The biggest issue with the show is the fact that all of the 12 episodes lasting 4 minutes, include a recap in the start, and stupidly long ending. If you substract the amount of time going into these unneeded parts from the total episode length, you only have around 2.5 minutes per episode left, which clearly isn't enough time to make the story progress anywhere. After finishing this season, I felt like nothing even developed from the first season.
In addition to that, the show still looks like a Powerpoint presentation,
Jan 18, 2023
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Fine
Overall this was a great finale to Saekano. I loved the both previous seasons and this was such a great movie finale that I'm even going spend my first ever review on it.
Animation was great like before, romance was much better because they decided to have an even heavier focus on it during this movie and the story itself was really well executed. My only real complain was the cut on the screentime for some of the characters in the previous two seasons. Utaha especially didn't really have any screentime during this movie and there wasn't really any development. I absolutely loved the ending after the credits, ... |