Such a crazy work there is it to be here. Disturbing, haunting, chaotic, terrifying - There's not much word that can fathom the disturbing level that this work could produced. Nothing much to say really, but this is just, too disturbing. I would not want to watch this for the 2nd nor the thrice, because that would driven yourself to the edge of a breakdown.
This work isn't just about gore and mutilation, as there is something else need to be told by the director. It's telling about the reality, used to happened life issues in the past. This anime, no , this piece of
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Apr 4, 2014
Hametsu no Mars
Not Recommended
I find myself were quite amazed by how weird this OVA is. It isn't that bad as one might make it to be, and it's sure as positive enough to see that some people that rated this for being bad never once leave anything as to confirmed their agenda for putting this in a very bad slot. I never hate any anime, as I am one of those that prefer to enjoyed something to it's limit.
During the preview, I was bewildered at some moment, presumably felt bothersome the most when I noticed that Takeru is a very weak man even though he is supposed to ... be capable of commandeer a MAR'S Suit. His seiyuu is also very weird, almost incapable of being one in the first place because his voice sounded pretty unnatural when he was "attacked" in the anime. That of course included other cast as well, as almost every girl character has weak reaction against being attack and so on but at some point, they really deserved a bit of appreciation. Some other fact concerning of why one might think of this as a very bad OVA is because of the soundtrack, completely unsuitable to be used during the time it was used and it was certainly borrowed from another artist like Ludwig Van Beethoven and e.t.c..I'm not sure if it was the soundtrack orchestrated by the old Beethoven himself but it's still a borrowed soundtrack from an old musician. At any rate, most of the time, the soundtrack aren't used properly to the point that it might become really annoying especially during the last 10 minutes of the OVA. But of course, it's undeniable that this OVA's strongest point of it being claimed as worse is the character's reaction, and it doesn't matter if it was the bad one or the good side. Either side reaction is terrible, even at the beginning segment when 3 girls are trying to arrest a bunch of weird monster. I kept pondering to myself on why didn't they just shoot those thing. Due to their unprofessional reaction, consequences awaited them..gore is also a strong element in this even though it was only temporary, which fascinated me a bit. Story - Seemed really unclear. I'm not sure whether it is rushed or not explained but I'm sure it was the latter. If they took a little more liberty with expressing more time duration for this OVA, it would surely become more interesting. Art - It's quite all right, but was weak. Still, I forgive so since the animation was created in 2005. Sound - Quite scary for me, regarding the horrible sound effect that were used to describe someone punching something or e.t.c. but I supposed it's not too shabby since older anime also have the same sound. Character - Takeru was weak, but he's not the worse character yet. The other character movement are surely slow to be precise, but that doesn't meant they walked like a puppet. Enjoyment - I don't enjoyed it too much but if you would like to see some of the most hated animation and become bewildered on the example of why mankind has always become really bad in judging, then please, do check this OVA. Overall - Well, I would like to wrap this up soon. It's easy to proclaimed that this OVA has unsuitable soundtrack, stone-like movement for the character, weird voicing at some point, and the sound effect for punching,shooting e.t.c. were disturbing. I think that the storyline does make sense a bit, even when it is incomplete and I couldn't garnered a lot of what it was meant to be..I would have give it a 4/10 because despite of all my complaining, I couldn't ever be possible to create an animated video like this one. Perhaps I could come up with an even better storyline, and even though the animation for this OVA were quite horrendous, I'd realized of the fact regarding to my incapability to even make an animation video as better than this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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![]() Show all Apr 4, 2014 Recommended
Pupa is a new anime based on a bloody and gory manga created by Sayaka Mogi.
Just like the manga counterpart, the anime itself is thick laced with extreme gore and bloody effect. However, the violence was a bit toned down, and it was heavily censored once it was aired in television. The manga itself was extremely satisfying for those hungering for bloodthirsty graphic. The anime version has also managed to almost captivated an audience like me to become entrapped in it's cycle of mayhem, but due to few reason, I had to surrendered a bit before being submissive as I am an entity that lust for ... blood, even though that it was merely drawn. Like many people has already claimed, Pupa were considered to become one of the worst anime ever to become presented on Earth ever since Mars Of Destruction was created in 2005. Pupa is without a doubt has a problem of it's own, but it isn't superbly as awful as people make it out to be because these people that voted negatively for it, were mostly just a bunch of whiny kid that has not much to be talked about in their reality and presumably trying to take all of his/her annoyance onto everybody else available on the internet. If it was an adult rampaging like a mere scarecrow that just got his straw hat taken away by crows, then what you would see there is an epitome of an older man/woman that couldn't bothered to think that he/she should get a job instead of rumbling in thinking that some people would cared to see his/her livid presentation. MyAnimeList is filled with annoyance of these kind, but this is a Pupa review, so I would get back on track. Pupa was presented as a short anime format, given a time constraint of 5 to 6 minutes for each episode that were broadcast for a single episode each week. Nonetheless, back before it was being screened, people were screaming on how tempting they are to witnessed the violence that would be presented. However, once people were given information of the time constraint, many were disappointed, and some even has already published their hatred by saying something like, "This is shit! I want more time to see more gore!, and so on many childish demeanour. MAL community is as bad as it is, and from which once this anime was presented, you can see how terrifyingly horrible it is was for the heart of men. The first episode were given to them whom mostly watched online without the need to pay, and 99% of the watcher dwell in rage as they doesn't have the capability to acknowledged the fact that the gore was censored and they couldn't watched more blood. Let me tell you, the people whom has witnessed the war wouldn't ever be more than willing to see more blood again, even though that he/she is a soldier. War is a deadly admission, and it would inflicted extreme psychological damage into the heart of those that can't faced it. These children that hungered for blood, are mostly savages that has never been on the battlefield and doesn't understand of the true fear of seeing a real botched up body in their eyes. The gore presented in Hollywood movies might make it out to be so realistic, but the truth is even more than capable of victimising you, scaring you enough to become crazy and then you would be hauled to the asylum. I am not a soldier, but I was to be involved in a massacre event that were remained a secret in my nation, and I'm one of the few survivor for such thing that happened when I was younger. There is no way I could provide evidence of involving in an event aforementioned, but hey, this is the internet of course. People might be lying, and an anonymous entity like me shouldn't be believed. While the downside is that I'm instead being a demonic blood hungering crude instead of being the opposite, the effect might be different for people, but still, even though the gore was censored from the animation of Pupa, it doesn't do it right to stamped that material with failures stamp just because of censorship and time constraint. Story- Many people bashed it because of it's storyline was way too horrible and perhaps were non existent at all, but for me, the storyline is there, or else there would be no need to write down a synopsis at all. Let see, the storyline involved of a brother trying to save her sister that were turned into a monster that hungered for flesh. Well, I wonder where the heck could I managed to located such a short synopsis..Hmm?..Most people claims of this having no storyline are baseless, and also since many were to be seeing this series just for the sake of blood, I find myself bewildered concerning on why would these trash would be looking for a storyline in the first place. Though, it is hard to understand what it is trying to tell, as Pupa time constraint were deliberately too short. The ending were a little abrupt, but that doesn't give people the advantages to bashed the ending too. Apocalypse Zero and Genocyber also has a very weird ending, but I don't see these series being mocked all the way to the end of the galaxy. Art - This is where Pupa greatness should be acknowledged. However, many are just too thick headed on screaming failures that they failed to see other aspect that this work should also be credited for. The art for Pupa is chilling, extremely dark and monotonous, completely surreal enough for the theme it's trying to presented. It's literally dark, the atmosphere that is that it is hard enough to see the screen once the censorship began. With the usage of pastel like graphic that Studio Deen used while making Rozen Maiden Zuruckspulen, it fitted against the anime as nice as possible, and hell, Pupa wouldn't be so much enjoyable without it for me. Sound - Such series has presented a deliberately wonderful sound effect, if I say so to myself. The bizarre noise compelled once the feast begin are haunting, as if you were experiencing it by your own self. This series also win for the sound factor, as this is how horror anime should be given with, an extremely realistic and hart sickening sound, that couldn't easily be forgotten. Another also has beautiful and eerily ghastly soundtrack which is similar to this anime and also in the term of genre. Character - Quite a bit of an disappointment here because each character aren't properly fleshed out and some character either gone missing later on or aren't discussed one bit. But, I wouldn't blamed you, Studio Deen, like many other incomprehensible fool around MAL. The time constraint has clearly taken a lot of toll here. However, if you were to properly analysed the main character yourself instead of watching the anime explaining itself, you might managed to guessed out a few pointer. Some people expressed their horrible "concern" of the male main character might be gay just because of the hairclip, but guess what, it was a very important material for him. But, you know, people wouldn't understand another and more likely to mocked him/her if she/he was an anime character. As for the female main character, her situation was very scary indeed, and those with no heart couldn't possibly understand the grave situation these two sibling are involving in. Hitting on her just because she always kept mentioning "Onii-chan?" Well, aren't you a bunch of sceptical and open minded being. Tried getting an adoption for a sister for once, and you understand how hard it is for a real brother to witnessed such a pain that were encountered by her beloved sister. Incest? No. The male character is a true man, trying to helped her sister in every possible way, including of giving away his body and succumbed in endless pain. Enjoyment - Not much to be explained here. If you like watching a series that has a very minor way of explaining thing and let the viewer guessed themselves, then you might as well enjoyed this very confusing show. It is not for the gore fan though, even though it is ripe with it because it also has a storyline that it is trying to tell and a sad one too. But, people clearly doesn't get it and abolished every single factor that is available in this anime. Overall- This show astounded me, as I'd understand of the theme and the hard to grasped storyline. Pupa clearly need a lot more investment into it though in order for it to developed more, as the time constraint given for this show is what driven most of the best part into the wall. Pupa need a lot more time to properly explained itself, and I bet that even Studio Deen would agreed on this. I do hope for a reboot of this show someday. This show is not at it's best at the moment and I do hope that some people would understand the sadness and trial faced by the two sibling that is the main character for Pupa, but all I get is nothing but grief and baseless mockery. Well, I guess that's what you get if you were to given anime to a bunch of children that never learn to appreciate something and were spoiled. Like some of the review here had mentioned but I'd reversed the sentences, very easily does we see a bunch of anime fan that failed in every aspect of trying to judge a series that were should be acknowledged throughout every session inside and out. MAL community are evolving at it's out most extreme patheticness < This is not even a word and some has typed this down and that review has received the most "Helpful" vote. Really? By the way, please be at least knowing to the fact that people would be finding that this review doesn't helped at all. The more "touchdown" I get, the more I shall laugh.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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