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Sep 24, 2022
Have u ever feels regretful after finished a series?
that's what i feels today
come to watch this series simply because of A-1 studios, also with my free time gets a little bit expanded since i only do my final project on my undergraduate.
i watch Aldnoah Zero S1 & S2, 86, SAO, Kaguya-sama, and that experience make me feels that the studios always success to deliver some good stuff, at least at their standard that i familiar with.
that's why i had some curiosity whether this studio will continue their success to deliver good visual & animation or even fail a little bit in this show (and
engage kiss too)
but after finished this series, I feel regret, i feels naive, knowing that "it's okay to watch anime just for the visual"
Let's make it clear,
1. the Plot is simply generic, nothing special, just like isekai that had been milked for some years
Cute Girl Doing Cute Things, that's what this series all about (also add some gun action)
imagine, having adult failed to do their job? then simply let the kid do your job, oh don't forget make them "cute", so people wouldn't realize they are the actual "hero".
2. low quality of characterization, definitely 0 interest (even empathy too) on any character
almost all the character are designed to be "cute", simply just another cheap-waifu-bait (feels good not to get the bait, that's why i hate this show)
3. The ending just meh, not the worst but definitely generic AF
this was my biggest regret, since i do slightly expect the ending will be some plot twist, especially about the final villain.
but it's seems like the director are afraid AF to do some move, they just make sure "everybody happy" at the end.
4. Music is just mid, nothing special
some people might notice this series have some gay element, and yuri too
but since the plot is just trash, i don't care at all
TLDR, all i feels is just regretful, knowing i spend around 30 minutes every week just to watch this generic show
never do this again
Story: 4/10
Animation: 8/10
Characters: 3/10
Sound: 6/10
Entertainment factor: 4/10
Enjoyment: 3/10
overall Score: 5/10 (helped by animation only)
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 22, 2022
Watch this movie as Non-english speaking/japanese, this is great, as a prequel and introduction to Okkotsu Yuta as a character and his relation-original power with his child friend, Rika.
DISCLAIMER : BEFORE i watch this in cinema, I dont read any manga of Jujutsu Kaisen, neither taking discussion in anime forum or even watch video's/fan theory/review about jujutsu kaisen's things. definitely 0 knowledge outside of the 24 eps of anime.
STORY & PLOT : 8/10
even though this is prequel, there's no a lot of information about jujutsu kaisen lore, except for Okkotsu Yuta things. storyline feels seamless, flows without any big plot
main premise "Okkotsu yuuta introduction" is definitely the best thing to describe what happened in this movie, not more or less. but atleast, the execution is good, not even flop in a moment.
CHARACTERS: 8,5 / 10
Well introdcution to our MC, Okkotsu Yuta
this is MAPPA, they seems like never failed to present great artwork and animation style. fight scene is looking seamless just like in the TV series, some noticeable beatiful scenery.
maybe because it's limited by the premise (and duration too), there's no much of fight/action scenein this movie, especially the ones whics makes me high hyped like in the TV series. But in the end, the final fight delivers a perfect execution.
MUSIC : 7/10
this maybe the only i feels a little bit dissapointment. sadly it's all comes from high expectation from the TV series. compared to the TV series, the soundtrack and BGM definitely not as hyped as this one. I was expected getting high hype like when hearing Hollow Purple/ Your Battle is My Battle theme song, but sadly it didn't comes at all. even OP and ED is just decent.
after all, it's not bad music, but definitely way too far from the expectation from what TV series had.
despite being non english/japanese fluent speaking, i'm glad this movie still delivers great enjoyment, even some jokes are translated well, and that is enough for me.
This movie is good, definitely worth to watch in Theatre.
Maybe the limitation from original source, or duration movie theatre policy, it's feels like not bring some highly hyped / excitement from TV series that we expect
it's not bad execution or even flop adaptation, but clearly not the "masterpiece" it self.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 22, 2022
Do you remember or ever had a feeling after finishing a series that you know it's gonna be great from the start, and then you got all what you wanted when it's done?
nah this is what i truly feels in this series
as mecha fans- Sawano Hiroyuki - A1 artwork enjoyer, i have a great expectation and exitement when 86 getting announced.
NGL, They had all combo that can easily bait me.
Let's begin the review!
STORY : 9/10
As i mentioned before in previous part review, this kinda story that maybe not fit for everybody.
Dark story, social racism, war conflict, many deathflag, revenge etc. It's all about
"serious" plot. Luckly it's all have perfect execution. While the part 1 have a big stress on racialism and political conflict, part 2 focus on revenge arc and emotional past conflict between Shin - Kiriya Nouzen - Frederica.
always enjoy A-1 artwork since they did on Aldnoah Zero and SAO. I've never seen they dropped so bad in every episode. Fight scene looks seamless and great, even though it's not classic "gundam robot", sometimes i feels deja vu, that i rewatching Aldnoah Zero especially with calm operator, strategic fighting similiarities between these series. IMO, maybe A-1 is becoming "Mecha Master" after sunrise studios, xD
with that kind of serious plot story, it seems impossible having characters with low development, and this is what happen in 86. Almost all chararacters have interesting background story that bring them to unique character in contribution to the plot.
MUSIC : 10/10
it's SAWANO HIROYUKI boyssss. what more u want? xD
banger music, on point soundtrack is what you will get in this series.
although i don't have big interest on part 1 OP (personal taste, and a bit dissapointment because i think Sawano takes all OP/ED project), but the rest is still great. on the Part 2, i enjoy both OP and ED. it's deliver on point moment and feeling for the episode. BGM on fighting scene deliver exitement or other scene always on point too, and even deliver exitement and goosebumps.
Sawano Hiroyuki definitely is GOAT.
altough get delayed in between, my impression and exitement feeling always be the same great from the start till the end. Even if it's not get any delayed/technical problem release, i think 86 (both part) will be great contender for Anime of The Year.
Overall my score 9,5 out of 10, definitely great series, fresh from the start and perfect execution till the end.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 20, 2021
Bad, fricking bad, horrible
IDK why some people watch this series, even though they are "newcomer", they deserve to get better series, not like this bad anime
i feels sory to this fact
Story : 3
it's all about childhood friend who became closer and closer, than have "special" feeling.....just another garbage recyled premise of all anime that being released
even i swear if this anime released in 2015, it's just being generic mid forgettable anime at that time....because off all mediocre stuff
Character development : 2
cringy jokes, overreact expression, fickle behaviour semi childish is really the worst combination for all of Character development in this series
Art : 4
definetly not the worst, but when it goes to ilustrate the cringy and unfunny stuff, i think it's become worse.
it's like asking Vincent van Gogh to draw cheap doujinshi hentai
yeah, maybe it's good, but u just wasting his legendary talent
Music : 3
nothing special, and even just making the scene more cringie
definitely suitable for cringy underage audience
I must force my self to watch this series just to understand the taste of "normies" aka newcomer anime, it's feels so hard for me
alongside of that fact, even i'm watch this series just to release my inner negative by swearing for this horrible series, and all people who involve in the production, don't know why they proudly present trash series like this
sometimes, even i watch this just find a reason to punch a wall because of this craziness and unlogically story development and all things in this series
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 20, 2021
Mecha + Good & Complex Story + Sawano Hiroyuki => Definitely goes brrrrrrrrrr
There's no one that drop so bad
All is being organized so well, the music absolutely Master piece
Animation as expected from A-1 studio's, always good
but i think this is not good for all people
Dark story, contrast situation are pictured explicitly in this series
This is not kinda Happy Ending series that you can watch for stress relief
but in the otherside, this series give us a reflection about politics, racist and social problem that occur from a long way history untill now
personally, i can give 10/10 for this enjoyment, but i'm kinda a little dissapointed for the Opening
IDK, maybe it's not suit to my taste, or it's just weird why not Sawano Hiroyuki handle the OP too, like other previous A-1 & Sawano Hiroyuki Project
Overall 9 / 10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 10, 2021
Some people might say this series is kinda suck.
I acknowledge that some part of this series is not what majority favor.
but for me, as mecha-action-strategy enthusiast, feels amazed with this god damn anime.
This anime mecha is not the other mecha, that always have "highly explosive" emotion pilot, screaming and ranting for nothing.
All according to plan, cool head, strategically.
The contrast of technology development that present in thiis anime really makes me always feels amazed. Imagine alien technology robot with hilarious "blackhole" armor losing on crappy, rusted, and inflexible robot.
talkinf about music and sound, Sawano Hiroyuki defintely is the best composer and sound designer for anime/movie
series. 10/10 for eargasm. I Say Crierrrrr, even the old musician group like Kalafina success to deliver dramatically Opening. OST and & BGM always dope, i can guarantee. Same vibes that you will get in AOT series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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