Hello, You can call me Arch
So, To begin I would like to say Hello
Nickname: Arch, Archisteese or whatever you like to say
age: I suppose its obvious 15
Likings: as everyone on this website or whatever I like Anime, Manga, Games, Tv shows etc...
Hobbies: well I don't really have hobbies, I just spend my whole day either in school or in my room playing games or watching anime and stuff, I guess nothing else...
Nationality: Moroccan
So my anime "career" I suppose started last year in March I don't recall what day, when I was chilling on YouTube and got bored, saw that one video about Attack on titan said why not watch the show, first I was being lazy to watch it, but after a couple of days I started it, and Wow
I fell in love with the show, Watched the whole thing in like three days to a week, it was a new experience and it was quite one of the best things that happened to me, after that I became the anime guy, 24/7 watching anime, to the level of not sleeping at all for like three days, watching and watching, and now I am here still watching and I don't think I can stop honestly
After that level of watching, The anime guy became the anime games guy, played some anime gacha games like Genshin Impact...
I guess that's all for my anime "CAREER"
Now let's move to my gaming career...Just kidding
Thank you for reading and sorry for the LONG journal
if you made it here don't forget to like...Oops
I hope you enjoyed reading this, I don't really know who will read the whole thing but yeah I wrote it anyway so
Thank you if you made it here and one more thing sorry for the bad English as you can see I am not a native speaker
Bye, and have a good day!
All Comments (230) Comments
but what about the Made In Abyss Movie: Dawn Of The Deep Soul, that was way better than S1 (atleast for me)..
You're welcome