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May 16, 2019
This movie was one of the biggest letdowns of any anime I can remember. I wanted to like this film and it did have amazing art and animation but it just fell short of expectations. It is very much undeserving of all the hype. My score of a 7 would be far lower if it was not for the art.
I was told this was a powerful tearjerker and that it would have been balling my eyes out with it's moving story of a mother raising her two wolf children and all the complications that entails.
That was all a lie. I wanted to enjoy
this movie and it was off to a promising start until it blazes through what could have been one of the most important moments of the film but there is no explanation and the event is never mentioned again. That stuck with me all the way up until the end. The ending is also extremely unfulfilling.
The film promised at the beginning to treat me to something I would mistake for a fairy tale. I never had that feeling. Everything was too practical but all the time ridiculous. The characters are bland and despite having deep and powerful motivations for their actions, it is all implied with little shown on screen. The character Yuki is rather well developed but the major changes that happen to her brother Ame are forced and his major turning point happens for no reason.
All in all, great art and 'eh' story. There are far better films out there.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 23, 2019
I'll get right to the point with this review: Cool visuals, interesting character design, lackluster story.
This OVA has a lot of potential and I get that it's a 3 episode tie-in to a light novel that ran for about a decade. Everything is so rushed and it barely makes an attempt to develop the characters outside of one small arc. We get the gist of the world but this leaves you hungry for story. I am willing to bet that an equal length or slightly longer movie with an all encompassed story would have fared better.
The art was fantastic and the animations are
where this anime does shine. The characters are all designed well and the action scenes are fantastic. Sound design was decent.
If you're a fan of the light novels, you may enjoy this. If you haven't nor ever have any intention of reading them, there just isn't enough here to justify a watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 21, 2019
The third chapter of the Date A Live series lives up to the first two and manages to be a fun, entertaining ride filled with twists and a refreshing level of character development.
The story is solid with each episode changing the stakes for the characters. This season manages to cram several full arcs without sacrificing much from any. We are introduced to new friends and enemies while characters from prior seasons continue to develop and grow. Every episode will keep you on the edge of your seat. A fulfilling ride from start to finish.
The visuals are crisp with minimal shortcuts taken. The art
style is slightly different from the last seasons, to include the character costumes, and that may put off some fans of the series.
My main complaint is now that the protagonists harem has grown to its current size, we don't get much personal time with each of the girls. The series tries quite hard to squeeze it in but it just doesn't work and that is why my score is where it is.
Overall, I recommend the third season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 21, 2019
If you stumbled upon the page for this anime and are somehow thinking about giving it a shot, just don't. It's a waste of time.
Awe man, this one. I believe I watched this on MTV or something a few years back. I didn't understand it then and after reading synopsis now, I still don't get where they were going with this. The story is atrocious and goes nowhere. The protagonist is a twat.
The animation, oh god, the animation. The graphics for the game this is supposed to be based on look better. It's almost like the result of a performance art piece to see
how one could complete an animated work with as little effort as possible. There are some anime that are entertaining because of how bad they are. This is not one of those anime. It's just not fun or entertaining at all to watch. Simply gross.
Overall a total drag and there isn't much else to say.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 21, 2019
Tsugumomo is a funny, entertaining anime with a unique premise and pleasant characters that will keep you watching all the way to the end. Overall, there isn't too much to say about it. If you are looking for something that isn't too heavy of a watch with a bit of a lewd chuckle here and there, look no further.
This series took me by surprise. While not the greatest anime ever made, Tsugumomo has its own special charm that will keep you watching until the final episode. It isn't for everyone but fans of light hearted comedies will be pleasantly surprised. Watching the characters grow
and bond together kept a smile on my face that lingered even after I'd finished.
The animation and sound are superb. Nothing jumps out as being amazing but there aren't any glaring issues, either. The character designs are a bit on the generic side but by no means bad.
The anime does end with plenty of story left to tell and you will be left itching for the second season coming out next year.
I highly recommend this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 21, 2019
I'm mainly choosing to write this review in protest to the sea of negative reviews written by those who clearly don't understand the intent of this anime.
Darling in the Franxx was meant to be a homage to many classic Gainax anime. To call it a cheap copy or plagiarism and not understand that those who made it are former employees of Gainax who made the anime they claim it copies. Several studios collaborated to create this as a love letter to those old series.
To watch this entire series and not grasp that, to me, is mind boggling. The series is a bit
predictable to those who have seen all the classic Gainax giant-robot anime. From the costume design to the ending, it's rather obvious. To call it plagiarism is just silly and ignorant.
I was pleasantly surprised to see all the references to lesser known works such as Gunbuster and its sequel, Diebuster. Gurren Lagann was also present but a bit more subtle. The Evangelion references were a bit more on the nose as I think that they wanted you to know they wanted to tell a similar story with a different premise.
Think of this series as a sort of anti-Evangelion. Instead of channeling one's loneliness, one must channel their connection to others. It's a bit cliche-sounding but this series develops characters and relationships like no other I've seen before. Yes, the characters are whiny. Yes, the characters all make stupid choices and have irrational feelings. Yes, they are at times totally insufferable. They're children whose bodies are rapidly changing and they have no context or explanation for the pressures and hormones that go along with puberty. This is a major plot point (if not the driving factor for the entire story) that as someone in their mid-20s who struggled with puberty, I found to be enjoyable and relatable. We see the characters mature in a way that may not always be enjoyable to watch but I think it is one of the most realistic portrayals of the attitudes of teenagers ever featured in any media.
The story is a bit odd and confusing to take in. My biggest complaint is the somewhat forced explanations for the reasoning behind needing two pilots for the Franxx and the other part about why children are needed. There is a lot of important dialogue early on in the series that has stronger implications toward the end that many likely forgot. From reading some of the other reviews, there are lots of complaints about what happened with the ending. I'll say that what happened was rather fully explained early on in the series and I'm dumbfounded that so many not only missed that but complained about it.
Finally, I'll talk about the art. Fantastic, hands down. The animations are the best I've ever scene in an anime. No expense was spared here and I didn't notice any shortcuts taken to save a buck. Evangelion and Diebuster were plagued with this due to budgeting (the former had a shoestring budget half-ass dream ending and the latter's ending wasn't in goddamn color because they couldn't afford to color it in, not to even get into the use of stills) issues so I like to think the creators did this as atonement for that. The characters are all crisp and rather well designed. The color palettes chosen are consistent throughout and fit the series well.
Finally, the sound. Everything was great here. The music was top notch and well written. Effort was put in here and it shows.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 20, 2019
I'll make this review somewhat quick. Chrno Crusade was simply an alright series. While it has issues, I enjoyed the series somewhat and if it's on your watchlist and you have nothing else you want to watch, go ahead and give it a go. It's not bad but it isn't great either.
The art was acceptable but I couldn't get over that Kids-WB-saturday-morning-cartoon look. Most animations were crisp and clean but there were corners cut, especially with flying characters (ever flying scene was a static character moving around the screen), and the awkward animations of some side characters.
The story was decent and did suffer
from pacing issues. At the start it's entertaining and fast paced (but not too quick) but about a dozen episodes in, the pacing slows to a crawl. Episodes go by with little to nothing of importance happening. There is lots of entertainment to be had in the first few episodes but it's somewhat sporadic after that.
The characters spend too much time being tongue-in-cheek to allow themselves to be taken seriously later on. That being said, the chemistry between the protagonists is some of what helps the series go from being mediocre to just 'okay'. The characters each have their own goal and they work toward their goals as a group and the teamwork aspect was something I enjoyed quite a bit.
My biggest complaint is the latter part of the series. The anime release outpaced the manga release and it shows. Despite the pacing issues, the anime was progressing fine up until a certain point and the story Some aspects of the ending are decent and fulfilling but others just don't make sense and you will end up scratching your head (I'm looking at you, final scene) as they rely on information that we aren't ever shown. The climactic battle upset me as it was quick with no tension. Many events within the series are shown to be meaningless to the overall plot and I found that frustrating.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 20, 2019
I wanted to enjoy this anime. It had an awesome opening and while the protagonist was annoying from the get-go, he was at least believable. It starts strong and then putters out as the series progresses.
Starting off, the art style and animation work is absolutely phenomenal and at no point did it ever falter. Characters are crisp, movements are fluid, and the amount of work the creators put into the visuals is evident in every frame. The violence and gore is top notch and every wound is visceral and fulfilling.
The sound is also superb. No overused soundboard effects.The music could overall have been
a bit better and that is my only complaint.
As for the story, you will be let down. There is much intrigue toward the beginning but then the story quickly develops major pacing problems that plague the narrative up to the final seconds of the last episode. Characters are introduced and killed within seconds, characters that deserve full introduction never get one and the viewer is left wondering why they should care in the slightest about a character they've known for a little over half an episode. Except for several side characters, character development is slow and we get a meager piece of it in the final episode.
Characters come and go without warning and simply disappear with no explanation. Several of the characters have far more interesting backstories than the episodes give them time for. This is especially so with the villains. Antagonists go from being on the side of the hero to simply not with little explanation as well.
There are so many loose ends at the end of this one. There is no fulfillment for the viewer and nothing is explained. There are major subplots that you never see come to fruition. Shiro's backstory is barely explained and her true nature is barely revealed at all. So much is left unresolved that it's frustrating and was honestly upsetting for me. because the investment I had in the series never paid off.
Much is hinted at but it feels like it ends halfway through a season, not at the end of one.
Speaking of that, there are no plans for a second season (at this time) so you'll have to read the manga (which this detracts from slightly) if you want to know what happens.
About halfway through I would have recommended this anime but by the end all I can say is steer clear or read the manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 12, 2018
I had a hard time getting into this one and for good reason. The premise is absurd but not in an endearing way. A society of cockroaches is allowed to live in some guy's apartment because he's too much of an alcoholic slob to do anything about them until he gets a girlfriend or something. A female cockroach falls in love with a random cockroach from another apartment. There's a bit about cockroaches being at war with the humans but it just comes across as odd. It's creepy. The roaches are not endearing and their interactions with humans will make your skin crawl. Think A
Bug's Life but without anything that made it entertaining. I couldn't tell if this was for children or adults.
I'll start with the sound. Any time a human does something, it is loud and thunderous. This is done to give the viewer the perspective of the cockroaches which is a clever idea but in execution, it's too loud and mixed in a way that is painful on the ears. Aside from that, everything is bland and the character voices aren't all that animated.
The animation is acceptable but most characters are simple and there isn't much detail to anything drawn. The animation and live action scenes do blend well. Everything is rather dark and it is difficult to discern what is being shown on the screen.
The story drags. I mean it just plain drags. This film is an hour and 45 minutes and it just never seems to end. Much of the film is just fluff and could be cut. The inciting action and conflict don't come about until about halfway through, before that is just bland drama. There is little action and when it does occur, it is not compelling in the slightest. The characters are one dimensional, falling in and out of love with each other on a whim. The film has a bit of commentary about Japanese culture in the 80s but much of this is lost with the bland dialogue and odd premise.
Overall, I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I watched this one and I would not recommend it to anyone. The minor social commentary is lost and there are better ways to get a feel for the aspects of Japanese society this film was meant to portray.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 9, 2018
Straight from the heart of the OVA boom of the mid 1980s comes Roots Search, a weird sci-fi horror with a rushed, bland plot and the finest mediocre animation 1986 had to offer. I couldn't tell you were I found this one as it had been in my collection for quite a while but I could not recall where exactly I'd obtained it. Probably part of a larger batch with some other equally terrible 80s OVAs.
I watched a sub on Laserdisc. The best part was those sweet refraction effects that just don't look the same outside of Laserdisc.
The story was awful. Quite cliche.
It was a blend of Event Horizon, Alien, and Solaris (I'm aware that two of those movies came out after). That sounds awesome but in practice it was far from it. Note that this is about 45 minutes while those are all around 2 hours. Before the viewer has any real idea what's going on, there is suddenly an alien on a table and everyone is just "huh, that's weird" about it. I do appreciate hopping right into the action but this was a bit too rushed. Much of the early plot implied we knew more than quite literally nothing about the characters. Everyone gets existential for no reason out of the blue. With no prompting whatsoever, characters question life and the nature of existence. The female lead knows the male lead for, what, half an hour before before falling in love with him?
As for the animation/art, poor. Just plain poor. The lines are far from crisp and the characters have wonky proportions. The female lead is the only one who seems to have had any effort put into them. The alien just looks goofy. Environments are bland. The period was known for its painstaking detail and none of that can be found here. The editing is also atrocious. Midway through a scene the action will just stop.
The sound is mediocre at best. The voices were recorded at different qualities, making conversations distracting. Sometimes objects like guns do not make any sound. The music improves toward the end but is just overall 'eh'.
I did not know this was a horror anime until I looked it up on MAL. With that, it was not scary. The thrills are boring. The zingers are bland. Nothing to see here. The ending will make you shrug. No satisfaction at all.
Despite the awfulness, I don't regret watching it. I love the low budget OVAs and I believe they are an important feature in the history of anime. While on the whole Roots Search was trash, it had elements that can be found elsewhere. Will I watch it again? No.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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