All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 71.2
Mean Score:
- Watching16
- Completed232
- On-Hold12
- Dropped1
- Plan to Watch133
- Total Entries394
- Rewatched1
- Episodes4,313
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 11.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries173
- Reread0
- Chapters1,795
- Volumes69
All Comments (19) Comments
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard
eating a burger with no honey mustard."
Wish you a merry Christmas 🥳
(P.S: Jokes aside thanks for the friend request! Nice to meet you lol.)
Thanks for the friend request 😁
Its nice to meet you