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Jun 22, 2024
Despite concerns about there being a new studio and it affecting the quality of the animation, fear not. This season after a 3 year wait is the same old Yuru Camp we all know and love and its as good as ever. From the studio of shows like Tensei Slime and Yama No Susume we are blessed with another season of comfy and cooking recipes. The quality of the animation may different but that doesn't mean its a big downgrade or anything.
While I found season 2s episodes were hit or miss especially the ones without Nadeshiko or Rin, I found this season to have
good episodes from start to finish. There's a few episodes with Nadeshiko that are very strange but overall this doesn't take away from the enjoyment. I also found the overall tone of this season to be sillier than the other seasons and they showed even more cooking recipes as well.
Thus this review ends along with the seasons cycle of watch episode, feel joy, feel sadness then feel joy again when a new episode comes on a week later. Here's to hoping the studio gives another adaptation a few more years or so down the line and we get more comfy episodes to enjoy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 25, 2023
This season can simply be summed up in one sentence with "they are just like us you bigot". The concept of adventurers getting stronger by killing monsters and monsters getting stronger by killing adventurers was too simple of a concept so they had to give us this 12 episode drawn out lecture all because a tiny minority of monsters are sentient. Its reasonable to not like monsters because it should be common sense to not like them, they have killed a lot of people and because a few are "good and are sentient" does not change that fact. This season goes well out of its
way to demonize adventurers and make them look evil which is a startling contrast to season 1 where they were all mindlessly slaying monsters before.
While in season 1 Bell had to work to earn his wins, in this season he wins because plot makes it so and because he "believes" he can win and thats good enough. I know a lot of animes have the main guy do his speeches but with Bell its ridiculous, its like hes using talking no jutsu to beat his enemies instead of fighting them. It feels like hes trying to speech check his way through fights like its some kind of D&D match except his charisma is too low and he fails it every time.
Infuriatingly this is now the second season in a row where our mouthy hero Bell Cranel has had no development and has not gotten stronger, the only thing that has grown is his harem and its now expanded to a catalog of over 10 girls. Can you believe it? 10 girls, ridiculous. As if this show didn't make me groan in agony enough watching it, it decides to flip the audience the bird by going "oh hey, you want to see Bell develop and get stronger? well you are going to have to wait til next season stupid"
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Feb 11, 2023
Not going to lie the first couple of episodes started off promising enough, then it devolved into every other romcom ever pretty much. We are halfway in and the plot still continues to paddle itself in circles going absolutely no where while the two main characters swear up and down that they are not a couple despite not fooling the audience or anyone in the show for that matter whatsoever.
So what do you get out of Angel Next Door? Well you get male MC with as much personality as stale hard tack who for the life of me I cannot figure out why he is
found attractive at all. The other characters are also really annoying as well especially Chitose, she is absolutely unbearable to see on screen. Shiinas blush bombing and getting flustered over the smallest of things might have been cute the first couple of episodes but the fact that she is still doing it halfway into the show gets annoying fast. No one has any real idea why she even became attracted to him in the first place.
If you are looking for a romcom anime experience that stands out, then this show unfortunately and likely won't be it. Which is a shame really.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 24, 2022
People asked the anime gods, can we have a season 2 of Hitoribocchi, can we have a third season of K-ON and the anime gods said yes. Bocchi The Rock is like but not actually the K-ON sequel fans have been waiting years for. I didn't think this would get nearly as much praise as it did when I first started watching this but life is full of surprises.
Bocchi The Rock delivers the anxieties of Bocchi while also delivering the slice of life aspect of K-ON at the same time, its not necessarily the combination everyone was asking for but it seems we are
all glad to get anyways. Im not going to lie some of the scenes felt pretty real to be honest which is surprising for a light hearted slice of life show. Heres to hoping we get a second season and see more of Bocchi.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 9, 2022
When you ask people about what are the best animes a person has ever watched on more than a few occasions Angel Beats will be on their top 10 lists. Angel Beats has amazing animation for a show from 2010, great characters and a really good soundtrack. There are two kind of people who will watch, those who can ignore its flaws and love it anyways for what it is and those who hate it.
On paper it seemed pretty promising, and it got a lot of praise back in its day but to me its execution was greatly flawed. Angel Beats is an anime example
of what you would call wasted potential which is the saddest part about this anime. It spends so much time horsing around then gives you less than an entire episode to reveal a character's backstory before they instantly get snapped out of existence, you don't even get time to process what is happening because the pacing is so god awful. After all you only get 13 episodes which isn't nearly enough.
While Yui and Yuris stories live rent free in my head I can't really say the same about the other characters, their stories either weren't impactful or they weren't even given a backstory at all, they just vanished. Kanades was the worst offender of all with making us wait the last 10 minutes in the entire anime to give us her backstory before dropping a bomb on us all. Sometimes it hits you really hard other times its like "Thats it, I should just cry now"?
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 12, 2022
Lycoris Recoil the number 1 most hyped anime of Summer 2022 folks. Where Recoils strengths lie is its animation and Chisatos character, her bubbly energetic personality carrying nearly 100 percent of the entire show. The sequences between Takina and Chisato are what make this anime and will be the big reason you even watch this show in the first place. You also get some really cool action scenes but unfortunately there are some glaring flaws with the show that you just cannot ignore and really drag down its potential unfortunately.
Lets start with flaw number 1. The DA, I don't know what scarier here, the villains
or the fact that such an incompetent agency has more power than the govt and constantly has to cover up their screw ups from the public which happens well quite a lot. Without Takina and Chisato to unscrew things the DA would just be another useless hack agency that is collecting a paycheque.
Speaking of the DA, lets also talk about Takina. Shes one of the only two competent Lycoris in the entire show. She at least understands her job and her purpose yet gets reprimanded time and time again for it. Were it not for her besides Chisato of course DA would be useless and Chisato would not be able to do her job nearly as well. Despite all of this she carries nearly the rest of the energy for the show.
Flaw number 2, Chisatos obsession with not using lethal force/ "saving lives". For the record no Chisato is not a "female John Wick" not even close. Wick wouldn't hesitate to go lethal when it calls for it. Having this mentality is fine if there's an order to bring in a target alive or the character in question is of great importance. However, sparing the lives of unimportant low level dangerous terrorists and treating them like petty criminals who committed a nonviolent crime not only adds nothing of value to justify the goodness in Chisatos character it is corny and stupid. As if that isnt bad enough her point is contradicted on multiple occasions by her recklessness and letting dangerous terrorists go unsupervised. Her actions in episode 9 alone is enough to make you roll your eyes.
I know what a lot of you are saying "so what is action show who cares"? sure, other shows lack in plot or don't have even close to the best plot but they don't draw near as much of your attention as Recoil does because Recoil keeps reminding you so its not like you can ignore it. Is the show bad and you shouldn't watch it? No, however I recommend you temper your expectations a little bit and try to see through all the hype.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 30, 2022
Finally, a season that breaks the mold and does something remotely different for once. Am I being biased here because Im a night person and like doing things at night? maybe.
The make or break selling point of this entire anime is about a 14-year-old who has decided to give up on school, an education and a career just to go out and have fun at night with a bunch of "older" women. That being said there's three kinds of people when it comes to this premise. Those who find it to be "pedophilic and off putting", those who think wow Kou is such a
lucky guy then there's me who just ignores it and doesn't care either way as they are more focused on other things.
The question to be asked here is what would a 14-year-old boy know about love? turns out not a damn thing and neither does Nazuna apparently as she's even more immature than Nazuna despite being decades older than him. Sure, the premise of Kou "falling in love" is a unique premise in itself but it's questionable on whether or not it's a good one and a meaningful one. After all, considering the MCs age we are a bit restricted on what we can work with especially since Hes far too young to engage in adult activities yet like drinking unlike a majority of the other characters.
The animation is pretty nice, and you get some pretty backdrops which is a nice touch. The plot however is pretty slow to move along however there is just enough new things being revealed each episode to keep things exciting and fresh. This is somewhat understandable considering the manga itself continues about 100 chapters beyond the anime.
If you are looking for a mostly chill nighttime anime this one is a pretty solid choice overall.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 25, 2022
Some people have been waiting almost a decade for a sequel to The Devil Is A Part Timer and a lot of us feel the need to ask, how did it come to this? I normally wait until I am done watching all the episodes in a season before giving a review but I'm not confident the remaining episodes will change my mind much if at all so lets get into it.
Everything about this season is a major downgrade compared to the first season in 2013. The animation is a downgrade with a mediocre at best moe artstyle, the plot has downgraded from glorious comedy
about Satan working in fast food to a generic romcom with isekai elements and the characters most of them get zero development from the first season and are downgraded personality wise.
Its truly a shame because its not in any top 10 lists for this Summer and no one talks about it. Even worse yet if you have the misfortune of being spoiled with the LN ending it makes you want to watch this season even less. S2 is not unwatchable levels of bad by any means but if you are going in to this season expecting the levels of comedy and expression from back in 2013 expect to wind up disappointed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 3, 2022
Machikado delivers yet again for season 2 with great episodes from start to finish and picks up where season 1 had left off from.
Season 2 not only has the light hearted comedy and demon girl/magical girl shenanigans it has the plot development the fans have been waiting 5 whole years for and boy was it worth the wait. Each episode went by so quickly and before you knew it the season came to a close.
So what do we get this season compared to season 1? we get to see Shamiko develop her powers more, we get to learn more about Mikan and Momo and
even some new side characters are added into the mix.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 6, 2022
This one surprised me quite a bit and it ended up being a lot better than I was expecting it to be. As it turns out Love Live has actual plot, character development and more put into it and wasn't just some show that was just slice of life with fanservice thrown in and it called a day.
After spending years putting off watching the show due to stigma I do not regret watching this season.
While at times it can be cringe and silly it has its feel good moments and its sad moments. The songs are surprisingly catchy and the cast leaves a
memorable impression quite well. Shame the 3D scenes are horrible and choppy looking.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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