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Jul 17, 2021
As you can easily see, this second part of the series is incredibly long compared to the first part which made me wonder how they would pull it off. After reading it all, I can answer this very easily: they took from the survival genre to put it on shounen genre. Indeed, Kamisama no Iutoori 2 is a hybrid of survival and shounen genres, unlike it’s predecessor which was more focused on the survival aspect. Is it a bad thing? Not exactly... But you might find yourself partially blinded by the illusion you’re seeing a group of friends on an adventure on certain parts
(generally the longest parts). Personally, my favourite games were the shortest ones, that give more of tha thrill [spoiler ahead] See no Evil; Rock/Papers/Scissors; Sky-High Hopscotch and Judgement Old Maid. [end of spoiler]
The majority of the time, you can predict easily what is going to happen, what doesn’t mean I didn’t find satisfaction from seeing things develop as I thought they would. And it had enough minor twists to keep me entertained enough.
I want to also briefly refer the existence of two “hidden” genres that this series also has, those being ecchi and harem. Do not get me wrong, they will not be the first thing it comes to your mind when thinking about the Kamisama manga, but you better be aware they do indeed exist. If you get heavily bothered with either: almost every female character falling in love with the protagonist OR a lot of panty shoots, you might want to stay away.
One of the things I liked to see was continuity from the first manga to this one. When a lot of things ended up not making sense at the end of the first series, I was sightly afraid of the course things would take. In other words, I was afraid of the mine of plot holes it could have just been made.
Also, actions speak louder than words. I remember the messages conveyed through actions of some secondary characters more than the speeches of the protagonist and his allies.
Now finally, the ending. I had zero expectations about the ending. Often the endings of super crazy survival stories end up disapointing me. They do not live to the hype. See Imawa no Kuni no Alice, for example. The games were way better build, way more entincing than the games on the Kamisama no Iutoori. And I was forced to lower the score I was going to give due to the ending. So my low expectations might have a part in why I thought the ending didn’t suck. I can't go into detail here, but to put it simple, I don't think the ending is what is seems it is. On other review on this page the feeling you get when you end up reading is perfectly depicted as "Everything became pointless". However, this is if you interpret the ending literally. And if you interpret it literally it ends up breaking one of the rules it was disclosed a couple of chapters before. So that's why I believe the ending is not as straightforward. [Minor spoiler?] In other words, I think the ending is a coping mechanism of sorts - If you read the manga you know what I'm talking about - Maybe humans aren't made to be Gods.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 12, 2019
Between season 1, season 2 and the OVAS, Kako-hen is my favourite. In a shoujo anime feelings are important and these 4 episodes didn't let me down.
The problem with time-travelling is that sometimes it almost looks like the creators are trying to seem smart. They try to build a web but that web ends up full of plot holes. This time-travelling little story on the contrary was simple and concise. And when I say simple it is in a good way.
There were some little things that weren't exactlly 100% explained but if we start thinking we can easily feel the gaps (and there are
kind people everywhere to fill you up on information about the manga)
There was just one thing that I didn't understand. Maybe a plot hole? Maybe I'm just dumb? Nanami is still a God when she goes to the past so why Tomoe can't see the mark on her forehead? First I thought it was because he was not a famillier but I think in the first season there were Yokais that could detect the mark on her. She was basically a lighthouse for all kind of greedy beings. So how in the past she could easily pass for a human? Did I miss something?
Anyway, I really liked the pace of Kako-hen, as well as the overall reactions of the characters and the dialogues.
I think this is something that anyone who likes Kamisama Hajimashita can't miss. It's not your regular dispensable OVA, this is honestly very important, a big part of the story. It's not like the majority of the OVAS on series that are there to give you a good time but that don't really add to the plot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 27, 2017
I ended up watching Death Parade today and I can say it's one of my favourites until now (I didn't see that many anime, but still...) .
I enjoy shows about death and afterlife so, before I started wathching, I already knew that I would enjoy it at least quite a bit.
Story 8
For 12 episodes, I must say the producers made a great work. The premisse of this show is incredible. It didn't surprised me the way it was developed, but didn't disappointed me either. The participants on the game of Quindecim were entertaining, with some predictability but with enough innovation to not get the
audience bored.
I, personally, was satisfied at the end of every episode, except for 2, 5 and 7.
I understand why episode 2 was there for and even 5 but 7 was really lacking something, in my opinion.
But the rest of the episodes were really well built and every show seems to need some episodes that are less memorable than the others so we aren't always in "climax". It's possible to not find it in shows, but it's pretty rare.
Art 10
I don't have much to say here. It looks appealing, I am not very good at poiting fails on animations and such, unless something really hurts the eye, what it's totally not the case.
I really like the expressions on the characters and the little details (that I use to notice better in AMVs, after I have seen the anime, when I don't have to worry in paying attention to the plot).
Sound 9
First I didn't get why all the fuss about the op, but after hearing it 3 or 4 times I started to understand. It has a good vibe, theatrical, makes an interesting contrast with the theme of the anime. I grow quite a liking for listening to the whole version of it. I recomend you doing it. It is probably going to my ipod!
About the ending it was quite the same thing. First didn't feel nothing for it, but it really gives shivers when combined with the extended scenes of the episodes (like happened in ep 9, for example).
The soundtrack is really good too, it is something I can listen too even when not seeing the anime, just while doing some study.
Character 7
They are good, for such a short anime. Some of them had development, the secondary characters... well... the ones that participated in the Decim game, yeah, they were great for secundary characters pattern.
Then we have Clavis that is there just to make the elevator go up and down. But he's a nice touch to the scenary, at least. It doesn't bother at all!
Same with Quin an Castra. Such nice designs, I will forget them in a blink of an eye, they weren't that relevant.
And Chiuki still seemed a bit vague to me, even at the end.
I like them all though! I could somehow create a connection to them, and I hope you all can do that to.
Enjoyment 9
This was an enjoyable anime, I think almost everyone can agree on that. The ones who think the anime is deep, the ones who sees it like a good way to spend time with popcorns, etc
And it is! It deserves a watch, so I recommend to all!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 9, 2017
Hi again!
So, watching this season was a really pleasurable experience.
Story (10)
This one has a very good thing that the previous seasons didn't have. It's canon, it was manga based. So I feel I can take it seriously.
I mean, I liked the ending of the first season, I enjoyed the second season but I put that things in my hands and I think... "where I put this in the storyline?" because I know that the manga will lead in a different way.
So I kinda see the endings of the two seasons like alternative endings.
I don't know if I already said it
but I would have prefered that the second season would just focus on Alois and Claude without putting Sebastian and amnesic Ciel on the middle too. It left things kinda messy.
But back to this season: I really liked the concept and development of things. It felt more organized overall. It has mistery, has some lines to think deeply about, and actually I don't see any problem with the story to point out, really.
Art (10)
It's absolutely gorgeous. It's different from the other seasons and it's not in a bad way. What got my eye first in the anime (first season) was the visuals. The art caught my eye, I read the resume, started watching, fell in love. Simple as that. And the art is still one of my major pleasures in this anime.
Sound (9,5)
Badass opening song and beautiful ending song? Checked
Good voice actors? Checked
Cool soundtrack in general? Checked
Yeah, it was very good!
Character (8):
Oh, here I can point out a few things.
I really like how imperfect the characters of this anime are, I probably already said it.
The old characters keep being awesome and I really grow to like some of the new ones.
But there are some of the characters in the circus that didn't have their "time of show". I mean... what we know about Peter and Wendy for example?
I understand it's difficult to develop so many characters in 10 episodes, however.
Enjoyment (10)
Overall: 9,5
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 5, 2016
Ah, Karin chibi vampire, actually my second anime.
What I have to say about it?
For the story there are two things that annoy me "a bit". First, why she had to be different from other vampires? That sounded so cliché, i would prefer Karin to be a normal vampire from the begginning.
She didn´t needed to be different from others, a romance between a vampire and a human is very commun but between a special vampire and a human gets even more commun afterall.
Second... I hated the ending. Unconsistent, fanservicing... and why that drama with the characters if in the end they... well... who
saw the anime knows what I am talking about. I was so wtf was that drama if they all were well?
Elda romance story had a good concept that ended up not making too much sense.
And Karin and Usui are not much of a strong couple.
But of course there were some good points on this anime.
The fact that the vampires are addicted to traits of a person is very well thinked (example: Ren with stressed people).
Loved how the characters were all so different between them.
Winner was annoying but I really shipped him with Maka.
Karin`s voice was so annoying by the way... but I like the opening.
And the art style is good, not the best, but plain good.
My favourite characters of the show were Ren an Anju, brothers of Karin.
I kinda crushed on Ren, I have to admit, and Anju was just adorable (lacks a little bit of personality but had the potencial).
I also loved the bite scenes.
Oh, one last thing... that chapter with "Yaoi fanservice" was just there because... no reason. Totally unecessary.
In conclusion, it`s not a anime that I recommend.
But if you don`t mind a little fruity anime with chibi vampires you can try to watch it and possibly you will enjoy it.
Story - 5
Art - 7
Sound - 6
Character - 5
Enjoyment - 5
Total score: 5
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 5, 2016
Well, what can I say about B Gata H kei?
I don`t watch much ecchi anime but this one surely deserves a watch.
I ended up enjoying this way more than I though I would.
It felt so strange but yet I could`t stop watching (I was not famillier with ecchi at the time I saw this anime)
Story (7)
Well... the story is simple but well developed in what could had been developed.At least in the ecchi padron. It`s not to be taken too serious. What this anime has as a special talent is the humour!
I found the humour of this anime very
good, I actually loled a few times and I`m quite hard to please.
But I think that sometimes it went overboard, like when Keiichi arrived from the airport, it was excessive the "princess and the handkiss" scene.
The animation acompanies the humour 10/10, top level, with things like facial expressions, methaphors (like Yamada turning into a wolf), signs, funny censurs and much more. What brings us to the:
Art (9)
Very cute, well made, goes well with the anime, and, as I said, added humour to the scenes that were, just by themselves, funny.
Sound (6)
The opening and the ending are almost childish, but, even so... it ended up matching the anime. I confess I skipped the ending in the majority of the times, but I found the opening amusing.
The soundtrack and sounds are well putted in general and the voices are not sooo annoying, just on that line of funny. After all... this is a comedy ecchi, did you expect voices too serious?
Characters (7)
I... loved Yamada. Some may say that she is a bitch and not a "good girl" but... that`s exactly why I like her. She has bad intentions and the animators didn`t tryed to hide it.
She is a perverted girl that wants to have many sex partners and ends up taking advantage of Kosuda (the shy virgin boy). She is vain also.
Well... I like that she is not the typical shy girl that ends up accidentaly naked in front of the boy that accidentaly touches her breasts or other part of the body.
The situations are not stupid accidents, she planned that, and even the occasional accidents were natural and she was asking for it.
And her Tsundere side is evident but funny.
Kosuda is the opposite of Yamada, he likes her, and wants to do what pleases her. He is shy and the perfect match for Yamada.
The other characters are kinda "eh". I like Yamada´s friend, she is almost the mother of Yamada.
And Kyoka, the rival of Yamada, surprised me in a good way, she was not very previsible and hides a secret that is kinda chocking.
I probably will rewatch this anime someday, it´s hilarious.
If you are a kinda pervert you definitly should give B gata H kei a watch!
Total score: 7
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 5, 2016
I already reviwed the Inuyasha first season so why not keep the spirit?
First... this serie got rid of the amounts of fillers so this is the first positive point that I have to absolutely point out.
In other hand... the first 2 episodes seemed a bit rushed in my opinion, especially the first one.
Well... we are used to series starting a bit slow but this started like a bomb and got me "ei, ei, slow down, why everything is happening so sudden?"
But the rest of the serie was made absolutely amazing, every episode was there because it made sense to be there, it felt
great. Even the ones that don`t develop the story are well positioned to make us breath a bit, if you know what I mean.
And all was well until the final that spoiled a bit for me. I was expecting better for the final, it was not an absolute desilusion but I did expected better and [spoiler alert]What.was.that.kiss? Totally out of the blue, I know this is not a shoujo anime but even so...[end of spoiler]
It was not just that that spoiled the ending, it was the ending itself that was not so good as I was expecting.
But, even so, the story is a 7.
The art is 9 for me! They improved since the first season, characters got more tridimensional in a good way.
The sound continues a 8,5 for me also.
The openings and endings are even more memorable than in the first season, I still have the song "With You" from AAA and the "Diamond" on my ipod.
In contrast I don`t remember the soundtrack, maybe it was not so memorable like the first one? But sure wasn`t horrible, or I would remember it being bad.
I think I concentrated to much on the story, ups... sorry?
Up from 6,5 to 7,5 on the characters level.
I ended up loving characters that I didn`t before like Kikyou, Kanna or Kagura.
The characters were less undecised than before, maybe because the rytm of the story also changed to fast.
But no, I still don`t like Naraku as a villain. I can`t even hate him, he is too rat to be the main villain. As I said... not a fail, but not a memorable villain.
Enjoyment is still a 8. I was so amused by this season as I was by the first one.
Sorry if this review is short, I already made one on the first season and said too many things that it would be kinda useless repeat here.
Total score: 8
In comparation with the first season: 7,6 ---> 8
This season is overall better
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 5, 2016
Well, first of all, this is my first review, what is fair, considering this was my first anime.
And, as so, one of my absolute favourites.
The story... I gave it a 7, so, good.
I really liked the concept, the world that was build.
A feudal era with fantasy. It`s very enjoyable. There are parts of the show that are funny, there are parts that are serious, there are romance scenes and the fight scenes.
And the balance between all of these factors ends up being very good in my opinion.
Many people must not thing so but why?
Because of the main problem of this
anime. The repetitiveness, that, for what I have been told, it`s the main problem of the shounen animes in general.
The fight scenes start to get a bit overused, the jokes are used many times, the choice between Kagome and Kikyou starts to annoy you a bit.
I don`t mind so much, since, as a said, it`s very commun. If you see an anime with more than 100 episodes you`re already suspicious of this "repetitiveness". But of course I penalized the story of Inuyasha because of this.
The begginning is gorgeous, the middle is repetitive but, yet, good, and the end is kinda... an extension of middle, with no much climax. But I forgive this because there are a second serie, continuation of this one, with the "real end"
The art in Inuyasha is very beautiful, in my opinion. This anime is kinda old, but has many beautiful traces in the characters. It`s easy to confuse some secondary characters, but there are so many, drawing them all different is a difficult challenge.
I will give it a 8, for very good.
Talking about the soundtrack now. Inuyasha has an amazing bunch of openings and endings, every one different of another. The soundtrack itself is good also, I still remember some characters themes. The music is so good, in fact, that I was between a 8 and a 9 here... and gave it a 9.
The characters are between fair and good, 6,5. They are not copys of eachother and they have personality and even some development. But then, there are the negative points... everytime a character has some development... the next episode comes and put it all on the starting point. At least I feel it, especially on the romance of the principal couple and on the secondary couple. [Bit of a spoiler starts] Inuyasha can`t decide between Kagome and Kikyou and then makes a decision only for, a bunch of episodes later, be undecised again in the exactly same circunstances. The same happens to Miroku [End of spoiler]
The character that had a visible and perfect development was Sesshomaru. Not so rushed, but it didn`t take unnecessary backsteps.
Kagome had a kinda development also, is easy to identify with her, you see? Also Sango, she is strong and a lovely character. And sweet Rin, of course, I love her so much.
Inuyasha and Miroku was the ones who was always doing the same mistakes once and once again.
Also, I didn´t like the main villain. He is cruel and coward, and that`s o.k, but sometimes he did pointless things that got him exposed, I don`t remember concret examples, was so long ago i saw the anime. He is not a dumb villain we can laught of but there are no charm on him as an intelligent and manipulative villain. He is manipulative but... don´t know... something was lacking. He is not a character we look at and say... "DAMN, that was one unforgetable villain"
[spoiler]Actually, I felt more conected to Naraku`s offsprings than to him itself (even Hakudoshi was better)[End of spoiler].
The enjoyment is a very good, a pure 8!
I obecessed over the anime at that time and was sad when it ended.
It`s an anime that I recomend, especially for young teenagers.
But my dad enjoyed also so... free age, and a friendly anime for family!
Total score: 7,6
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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