About me
The best way to sum up everything about me.
Anime is Life.
PLEASE I BEG YOU. Recommend me some anime! I am crying in a corner with nothing to watch. I am not kidding. I crave a good anime Arggggg!
PS: PLEASE DO NOT READ BELOW. It was written pre exam period and I get weird during that time. I am also a different person and not the person you think I am?

I am at university now :O Omg srs? A person with as much procrastination as me can make it in? Oh wow. I could be in a life skills course for all you know xD Your a awesome people. Thanks!
Study study study. During school, we have 7 years of study... After school another 4 years for university study study study. All that to get a job and work work work. Wow. Sounds tough. Yes... Really fun heyy? Much wow. As I am typing this my finals are in 1 day or 9 hours away and yes its like 3am. oh wow. Anime is life :) Why can't I be naturally gifted in everything. Or just marry some rich girl, oh wait this isn't anime and im not some hot Kpop guy. Damm genetics.
Update: I can't study for exams. Im burnt out! I'm rolling on the floor, tears dripping... I am currently worshipping my Hatsune figure, kowtow after kowtow... Oh yeah, she hates me teaching her finance, but I thought I was teaching her really well! Ohh yeahhh sasukeeeee x naruto! omg triple xxx hunter x hunter. teach me senpai. BY THE WAY! Did you know that HISOKA has GREAT ABS!!! <3 Im not gay I swearrrrrrr.
omg bro super sonico towel smells so good! oh wow. The parfum too stronk. I am lelouch and my geass shall command you to!!!!! Help me study.
Oh wow so lame. Can you be Hisoka to my Gon? kekekeke. My MAL freinds like are disappearing faster than the amount of wow's I have used.
Umaru is so kawaii. I just... I J-just wanna... watch her sleep.... Oh wow. Nothing else, though, I am perfectly sane.
Guess what people of bikini bottom? If you sit like L, you will actually do not study better. You wanna know why? That's because you dream about how dreamy L actually is! And that's distracting! But not as distracting as Prison school's ultimate echhi hana x kyoshi scenes. GAWDDDDD KANA IS SO HOT, but eww her fetishes are weird. Not as weird as me tho.
Furthermore if you stare at figurines for a long time, nothing f***ing happens! Oh wow! I cant believe I have wasted so much time and money. Oh wow Nagisa from assassination classroom is so hot. If it looks like whatever then it is whatever. That is implicitly stated in the conservation of matter by Galileo Miku. I should ALSO mention that you should have your figurines all watch anime with you. That way, you aren't tempted to use your mouse with your left hand. I think I have murdered peoples brains and transmitted a weaboo infection. Don't worry, the holy land of Nippon can cure that.

Depressing stuff aside! Feel free to talk to me about whatever. I like Hearthstone? Maybe Starcraft? A bit of League? Maybe Summoners war? But I know I love anime.
Quote "Tomorrow is the best time to do your study you organised for today!"
AoniumZSenpai~ 2014
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