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Dec 17, 2021
Edo period. Decapitation. Evisceration. Disembowelment. The breaking of Gods weld. Interchangeable arms. Good guys (are there really any?!?) cavorting with bad guys. Powerful women. Not like the stronger they are the less clothes they wear power but true powerful, intelligent, skilled women who are looked upon as equal threats. The Japanese version of Dr. Frankenstein. And romance. Yes I said it, romance. The blood saturated snow is soaked in romance.
Mugen no Juunin: Immortal makes the Godfather Trilogy look like a birthday party at your mother-in-laws house. Not your cup of tea?
Go back and watch another season of Pokemon.
Nice ending. Not like Cowboy Bebop ending but nice.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 22, 2021
Goblin Slayer piqued my interest when I came across the uncut series on amazon prime, which means boobs. And I was not disappointed. Those (.y.) and an amazing amount of gore. But why rate it 10?
The first eight episodes proved that Goblin Slayer has a good story line and some decent character development. Then along came episode 9. And it wasn't the whole episode. In the middle of ep9, two battle tested veterans, one retired from battle and the other still engaged in war meet privately. The retired veteran, who has been publicly honored for her feats on
the battlefield, confides in the other of her fears; who can she confess to because she has been anointed a hero? No one would believe her or worse understand the demons she faces alone. How can she ask for protection?
The protected, not in their darkest dreams can ever taste, hear, feel, smell or see the horrors that those who take on the dogs of war have had to endure. The protected just do not understand or worse offer pity. Only another veteran, someone who has chewed the same dirt as her, who has smelled the battlefield and tasted the blood of the enemy would/could understand her fears. She begs her fellow veteran, "Please tell me you understand, because no one understands, no one notices that the terror is still alive in me. I want to know how to change that."
Her fellow veteran, he cannot offer salvation from her fears but offers her solace. "If any goblins appear, call me. I will kill them for you."
"Even if they're in my dreams?"
That promise of one veteran helping another provides strength to carry on.
The demons you cannot see or fight that I do are the worst and it's the shared experiences of one veteran to another and the promise to be there when it gets bad that helps us fight our unseen battles. One veteran helping to pick up the others cross helps us to make it thru another day, another unseen battle. This is why I rated Goblin Slayer 10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 26, 2020
Great Pretender is an anime that you either love or hate as I believe there will be very few in the middle on this one. I am one that loved Great Pretender. If you didn't, no shame from me; art is in the eye of the beholder.
My first impression: I have a feeling the people who created this gem grew up in the 1960's due to the vibrant colors and the jazz music that greats you with every episode and again throughout the 23 installments. This anime just brought me back to a time in TV when color was
new on the small screen with colors that were chaotic and music that was just as diverse. But I am now dating myself ...
I also found Great Pretender to be the anime version of Ocean's Eleven.
My only drawback; I felt wanting to know more about each character, not just Laurent and Makoto. There is character development and wonderfully woven into the overall story for Cynthia and Laurent with Makoto's being told as the story progresses and you may be fine with what is provided, I just wanted more. The producers did leave the ending open, if you will, for future exploitation and I hope they do, so don't turn off the program when you see the final credits or you will miss it.
If you are an old schmuck like me, you're gonna love this anime. If you are 10, 20 or even 30 years younger than me, I would recommend Great Pretender in a heart beat.
Thanks for reading this and enjoy Great Pretender.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 29, 2019
Under the Dog. It had potential but one episode just isn't enough to build the characters and story plus I found the battle scenes over the top and not realistic. Bottom line is, I want more.
I am a US Army vet w/ time in Iraq driving convoys, so I am always interested in how anime treats the US forces. As far as the equipment goes, up-armored 5-tons were spot on as were the multiple variants of the humvee and yes, there is a variant just for the TOW Missile system. My issue is this: How can combat hardened
vets of probably of both Afghanistan and Iraq be such piss-poor shots and one girl, Hana can take out soooo many. Case in point: We learned our lesson in Vietnam. For every enemy killed it took almost 1000 rounds to do so. Re-thinking the M-16 weapon system, tactics then training brought that ratio down to a much more reasonable level. Aim, breathe, squeeze. A rifleman ( sorry ladies, you too, we had some fantastic female shooters in my platoon ) in both the US Army and USMC can take out easily, a target from 0 to 300 meters. I don't buy the amount of casualties just Hana wrought on combat hardened vets. Plus the 30mm on the nose of the Apache firing in anger into the building would have ripped her to shreds. If there were any pieces of her left they would have been dripping off of the walls.
Hana's sniper partner, Estella is an amazing shot. Well trained snipers can wreak havoc on the battle field, demoralizing troops. And she was doing just that and doing it well. My issue is the distance she was tasked to fire. The world record for longest distance was set by a Canadian sniper team in the mountains of Afghanistan at a distance of over 1.5 miles ( 2.4 km ) and she was taking out targets at a farther distance with her enemy snipers being concealed by a low wall and some of her targets were inside the building. The glare of the sun on glass window panes would have concealed any of her targets. I don't buy it and I don't say this b/c she or Hana are females. Not realistic.
I like reality based anime and don't mind creative licensing but for me this was just too much plus the creators tried to shove 10 pounds of shit into a 5 pound bag. Too much and not enough space to do it in. Add a couple of more episodes to give us a back story and what is the underlying theme of the story and then go from there. Plus make the battle scenes a little more realistic. So for now, a 5 is all I can give it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 11, 2019
Perusing some of the other reviews, I am beginning to think I was a bit generous w/ the 5 I rated Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei.
It starts out decently and promising: New kid starts freshman year at a school for mages where his sister kicks his ass in the placement tests and so he gets placed in the "magic for squibs class" and gets his wand taken away so he doesn't hurt himself or others. I will leave the rest for you to find out.
So why a 5?
I can't stand an anime where one or two characters are omnipotent; can do
everything/anything imaginable but can't be killed even at point blank range. Nothing phases them but they can kill anything and/or anyone from around corners, blindfolded or limb(s) missing and they still are able to get off a miraculous kill shot. This anime goes way the f&#k overboard w/ the omnipotence, so much so I don't think Jesus Christ could kill Tetsuya on a good day. Heck Satan would not stand a snowballs chance in hell in killing Tetsuya.
The saving grace for Mahouka, and probably why I rated Mahouka so high, it is not episodic; each arc lasts several episodes w/out getting dull unlike DeathNote, which should have ended at episode 30, but I digress...
Several members rated Mahouka very well and that is great, beauty is in the eye of the beholder ( just for comparisons sake, I rated HoTD 10 and it wasn't for the obvious, read my review, lol ), this beholder says Mahouka is not worth the price of admission nor your time unless you need something to marathon while you recover from the flu.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 10, 2019
First off, I do not have any issue w/ NETFLIX producing and offering anime into western homes and I will continue to watch said anime. Unfortunately, Hero Mask bit the big schwanz. The plot is solid as is the art and character development. All the music is top notch. Some of the reviewers complain about anime becoming too westernized. Guess what: Too bad Charlie. Anime has become globalized and because of that simple fact, anime will pick up influences from ALL across the globe.
So why did I rate Hero Mask w/ a 5? This is
what you may call a true crime story, based upon some type of realistic scenario which means it needs to have some type of realism.
1. Gun fight in tunnel. James Bloods' car is getting peppered at point blank range and nary a bullet pierces the drivers side door. His story line should have ended right there in the tunnel but he walks away w/out a scratch.
2. James and Sarah are fleeing on a motorcycle. Chaser calls his superiors for a weapons drop, somewhere. That somewhere happens to be on the roof top of a 20 story building. How in God's name does the bad guy get up to the roof of a 20 story building, assemble his sniper rifle and take several shots at the fleeing James and Sarah? I work on the 24th floor of an office building. Getting thru security, waiting for an elevator AND if everyone on said elevator is going to the same floor I am, that whole evolution will take roughly 10 minutes. In that 10 minutes, I could walk out of range of the sniper.
3. For lack of better names, Boris and Natasha jump out of a twin rotor helicopter and start shooting the hell out of a building and those inside. THEY NEVER RUN OUT OF BULLETS! nor do they change magazines. The amount of lead the two of them put down range is impressive to say the least. Combat load is 210 rounds for an M16/M4 which is for arguments sake, 7 magazines. These two yahoos pop off several thousand rounds without changing mags nor do you see any mags on them. Gimme a fucking break.
4. I believe it was Fred Faraday that an assassination attempt was made while he was being transported to a safe location. What looks like a .50 cal sniper rifle was employed to do the job. I am basing my edumacated guess on the muzzle brake. Good choice. If this was the weapon that was employed, not only would the prosthetic hand have been removed, but so would have Freddy's head. With a .50 cal, you just have to be close and body parts come off. If you can find the actual footage, there is video of Canadian snipers in Afghanistan that have the record for the longest sniper kill. Watch the video and you will see what I am talking about.
5. The good guys: One shot one kill. Bad guys: Could not hit the broad side of a barn at ten paces.
These 5 examples killed the series for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 25, 2018
Netflix currently ( Winter 2018 ) has this in their queue. This is where I will tell you that the Fate franchise is my personal favorite and when Netflix began to hype Apocrypha, I eagerly anticipated it's release. Netflix has Apocrypha broken down into two seasons so please don't send hate mail when I mention season 1 or season 2. This is where I will now tell you how disappointed I was with Apocrypha. The rating I gave it, 7, is generous and due in entirely to the last 6 episodes. Season 1 would have gotten a 1 if MAL
split Apocrypha the way Netflix split it.
As a few other reviewers have mentioned, if this is your first Fate anime, go back and watch Fate/Zero then /Stay Night in that order then watch Apocrypha. If not, this may keep you from watching what is a fantastic franchise.
The first season in a word: Sucked.
You need a program to follow who is who and who is with who, there are a lot of masters and servants. I do like the historical aspect of all the servants, wanting me to research the histories of each one. Tho, I will confess to dipping into Disney's vault: My wife walked in while I was watching Apocrypha and asked what I was watching. I said it was an arc of the Fate franchise and then started to explain what was going on. A confused look on her face made me change gears ... "That's Phil and that's Achilles from 'Hercules'" ... that cleared everything up for about 5 seconds ... and then she left the room and me in peace.
I liked the servants A-1 chose, it just seemed like overload. What would have made it better if Vlad spoke Romanian in both the Japanese and English releases and pitting Vlad against Frankenstein.
The OST for the first season was as bad as the anime.
The anime just didn't flow well, artistically. At times, I thought I was watching an old re-run of Scooby-Doo.
The second season in a word: Better.
The battle scenes I found were intense. The OST was worthy of the Fate franchise. If you have a sound system for your TV, turn it up and enjoy. I found some scenes that were morphing during battles reminded me of Casshern Sins. If you pay attention, you may figure out why Bluebeard is infatuated with Saber ( who he thinks is Jeanne of Arc ) in Fate/Zero and you may see a familiar face as well.
As characters were eliminated in the second season, it is a battle royale after all, it tugged on the heart strings abit.
If I were to have written the ending, I like to think that is the way I would have ended it.
There are other things I would like to write but I would end up in spoiler territory.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 8, 2014
It has been several weeks since I watched Fate/Stay Night TV Reproduction and the writing of this review so that I could let the dust settle and hopefully give a good review and keep the emotional fluff at bay.
First off, if you are thinking of watching this to get an idea if you want to watch Fate/Stay Night, do yourself a favor; take the time and watch the whole series, it will be worth your time. My humble opinion is the TV Reproduction wasn't meant for you, though please note, I am not telling you not to watch it.
Fate/Stay Night
TV Reproduction is fast paced, moving quickly from one scenario to the next, with no time to absorb what is going on. But that is ok. What I found in this version is if you are needing to fix that Saber jones but don't have the time to re-watch the series much less marathon it, then this anime is for you. This 2 episode series you can marathon in one night fixing that Saber jones you got that needs fixing. For some strange reason, the fast pace nature of this anime slows down a bit during the "tryst" between Shirou, Rin and Saber....or was that just my imagination....
One of the items that solidified the series Fate/Stay Night as a 10 for me was the op theme, "disillusion". In the TV Reproduction, it gets a re-make as "disillusion -2010-". Most musical re-makes , to put it bluntly, suck. Not so with the re-make of "disillusion -2010-". Like the TV Reproduction, it is fast paced, to the point and is well worth downloading.
Enjoy this this two part series for what it's worth, a quick paced shot in the arm.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 27, 2011
High School of the Dead, it's supposed to be a simple story of a band of students trying to survive Armegeddon and zombies. For me, I found a something more. Alright, settle down and let me explain. The way the anime starts off each episode with a light teaser then BAM, you are grabbed by the throat by the opening track and are treated with Rei brandishing a Springfield Super Match M1A rifle, scanning the horizon and then your eyes treated to gratuitous and flirtatious poses of the women that make up the gang of H.O.T.D. OK, I am interested. There are plenty of
jiggly boobs and if panty shots were a drinking game, I'd be comatose in a corner with drool hanging from my chin. Oh don't forget the zombies. And Netflix doen't sensor. I read many a review with viewers bitching that the tub scene was edited. Too bad. Like I said, Netflix doesn't sensor. All that gets me to a 7.
I don't know if there is a technical term for what I am going to explain, so bear with me. The details of the weapon systems and military vehicles were spot on. The way that the characters were designed and the colors that were used throughout the anime were incredible. Once you get beyond the bouncing boobs and panty shots, there is an actual, intense story that is being told.
The hummvee that is acquired by the gang is an M1025, used by the USMC. What gives this away is the exhaust stack running up the rear, port quarter and the intake stack on the right side of the windshield. Other details of the vehicle that stand out are the winch, the ignition switch, the correct location of the lights and reflectors...it's details like that prove to me that the producers went out of their way to make a good anime. The scene where Takashi is in the prone supported position, firing the aforementioned M1A, using Rei's chest as the support. With each shot, her chest moves with the recoil. Here, we can use Newtons 2nd Law of Motion, F=ma, which states the sum of all forces equals mass times acceleration to find out the velocity of her chest caused by the recoil of the rifle (as I am only in the 1st half of the 1st semester of physics, I may have quoted the wrong formula). Then there is SGT Minami, who cooly lets her spotter know if he wants to cop a feel of her girls, he is just gonna have to out shoot her on the range.
My score moves to an 8.
The story itself, touches on some thought provoking subjects, especially in the last couple of episodes. Saeko's sadistic kinks and how Takashi manipulates Saeko so that she can be released from her bonds to accept her kinks ( I don't know if kink is the right word, but her sadistic tendencies are an intricate part of who she is and why she fights ). The ugly and tangled web that is the relationship Saya has with her rich, powerful and influential parents. Armageddon and how do we survive tomorrow and the Russians and the Americans will go down swinging, till the bitter end. 9.
So what is it that makes this a 10 for me. It was only one moment, that I knew this anime was something truly unique. As the credits were beginning to role on the close of episode 1 ( or so I thought was the end ), the closing track begins to play...a few measures of a piano and guitar, then an explosion of notes and vocals as the rest of the band joins the battle. That voice...the pipes of the lead singer and the harmony of the backup singer intertwined with the notes being thrown about by the axe wielding guitarist. I want to hear the song again and rewind but I notice something...the picture in the center of the screen. It's of the whole gang, and then the camera starts to pan back...it's like an impromptu bulletin board in NYC, right after 9/11. Messages of desperation, emptiness and pain. I close my eyes and that song, "Kimi to Taiyo ga Shinda hi", it grabs me and throws me behind the wheel of the Beast, and we are charging hell bent down some god forsaken, desolate highway in the desert with the sun barring down on my left side. The fate of our convoy is sealed, just keep on charging forward, that's all we can do. That one song and the way the producers ended the first episode and every episode thereafter. The emotions that were generated at the close of ep1 is what took HOTD over the top for me. I know, I don't know what I am talking about, it was just a zombie movie.
A special thank you to Angus for recommending this anime. You recommended it for the obvious, I appreciated it for a whole lot more.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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