The creator of Naruto series is written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto sensei all he had to do is to create one of the greatest manga work and eventually lead to anime adaptation by one of the significant studio by Studio Pierrot for visual treat. Naruto is based on the shinobi jonor in which we all get to know about the various themes and elements of hardships, leadership, importance of friendship, realities, loneliness, hatredness, student and teacher relationship, sacrifices etc.
Naruto is a fictional story regarding the adventures of the protagonist of the series Uzumaki Naruto along with his companions. Naruto aims to be the Hokage ( Highest office ) of the village Konahagakure. Naruto is crazy and troublesome guy who always trouble people for gaining recognition, as his parents died for a noble cause. Naruto is an orphan and always it's a sad to see as no one consider him as a person and they treat him like demon. Naruto is a weak shinobi. But there it comes with the load of background music there starts the journey of Naruto in which, what, why he able to defeat odds, how he is successful, sets a new definition of friendship in manga and anime.
Along with Naruto there are many other exceptional characters. Most of the characters have background stories which is great for Shounen long running anime. It's always a good insight for a anime to show the depths of the characters and their goals. Even senseis role is almost the backbone of the story where they mould their students for making them full fledged shinobi. There are some episodes in which scenes are emotions based on the reality grounded and I got tears. So, I want to share one of my experiences regarding a character Rock Lee when he fights Gaara in Chunin exams when he was fighting very hard and had tough times in which there was a flashback of him and sensei regarding discussion of hardwork. And his sensei states to Rock Lee that "you are genius at hardwork" . And then Rock Lee gets tears in his eyes and looks at his sensei and offers his gratitude during the fight. I liked the description of most of the characters and their evolutions by bringing new techniques for making fights more intense and insane. I admit that most of the characters shared coordinal relationship with Naruto and it took shape brilliantly by Kishimoto sensei. Most of the companions of Naruto they considered Naruto as a inspiration.
It was a great prospect for Naruto anime series that it was adapted by Studio Pierrot. Animation at the times of 2000's was not good for present generation but I have to respect the those times and I have to move on. Fight scenes are very rich and intense fights are shown very well. The characters are shown very fluently but there are some errors regarding the animation it sulks little bit though I enjoyed. The village and forest scenes shown very excellent by covering all kinds of backgrounds well captured by studio Pierrot. It was a good animation and it was very pleasant and satisfied regarding the various techniques in the fight scenes are shown with extreme mix and caution. At last I want to say that Studio Pierrot didn't disappointed me in animation.
Mostly I like this segment just sounds wow regarding some of the openings of Naruto is well shown and they showed situation driven oriented related openings in every arc. Background music of Naruto is worth mentioning regarding the intense rage, excited, emotion based is great while fight scenes got boost due to the background music. Background music represented each and every scenes and situations, even humor fittingly. So far they did great job for handling the Naruto work.
For Orochmaru character the background music was nail bitting.
When the characters use their jutsu in fights the music was getting better and better and I liked the intensity of music and it is a great plus for Naruto anime series.
In Naruto series most of them stated that there are so many fillers in which most fillers ruined the complexity of the story and there are some fillers which are worth watching. I to agree. So if u skip the fillers or if you watch the fillers that's completely based on your schedule and interest. I watched fillers and I found some of them are annoying and some sort of lengthy narration ruined the episodes and some are great.
If you are starters then go and watch Naruto anime which gives you a great platform as a anime watcher. It is a great and simple story which the characters justifies themselves with all sorts of elements shown in a typical Shounen anime.
At last I want to conclude that Naruto is by far one of the greatest anime. I want to acknowledge their efforts and hardwork of Masashi Kishimoto sensei, Studio Pierrot, TV Tokyo etc put in this whole series is great and best in it's own way. I enjoyed myself like never before. When I remember the character Naruto I always become emotion, passion, excited that I wanted to follow his ninja way and his philosophy.
Apr 21, 2020
The creator of Naruto series is written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto sensei all he had to do is to create one of the greatest manga work and eventually lead to anime adaptation by one of the significant studio by Studio Pierrot for visual treat. Naruto is based on the shinobi jonor in which we all get to know about the various themes and elements of hardships, leadership, importance of friendship, realities, loneliness, hatredness, student and teacher relationship, sacrifices etc.
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