All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 80.6
Mean Score:
- Watching40
- Completed252
- On-Hold12
- Dropped1
- Plan to Watch169
- Total Entries474
- Rewatched23
- Episodes4,982
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 84.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries337
- Reread4
- Chapters13,687
- Volumes406
All Comments (13) Comments
Fruits basket oml i love Kyou - total Tsundere but i love (≧∇≦)/ i'm so glad it had a remake
ohgod (don't know if you remember but) when Ash killed Arthur and he saw Eiji and screamed he didn't want him to see him like that i cri :( so sad :((
you watched the recent ep of Dororo? \(╥_╥)/
I loveeeee BL - I just wish sekaiichi carries on but I think there's a new bl called Given that's gonna come out soon!
Still got lots of things to watch '0' - feeling guilty cus I have watched the last season of gintama ^^; but I have a lot of free time now cus exam season has just ended whooo!
I've got banana fish on hold but since it's one of your favs I'll start watching it again :))