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Sep 6, 2018
Yuru Camp△ (Anime) add
Life is hard. Life has a structure, wake up, eat breakfast, go to work or school, eat dinner and sleep, rinse and repeat. It is repetitive, endless and hard. In this hustle and bustle of life, we forget most simple things, things that shape us, things that we want, the thing’s that we desire and work toward, that thing is beauty and change. A warm summer breeze touching the skin gently as a mother, A cold winter wind refreshing our senses and sending a shiver down the spine, a cool shower of rain on the face refreshing us and nature with rejuvenating power after hot ...
Apr 1, 2018
Mixed Feelings
This world suck doesn't it. Everyone wants an escape to another world, the world of fantasy, the world of comfort, the world where we are most powerful. This feeling gives birth to the fantasy and the Isekai genre and Death March throws that at your face. It throws all fantasies about the different world onto your face like throwing meat at the dog's face and says "Just eat it quietly and be satisfied", and that is what I like about it.

Death March doesn't hide its true form. Death March doesn't give a fu*k about emotions, ethics, drama, world building, story, characters, or any other thing that you expect to find in a ...
Dec 2, 2017
Perfect Blue (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
Movies are very limited in scope due to their length, what anime could achieve story and theme wise is cannot be achieved by the movie as anime spams hundreds of episodes and movie only has only 2 hours at best. On the other hand movies have excellent budget making them panicle of Visuals and due to the short length they have adopted unique storytelling telling techniques. You can easily see and feel the difference between an Anime and Movie story structure which are wildly different. The story structure of movies can be great it is unfortunately easy to hack. That brings me to perfect blue ...
Sep 17, 2017
What makes a great anime movie? Is it visuals, great storytelling, great and relatable characters, mind-bending themes and ideas or just the name of a famous director and studio. Whatever it is, we all love movies and anime. When I think about anime movies one of the first which comes to my mind is Summer Days with Coo and it is not because of complex storytelling, visuals or name of the director but it is because it is the only anime movie that genuinely made me cry and word “genuinely” is very important. Coo is not a movie of fakeness or pretending, it is a ...
Sep 16, 2017
Zegapain (Anime) add
There are thousands of anime and movies dedicated to the philosophical questioning of reality and most famous in them are Ghost in the Shell and Matrix, those two are the ones who bought this genre into the mainstream and made it popular. Zegapain follows the same principle as them and yet it is more appealing in the philosophical and storytelling sense. In its core, Zegapain is a philosophical anime.

Pacing is what sells the show for me, it is much more practical storytelling than exposition which is spread throughout the series runtime. Story structure Zegapain is like a philosophical lesson, never in its entire runtime, we ...
Jun 22, 2017
The attack on Titans is probably the one of the most famous anime in the history of Anime, the popularity of it cannot be underestimated and just like the Shonen of the old days, attack on Titans provided multiple people a get way into anime, it is a go to anime for many newbies. And with the end of the second season, it is time to reevaluate this anime.

Note: This post may have some spoilers, reader’s discretion is advised.

As a typical Shonen, attack on Titans follows the path of a hero trying to save the whole world with his friends. And unlike a typical Shonen ...
Apr 6, 2017
Preliminary (12/13 eps)
So everyone is writing about Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, so I thought, I may as well write about it.

Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid is not a comedy anime, nor it tries to be. Don’t be fooled by that comedy tag because it is not a comedy anime in any sense and If it is a comedy anime then it is pretty bad one. It is a moe-slice of life anime. So, what makes it tick?

Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid works on two planes, first are characters and other is setting. It is an anime about characters interacting with the setting, which is not a new idea per ...
Mar 7, 2017
Kamichu! (Anime) add
Ah Life, how beautiful it is (or wretched depending on your situation), every slice of life anime tries to replicate this beauty of life and most of the time they fail, to capture the essence of life is not an easy thing and cannot be confined to single tone and nature. While the most slice of life anime tries to replicate life in a confined environment with confined story structure Kamichu tries it a bit differently.

Kamichu improvises life rather than replicating it and set its environment, the whole world. While this is nothing new and many prestigious animes like Mushishi and Natsume Yuujinchou do it ...
Feb 18, 2017
Shiki (Anime) add

Humans have two sides, the animal side which keeps us alive and human side which builds societies, laws, art. This side makes us what we are. Shiki tries to touch this subject. However, Shiki fails to achieve that on so many levels.

Shiki has one of most boring starts I have ever seen in anime, first episodes are sluggish and uninteresting. While viewer knows what the hell going on from as early as episode 3, characters in anime simply can't figure it out even with such huge evidence. Every character is god damn idiot. Even these Shiki's are idiotic they don't even try ...
Feb 16, 2017
Paprika (Anime) add
We all are blessed with power of imagination, we all crave something unique, something powerful, we all crave of what cannot be achieved, we all want to touch what cannot be touch, we want to build something that has never been built, we all want to become immortal through our work, because that is who we are that is what makes us human. Imagination is a powerful tool that can change the world, bend reality, it can make us look really stupid or smart beyond imagination. Imagination is, however, a double-edged sword, It can be both bad or good, it can be organized or disorganized, ...

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