Did it live up to its hype?
Should you watch it?
Now me personally, I don't like sub, out of the 70 Ish amines I've watched 2, yes 2 have been in sub. Now when I say the voice actors are amazing, they are amazing, the sub actually feels alive and the voices don't feel repetitive. Not only are the voice actors insane but the intro is an absolute bop, I'm not into Japanese music but holy shit, whenever I hear this intro I go crazy. So far in the 3 episodes I feel the show has been pacing well and hasn't gotten boring at nay parts
Oct 25, 2022
Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
I watched this show like 2 years ago and it was pretty good, If you haven't watched it you should. Thats really all their is too it. The artwork is good, there aren't any major plot holes and the plot twist wasn't cliche or expected. While watching this show I was actually exited for the next episode unlike basically every other show I've watched. The only thing I didn't like was that their wasn't enough boobs, their wasn't even a girl in the show with boobs bigger than d cups. I feel like their has to be at least one girl with massive boobs.