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Feb 6, 2018
Odin is a bad movie, its also a bad space opera anime movie; its a bad, boring tedious slog to sit through movie. To be clear about my opinion on this anime, I had seen both versions of this anime, the English dub 90 minute version and its original uncut version. So that's 230 minutes total I had spent to see the differences between the versions, not much to say the least.
The story is that a new spaceship is launched and its crew rescue some girl from something and fight some aliens while trying to discover the mysterious location of the planet Odin. A simple
story stretched to long and tries to fill up the run time with some I'll admit some pretty decent animated space battles for the time it was released. However the story then goes through every single science fiction cliche and does nothing interesting or original with them
Speaking of cliche, the characters are all simple and forgettable they are being dumb or the standard cliche of the grizzled old man leader, the young dumb hot shot, the female character that has some connection to the alien world they are all looking for. Yeah that's all I remembered about anything of these characters, their archetypes are just so simple and boring, that I was not invested in any of these characters. The acting in either the English dub or Japanese dub are both bad, especially the English dubbed version man you can just hear how little effort the actors were giving in their performances.
Alright the good stuff is normally talked about here, um...well like I said earlier the animation is fine and when the space battles happens they are often the best scenes in the whole movie. The music is dumb cheesy 80's metal that's so out of place for this anime its glorious. Its something I would from amv hell, not from the official version of the anime. Its not for everyone but it was something fun and dumb to listen too when it played.
Odin is a tough movie to sit down and watch, I didn't try watching the uncut version til after two years I had seen the English cut version, because I knew it was going to be tough to sit through. Its an anime that you should watch only if your a fan of space opera anime and have some extreme patience to sit through a long, boring, and unremarkable movie.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 29, 2018
Aiura is a four minute long, twelve episode slice of life series, about the interactions between three high school girls.
Well that's all there is to the story, its just the day to day conversations that the three girls have with each or some of the side characters have in each episode. That's what I like most about this series, the main three girls interactions all felt natural and had some funny moments that were performed very well by their voice actors. The major draw for a slice of life anime, for me personally, is if I can like the main characters and I do,
they were cute, sometimes acted funny but felt like a group of friends just joking around and hanging out with each other.
The animation was another surprised to how well done it was for something only a few minutes long, with the characters design being well done and the animation of how they move being so detailed and smooth was something unexpected for an anime this short. I especially liked how the backgrounds seem to be like colored vibrant painting.
Well now for the stuff I didn't enjoy, I was not a fan of the music overall, yes the opening and ending songs are decent for show of this genre, as was the background music, it just wasn't something I much cared for. As well some of the side characters just weren't that interesting when they appeared in the episodes, I feel that if a second season ever happened it would give them more time to develop but the only episodes we have with them just wasn't enough.
This is a simple, fun, cute show that has no conflict or story in the entire series. If you enjoy simple slice of life shows or you just need a quick anime to relax too, the Aiura is good anime for you, go ahead and give it watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 18, 2018
I am fan of the Tenchi Muyo! franchise, it does have its bad parts but even the worst parts of the franchise can't ruin my memories I had when I first watched it years ago. Then I watched Ai Tenchi Muyou and well I expected average the more I think about it after I had some time since completing my watch of it, the more I'm upset about it.
So the plot is that for some reason, Washu has to have Tenchi try to find the cause of something going in the past, but it could also be something from a different dimension, but also from
its past affecting the present. And then Tenchi is told to go undercover at an all girls school and find out what is going on. Yeah the plot is hard to follow
I could go into more details from what I fully understood what the actual plot of the show is about, but the anime does something divides its story up like this. Half the show is dedicated to pointless dumb school anime tropes, such as the sports festival, school elections and pointless school activities. A little less than a quarter of the series devoted to flashbacks way into the past because of time travel, explaining how everything is supposed to tie together, and the final ten episodes trying to wrap up everything, including trying to make heartfelt dramatic moments mean something, but in the end feel forced and not deserved.
The main fault of the anime lies in its characters, we have eight new sort of love interest characters and the anime has only four minutes an episode to develop them. Now short run time anime can develop their characters well, the problem is outside of the original cast, especialy if you are a fan of the Tenchi series then they are the best characters in the entire series, the problem with the new cast they are all have generic cliche character tropes. Most of the characters try to have development and be important, but only two characters, Beni and Momo have anything to do the with the main story and they barely do anything in the anime and their character development barely goes beyond that. Beni is just another Ryouko but playing the punk delinquent of the school and Momo is kind shy girl that everybody loves and wants everyone to be friends.
I know I'm ranting on all the faults on this anime, but it does have some good things, I may not like soundtrack as its mostly just fine background music, its there and its not bad just alright. The original characters from the original series are back and I do like to seeing them again. Their scenes were some of the better parts of the anime and I do like when they started to interact with the newer characters. The animation is fine, its not great but I find it average at best and I do like the new character designs for the original cast.
To summarize all the problems with Ai Tenchi Muyou are this: it has too large of cast that have no real character trait other than one basic trope and doesn't spend a good portion of its episodes to fully develop them or make them interesting. The story gets more broken when you look at the plot holes it leaves unanswered and when it does try to everything together it makes feel like a Science Fiction story with harem elements crammed into it. And any likable character from the past franchise barely do anything more than a cameo for most of the series until the end where its tries to wrap up everything in its finale but fails to be memorable or good. Look maybe you can say I am being more hard on this series that I should, but to that I say this, if your going to celebrate the anniversary of well beloved franchise, especially if its celebrating its twentieth anniversary and want to give its fan something they would enjoy for all the memories they had with the original series over the years, you gotta give it your best and not this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 14, 2018
In the future we have a police force of the country of Japan that decides to fight crime with using criminals with life long sentences with the promise they get their sentence reduced if they do good jobs. If they don't the bombs attached to them will explode and kill them. You can label this anime as being inspired or ripping off the comic Suicide Squad or the movie Escape from New York. Yet this OVA take those story ideas and somehow make a fun, yet stupid entertaining series.
Each episode is a standalone story that focuses on one of the criminals racing against the clock
to have a fight with the insane villain in some pretty good fight scenes. We really don't spend much time to know anything about the three lead characters, so in each episode devoted to them its just some basic introductions to their skills and character traits as they fight either robotic mercenaries to supernatural beings. This anime has poor structure, but with it being a dumb bloody sci-fi OVA series I'm not surprised.
The animation is good for the most part, this is by Madhouse so they know how to make something that's just blood and gore and make it look awesome. As it shows throughout the anime its heavily inspired by everything the 80's had to offer, from everything to its rock soundtrack to its character designs of our three main characters that make me think I'm seeing three lead singers from three different rock bands from the era.
Which reminds me, the soundtrack is just mostly generic synth music but what really made this anime enjoyable for me was the English dub, boy was it terrible. From its editing that included a flubbed line read that was kept in the version I watched, to its United Kingdom actors trying to hide their accents with their attempts with an American one. To its constant, often entire sentences of profanity spewing dialogue, made this an absolute treat to watch. There's so many memorable terrible lines throughout this series, that its UK Dub is essential if you plan to watch this series yourself.
This OVA is three episodes worth of forty five minute cyberpunk action, yes its plots are generic and its characters barely have any depth. Yes its English dub has faults in not only its voice actors line deliveries, but also how its edited. Yet despite these faults I like this anime, it's dumb, it's kind of cheesy and it can be ridiculous at times, but I enjoyed it and I hope you will too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 12, 2018
I've seen both anime adaptations of the Spirit Warrior OVA's and I consider this two episode OVA to be the better of the two. Don't misunderstand me this is still a bad anime, but it feels like its a somewhat complete story.
From what I gathered the plot is this is an alternate universe where Nazi Germany is still around and an evil Nazi named Siegfried von Mittgard wants to still some magical power from a priest named Kujaku. Its your standard save the world from an ancient evil with the chosen one trope and his ragtag group of characters to help him fight evil.
That said it goes into other tropes later on in the anime and then stupid moments that happen later on in the anime, that to put it simply went like I shall save you by maybe killing you. The story feels disjointed at parts and when its not it drags out its run time with exposition and or pointless violence filler.
And because of that standard plot, the characters don't have much depth to them and that doesn't help that the English dubbed that I listened to had some of the worst voice performances throughout, some performances for characters were so bad that it mad me happy to see those characters on screen, especially Haushoffer was to me the gem of bad German accents.
The animation is fine for the most part as its early Madhouse, even when do they bad anime it looks good. The soundtrack was fine for background noise and well I just didn't remember any memorable track at all.
So to finalize my thoughts, its an anime from the 90's and if you like supernatural horror anime made in the era then you might like this anime. And its up your choice if you prefer to listen to the bad English dub or not.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 12, 2018
I'm going to be upfront with this review, I don't like this anime but I can't fault anyone who does like this anime for what it is. A cute fluffy anime about anthropomorphic chibi cats and their owners. Its just that and nothing else for two minutes each episode. The animation is fine for showing simple colors and cute character designs, as do the voice actors as do a decent job. I'm not a fan of either the opening and ending songs as I found them both annoying to listen too by the third episode.
There really isn't much story as its mostly about the characters
and they barely have any development and are just cliches of character traits. Outside of the regular human girls all the cats have one archetype and never go beyond that. With one being shy,one acting like a tomboy, one being stuck and snooty and one being cute and lovable. Then we have the human cast, who are there and that's it, they have no real distinct character traits other than being typical cliche anime high school girls.
As I said before I am not a fan of this anime, but it's not because I don't like cute fluffy anime, I like cute simple shows just fine. I just wished that the anime offered something more than surgery cute girls and chibi cat girls. In short the anime can pretty, but with no interesting characters to make up the lack of story I just find the anime to mediocre at its best. If you do like simple fluff in an short anime series and don't care at all for the faults I just listed, then that's fine and this anime a watch if you want.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 10, 2018
There really isn't much to say about the plot of this series or its characters, its just the interactions between a bartender husband and his wife who when she drinks she acts all cute and drunk when she gets a different each night. And its the same repeated joke in nearly each and every episode.
The two main characters are simple, in which I know they are married and have jobs, that Chisato is reserved and works hard at her office job and her husband Sora, is soft spoken and caring to his wife. I just don't know much about their personalty beyond that
or even anything about the supporting cast as well. With little comedy in each episode that kind of got a chuckle out me, the same setup and same joke in each episode makes it predictable and tiring to watch.
Animation was surprisingly good for a series with only a three minute run time per episode. It looks fine for what sets out to be with characters looking good and the drinks looking colorful and distinct. Yeah I'm not a person that likes alcohol that much but they were good to look at. As were the voice actors they were fine for what they given to do, though I was not a fan of the ending song.
I have seen many short anime series with three to five minutes of content each episode such as this, some of have been great and some have been terrible, Love is like a cocktail falls right in the middle. Its not bad nor is it good, i just personally find it average, though I do wish that the relationship between the main characters was better explored in some of the episodes. It still is fine especially when I took my time to watch each episode a little at bit throughout my days of watching it, then I would have if I watched it all in one day binge.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 8, 2018
So what happens when you adapt a manga from GO NAGAI and have Takashi Watanabe direct it, you get one of the best/worst/most insane anime OVA's I have watched to date. Oh make no mistake this an anime with many flaws in it, its just amazes me that so many bad problems can make an enjoyable mess.
I'll say this as a positive if you like blood and action, then this has a lot packed into it for 42 minutes. I'll give it this the action scenes are well done and its when the animation is at its best, but there are moments when you can
see where they cut corners when its anything that doesn't involve the action scenes.
The English dubbed cast are fine with some decent performances throughout, its just that the characters they are voicing are not original with the generic ninja girl, the annoying main character and the over the top monster villain.
Doesn't help that the story makes no sense and it goes off the rails in the very first minute of the anime and it just keeps getting more dumb and awesome as it goes on. With plot holes forming all the way through to the end and questions never to be answered, in the sequel that never happened.
This is a dumb popcorn movie and I fully enjoyed the madness on screen. If you love dumb, violent action anime then I highly recommend that you give this a watch. And if you can gather some friends together for a bad anime night and make sure this one anime you keep on hand for those special occasions.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 8, 2018
It goes without question that if you watched the first season of this show, then you will most likely enjoy the second season as its just more of the same. The three minute run time per episode is fine for the comedy that each episode has, while also telling more about the battles and struggles that Nobunaga had in trying to unite Japan.
There is some more serious moments in this season than the previous one, as it shows that Nobunaga's quest is getting more dangerous and its taking its toll on not only himself but his allies as well. The comedy does alleviate the more
serious situations, but the fact that some jokes and gags from the last season are told again in this season, does make them feel repetitive.
Its just more of the same as it was last season, just with some more historical characters being introduced and the plot setting up for more big events to happen. With the music still being OK, the character design being decent and the actual historical events while still being a cliff note version of what happened, still being entertaining. Its still a fun little series to watch and to learn a little about history as well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 7, 2018
I can understand that this is an ova trying to tell a small part of a larger story from the source material. I understand that if you don't understand the original source material you be lost in understanding many things in the anime such as character development and motivation, world building and of course an actual story. That's what this anime does as it does a poor job giving exposition on the history of this land and story as it appears we're dropped right in the middle of an adventure.
Yeah I have barely anything good to say about this anime, apart from
its decent average
animation, nothing was great from the bland or often ridiculous character design, boring fight scenes and boring sound design playing in the background. I actually thought I heard the THX sound effect playing in the second episode, as maybe the anime trying to wake up its sleeping viewers.
The story goes nowhere, which is saying something as its clearly starting in the middle of a larger adventure. And most of the cast of characters that are introduced do nothing to advance the plot, the anime gives us no backstory for most of the cast and this is true I actually forgot that a character was even there for most of the anime's run time until the final ten minutes. And she was in the main party group, that's how little she actually contributed to the story.
I watched this dubbed, I found the Manga UK dub, it is bad dub and its something I feel that most of the actors had a tough time with the script and hiding some of their ascents.
So to try to make my final summary short, it's an anime based on a Clamp manga that probably is much better and then what the anime delivers. My guess is if you have read RG Veda and liked that, then you might like this better than I did, as someone who went into watching this without knowing much about the manga. Because I'm someone who believes that even if an anime is adapting only part of a larger story from the manga its adapting from, it should still be good enough to please its fans and entice newcomers. Yet for me RG Veda failed be enjoyable or even make me want to check out its original source material, at least for a while.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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