Sep 20, 2023
This anime is one of the most reactively reviewed on MAL. As far as I cab see this is because of two reasons. The animation seems completely CGI. And because this tory is based very loosely on a previous anime amd/or game. So two reasons for the EdgeOkus of MAL to find fault with it: CGI=BAD and This Anime is DIFFERENT from my first encounter.
Well they are SOL. No, BRS is not profound or pathbreaking, but it is a thrilling and compulsive mash-up of a lot of oughts anime, which looks gorgeous almost at every point, no matter how fabulistic the very idea
of an Iron Ocean is on its face. The most comical objection of MALLIES is the supposed edginess of BRS: Dawnfall. It is almost symptomatic, because the real reason gor the objection is that the supposed Edgelords are Girls, especially Empress and Lunatic. Except that edginess tumbles almost immediately into comedy. The very worst edge of the 1st episode, the clown faced messiah that Lunatic seems to be supporting is at the the head of a troop of clowns. Somehow the absurdity of it makes the Bad Guy even worse. But this Big Bad goes by the name The Education Institution. Do I laugh or scream?
This is the real sin of BRS. It can expertly set the table of a edgy, nihilistic post-apocalyptic shooter anime and then the execution looks cool and comedic at the same point. And say what one might about the skimpiness of Empress and her colleagues outfits, they are all so skinny and affectless so as to be sexless. In any case, ever since Tank Girl and Tomb Raider, affectless nihilistic graphic and animated heroines basically have to go around in two piece swim suits to even track.
No, BRS: Dawnfall is not profound but it is almost as knowing about its tropes and as fun to watch as Chainsaw Man. Except the protags and antags are moe girls. Which is pretty Edgelord of the studio that made it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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