Yes, everything was awesome in this anime. Being a fan of vampires when they're done right, I instantly hooked onto this show. Only to find out it's not even finished yet. Which leaves me hanging. . . . And I don't like being left like that!!!
What I Liked: Zelman Clock. That is all.
But, seriously, the characters were amazing. Although the relationship between Jiro and his younger brother wasn't the closest I'd ever seen, it was still touching. And I will blow up like a stick of dynomite if Mimiko and Jiro don't get together. I didn't care AT ALL about Jiro's background. Honestly, I
Nov 13, 2011
Devil May Cry
This show doesn't really have a plot, but it floats on the "Rule of Cool" that anime like Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo also ride on. And if you've played the games, it'll make a lot more sense to you.
DMC: Anime Edition takes place in the prime of Dante's "demon killing" business. You join him as he kills these demons each episode. Now, at the end, the plot starts forming. The last episode is pretty intense. I think they did Dante's character extremely well. It's the side people I didn't care much for. Here's an example: When Dante was on screen, I smiled and ... Nov 13, 2011
Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Destiny
In my opinion, I'm being VERY lenient when it comes to this anime. I actually felt a little INSULTED after watching it all. So now, I have to pretend that this sequel never happened . . . that Gundam Seed ENDED WITH GUNDAM SEED!!!
What I Liked: Hmm. . . . The fact that they offered us some HOPE when it came to the characters' fate. What I DIDN'T Like: Pretty much everything. Shinn, for example, was just another way of the writers saying, "Yeah, we've ran out of ideas for our main characters, so we're going to throw in Generic Emo Kid Number One." ... Nov 13, 2011
Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED
Out of all the Gundams (I might be killed for saying this), I would bet this one's the best. Sorry, it's just for once I connected to characters in the Gundam franchise! And let me tell you, the story and people in it do not dissapoint!
The soundtrack is beautiful, the art amazing, and the story really captivating. Details I Really Liked: The relationships. The thing was, the writers managed to write in drama between emotions while they were battling with their Gundams in space! Just another way to blow off some steam, right??? Anyways, all the couples I love (but I'm a sucker when it ... Nov 12, 2011
After watching Baccano! I jumped at the opportunity of watching this show on Adult Swim. And I wasn't dissapointed. This anime is another example of one that fell under the radar and people give you that "WTF?" look everytime you mention it . . . even other anime watchers.
The Things I Liked: The strange characters. No, not the whiny, uninteresting high-school characters, but the adults that actually had problems that made this show amazing and different. Shinra, the nerdy doctor, stole my heart! And Crispin Freeman (I stalk him when it comes to watching anime. Everything he's voiced on, I'm determined to watch) and ... Nov 11, 2011
WOW. I don't think I've ever been so caught by an anime like I have with this one. Like, I go back and watch episodes whenever I feel like it. I never do that! Once I watch something it's over! Never to be seen again! But this anime, I just can't leave behind!
What I LOVED: Pretty much everything except a few select things. One, though I knew this was intentional, it left me feeling sad and depressed on many occasions. Also, I don't like blood usually. Considering the title was Blood Plus, I knew what I was getting into. BUT WHO CARES NOW!!! THIS ANIME ... Nov 11, 2011
A friend recommended this show to me a couple of years ago. I have to say that I understand why it is one of the more loved series' in the new millenia, but the thing is, I found it . . . deflated by the 23rd episode.
Dislikes: The characters, especially the protaganist, were inconsistent. One minute they're serious and deadly and everything that looks evil, the next they're happy and eat eveything in sight and laugh and became perverted. It confused me. And then the ending, while people will disagree that it was "epic", I will not go with such a word. It was ... Nov 11, 2011
Baccano is what it's called: Crazy!!!! Does it even matter if you never get the plot? Watch it for the characters! This is one of the most UNDERestimated anime out there, from the same writers as Durarara, another great anime that isn't as good as its companion piece, but is definitely still great.
I only give the plot a lower score because it's nearly impossible to understand. Like, the ending is in the beginning, the climax is in the first five minutes of the show, and there's different time periods you're witnessing throughout the show. However, I found myself drawn to only one time period. ... Nov 10, 2011
I got bored one day and decided to read a random manga. This is how I came across 16 Life. The story was enjoyable and the plot was entertaining, but the girl was just too "typical shoujo drama queen" for me to be able to like or relate to. The main male character was amazing, like my favorite even when he became a douche-bag. He was hot, funny, and could sing. I loved the idea of "singing and rockstar centered" but I think it could've been done better and a little more drawn out and dramatic. Seriously, needed more drama!!!!
Overall, I give this manga a ... Nov 10, 2011
Dengeki Daisy
This is one of my all-time favorites, and certainly not one I will forget about as soon as its done. The characters, stoy art, and plot are all very interesting and drawn out well. The only problem I have with this manga is HOW IMPOSSIBLY SLOW IT'S BEEN RECENTLY. Sure, I love this manga and will really miss it when it finishes, but then agan, I want more action and "Oh, God, what's gonna happen next?" that I used to have in the early chapters of the manga. I know the author wants to keep the story going, but a little romance every once in