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Nov 3, 2022
Here I thought One Piece Stampede was the best One Piece Movie, or so I thought until today. Though I've to note that probably and only probably, this movie will be to the liking of most One Piece fans, so if you haven't read anything or watched anything about One Piece, then maybe it'd be pointless to watch the movie, since you probably won't understand most of the things that happen in the movie or where all the hype comes from. Anyways, I found the movie great because:
-The story was compelling but sometimes lacking. I liked it overall but I thought it would be a
little more complex and a little less convenient. Nonetheless, it stands out despite being the plot of a One Piece movie, so yeah, it's pretty good.
-The characters are literally the same as in the show, but adding a few new characters and getting back another few long-since forgotten characters. Uta was more nuts than I initally thought and well, Luffy played a nice role in the movie. The rest of the Straw Hat crew were just for the show, the battles and the flashing animation so I really can't take them into account.
-The thing that stands out the most in the movie is the use of the music to bring a new level of impact to the images, I mean, the music was so loud at the theatre that I may have busted my eardrums, but anyways, the added impact was real. The music interpreted by Ado (which were used for the battles and some other scenes) were part of Uta's way of fighting, so that was quite original. Moreover, the music made those scenes more fun to watch and more impactful, I mean, it went with a whole choreography and a stunningly great animation so the music just accentuated everything that was good about those battle scenes.
-The animation was actually superb, in general terms of course. There were a few low-detailed scenes, a fair amount of CGI (not as common as I make it sound) and quite a lot of AWESOME sequences, specially towards the end and somewhere at the middle of the movie.
Overall I give it a 9/10, since as I stated before, I really enjoyed it and consider it superior to Stampede. I wholeheartedly encourage all One Piece fans/readers/viewers to watch this movie.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 20, 2022
Didn't know anything about the Cyberpunk universe at all, but at the end of this show (pretty short, though) I got more or less the whole panorama. The thing is I pretty much liked the show, I'll tell you why.
The story hasn't been something extremely outstanding, but one that a 10-episode show can afford, rather. Overall it doesn't shine for its originality, since it's based off a previously-built universe, but it's great nonetheless. David's story is quite the tragic one, having lost his mother in an accident and all, struggling to make ends meet, joining a gang and going criminal with his Sanduhvistan, Sandy or
Sandevistan special add-on or whatever. David's love story is also quite ephemeral, with this I mean that the only thing you really know about their relationship is that they love each other, period, so unless you reaaally love both of them you won't miss them. The other characters, while insignificant in the plot except a few, are great. I could see the ending coming but some of the happenings were quite unexpected and rather than original, unusual in comparison with most shows.
The animation is actually pretty great, truly as expected of a 2022 animation work. The only complaint I've about the art in general is the blood, which seems to have been painted in only one colour and with no texture at all. It just looks extremely plain-looking. I don't know if that's Studio Trigger's characteristical way to portrait blood or no but it just looks plain to me.
I ignore if the music is taken directly from Cyberpunk 2077's OST or not, but generally it's good.
Overall it gets my 8s since I enjoyed it pretty much and I think that objectively it's worth a try. If you have enjoyed the game I guess you'll like the show better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 25, 2022
After almost 2 years, I recommenced Vinland Saga after dropping it due to not being good enough TO my past standards. The only thing it took me was to develop a quite considerable fascination for history and... BOOM! I gave it another try, and I loved it.
The story got me glued to the screen at the very start and all the way until chapter 100. Incredible characters, relentless action, smart schemes, character development, historically accurate world-building, and yes, I've said historically accurate. The fact that the author has even bothered to investigate enough so as to give accuracy to some dates, events and characters says
a lot about the effort and dedication put into this manga. A true feat, indeed. Nonetheless, that is what I think about the first 100 chapters. The others 95 (up until today, of course) are in no way as good as the first 100. I'm told many people drop the manga because of the lack of action, change of ideals or the inclusion of some perhaps historically unaccurate lines of thought, but these are not the reasons I have to dislike this part of the manga in contrast with the latter. I say that the last 95 chapters are worse than the first 100 chapters because I felt the trip to the Byzantine Empire was sooooooooo prolonged buy soooooooo many events that I started to lose interest. All the conflicts that arose during that period of the manga came across to me as unnecessary conflicts that just were included to prolong that part, at least that's what I felt of course. After all that was over, it became slightly more interesting, but I still have this lingering feeling that it could be better than it already is. I'll have to see how it evolves in the following chapters to see if this lingering feeling wears off once and for all. And that would be all for the story.
Art-wise it's incredible, it can be seen how the author and his team of assistans are artists through and through. I can't say anymore regarding the art.
The characters are really something. First of all, I've to remark that many of the characters are based on real people that can be found in the norse sagas. To put a few examples, we have Thorfinn Karselfni, Thorkell the Tall, Gudrid, Canute, Sweyn, Leif Erikson etc. Putting this interesting fact aside, here I will value how the main characters evolve through time. The most notable character is the main character, Thorfinn. Thorfinn goes from being a merciless warrior to a man yearning for redemption, so, without indulging much into him, he has a considerable amount of character development in that matter. Thorfinn, who despite being the protagonist of the manga, has the spotlight stolen by another character of the prologue, and yes, I'm talking about Askeladd, a cunning man like any other putting his skills as a warrior, schemer and diplomat to fulfill his so longed-for ambition. During the prologue, one could see how, despite not being the main character, the spotlight was constantly on him, so we can see how much of an great character he is. Favoritism aside, in general the characters are great.
Finally, I give it the temporary rating of 9/10 due to being an incredible manga with a drop in quality after chapter 100 or so. From now on, I will only be able to see it reach excelency or get at a standstill.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 13, 2022
I bestow upon this manga the award to "The Most Confusing Manga I've Ever Read", and yes, I really mean it. Saikano ringed a bell to me so I thought I would start reading it, since there was the whole collection in a nearby library.
Saikano is about a rude boy who starts dating a good-for-nothing girl, their names are Shuuji and Chise respectively. Now, the twist comes when you learn that Chise is a human mass destruction weapon (pretty obvious when even the manga's name implies it) and that Japan (if not the whole world) is in a constant war, being Hokkaido (the region where
they live) the only part of Japan not affected by war, until...
The story evolves most commonly in mundane scenes, such as going to class, meeting after school to do some couple-related things, sharing moments with other supporting characters etc. while war advances and Chise goes help the army. I've only understood the story up until this point. After this, I don't know exactly what happens, everybody cries a lot, Chise and Shuuji break up like 4 times, Shuuji survives to like, what, 8 massive bombardments, and other things that I just can't seem to fathom. It was in the last volume that I lost the will to try to understand what was happening, everything was so surreal that I just read text without processing anything of it. Were I to have understood it better, I would have probably enjoyed it more.
The art is OK. Landscapes are nice and characters have 3 types of design: one that is shoujo-esque, another chibi-esque and another quite more detailed.
Now, the characters specially, are what confused me the most. The problem is that I just can't understand the characters' motivations, and ask myself questions like: "Why is he crying?", "Why would she say that?", "Why is he doing this?" or "Why does this girl want to get laid even though she is greatly injured and half-dead?". I could more or less understand Akemi, Atsushi, Tetsu and Fuyumi, but Shuuji and Chise are a fucking mistery to me. Specially Chise.
I quite enjoyed it at the beginning but thereafter it became a mentally-exhausting read, at least for me, of course.
In the end, I didn't understand shit about neither what happened nor what was happening, but that's OK I guess. I'll have to read some kind of adapted summary so I may understand it.
I can't really say I recommend it, but I think that it's worth reading if you perchance understand it. Just give it a try and see for yourself if I'm right or wrong.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 11, 2022
Today's review is that of the second most notorious work of Hiromu Arakawa, "Silver Spoon". A comical, coming-of-age, agricultural-themed manga of which I grew really fond.
Its story revolves on Yugo Hachiken, a kid who following the failling of his high-school entrance exam decides to run away from his family to an agricultural high school at the very edge of Hokkaido, in Tokachi. There he meets a lot of new friends and learns to look towards the future with a smile on his face, unlike in the past. Comical and emotional scenes abound, being the former the most recurrent of all, and in my opinion, Arakawa's
humour never fails to make me laugh in the oddest of ways. The passing of time in the manga was a little confusing to me, although that's a problem of mine. It's refreshing to see all the characters mature and evolve through their high-school days, so in the end it has been to my liking.
The art is simply Arakawa's. I can't think of any way to rate it, really. It's unique in its own way, and I just simply like it.
I've grown fond of virtually all the characters (except those who appeared as freshmen, they are pretty forgettable), since they could easily be distinguished for their personalities. I also have to say that I saw quite a lot of characters whose design was more or less the same as some Fullmetal Alchemist's characters. My favourite character is, without a doubt, the cheese girl, I can relate with her love for cheese.
Overall, I've really enjoyed the manga, despite the parts where the author gets technical about agricultural tecniques and concepts. It's interesting, but forgettable and sometimes tedious, owing to the amount of text per strip. I'd really reccomend it if you liked Fullmetal Alchemist and/or enjoy this kind of coming-of-age type stories.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 9, 2022
Scrolling through the best rated one-shot list I stumbled across this one, so I decided to give it a try. I'll try to keep it brief.
First off, the setting is annoyingly cliché. To be honest, some tweaks in the terminology would do the work some good, but that's just my opinion. The story has a nice progression and without getting into spoilers, there's a twist that makes this one-shot worthwhile.
The art is great, that I have to recognise. I'm no expert but I saw quite a lot of detail on facial expressions and on landscapes. The most remarkable aspect of the one-shot, I have to
The characters are good, I've no explanation for it, really, I just liked them. Although my liking for them doesn't stray much from the fact that I simply like them, there're no points in which I can praise nor criticise them.
In broad strokes, it's a good read. It may not be incredible, but it really leaves an impact on you at the end.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 9, 2022
Today I'm reviewing the newest Tatsuki Fujimoto's one-shot, which is called "Listen to my song, please". The most remarkable thing of this one-shot is that it's actually a collaboration, the art being made by an artist other than Tatsuki Fujimoto. I've to say in advance, though, that you can't expect much of a 20-page one-shot.
Anyways, the main plot goes about a guy who declares his love to a girl by showing her a youtube video in which he dedicates her a lovey-dovey ballad. The thing is, that girl is a bitch and shows it to every person in high-school for no reason at all.
Then, the video goes extremely viral, reaching more views than Despacito has in 5 years and strange things start to appear in the video: a phantom, a cat, some weird sea creature and whatnot. Then a random weird-ass girl tells him that he can't delete his video because otherwise the spirits will get mad and blah blah blah. After a while people start to find otherworldly unintended hidden messages in the lyrics such as critics to politics, the negation of the existence of God and things akin to that. And just to end this summary (which I maybe shouldn't be doing), he's asked to make a second video, makes it, sucks, people lose interest, deletes both his videos and the bitch she declares to says his song was cringe. FIN.
I expected more of this one-shot, so I was disappointed in the end. In my opinion, it seemed more like a random idea Tatsuki Fujimoto had at the bottom of his closet he wanted to do, and did it just to do something.
Regarding the art, I thought at first it was Tatsuki Fujimoto's due to how similar it seemed to me, but it was OK, I'm in no position to complain, really.
About character development I won't say anything due to the fact that it's a 20-page one-shot. Were it to be a 60-page one and then we could talk about it.
Grosso modo, I rate it 6/10 due to it not being outstanding in any way and being somewhat disappointing, but entertaining. I reccommend reading it out of curiosity, since it's a quick read, a 5-minute adventure I daresay.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 3, 2022
WIT Studio went on and adapted a manga I personally liked enough to make a collection of its volumes. A beautiful adaptation not to say the least but somewhat lacking in some aspects, let's see what are its flaws and strong points.
The story is what is more flawed in this adaptation, it's just nonexistent. They take the main points of the very begginning of the manga and don't develop them any further. A lot of events are skipped over in the film and at any time any context is given on why outsiders exist or anything of sorts. I daresay, this film is one that
can only be really enjoyed if the manga has already been read.
In the other hand, the art is awesome. WIT nailed it with the style chosen (which is if not the same, very faithful to the manga's) and the representation of the sceneries are awesome. Flawless, to put it in other words.
The sound is also adequate, soothing for what it is, and the few voices that are used are well chosen except for the Professor's. The Professor's voice came across to me as emotionless and I thought it more suitable for a badass edgy anime character than for him.
Overall, the film was outstandingly enjoyable and may proof to be as much enjoyable for anyone who has read the manga. In case you want to watch it and haven't read the manga, then you won't understand anything at all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 6, 2022
Even though I have only been reading this manga for less than a year, the fact that it was so awesome, yet so fleeting saddens me. Dr. Stone needs no introduction, it's just a smart boy and a group of people single-handedly rebuilding the world from scratch after an unknown calamity, and that's pretty much it.
In every scientific stuff introduced in the manga, there's a great level of backup from real scientists and a lot of scientific research done by the author and artist. A lot of effort is put into little details and anybody can tell that this level of commitment is something worthy
of appraisal. Plus, the story progresses at a good pace and it exponentially gets interesting. The ending is also the best I could have ever wished for, so there're no complaints whatsoever.
The art is incredibly well detailed landscape-wise and the character style are pretty unique and characteristic.
About the characters, I grew fond of many of them. I saw little character development but as I think I'd said in previous reviews, I don't think of character development as a crucial thing.
Overall, it gets my 10s. I enjoyed it as much as it lasted, so I'm grateful I came to know this manga.
Good news are that it is said that Dr. Stone is not over yet, so we can stay positive and hope for a sequel.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 18, 2021
Today I'm going to complain about this show and don't get me wrong, I'm not going to complain about how bad this show is (which in fact is a really good show), I'm going to complain about how irritated I've felt because of the main character's behaviour.
Therefore, I've to remark the fact that Suzuka is sometimes unpredictable in terms of the plot, which is really bizarre considering the large amount of cliché romance anime that exist. The plot makes some really good turns, but in the second-half of the anime, everything goes back to a fresh start. With that I mean, at the beggining
there were Yamato who loved Suzuka and Honoka who loved Yamato, then by the end of the first-half of the anime Yamato starts dating with Honoka until they break up over nothing at all, therefore coming back to the same situation as in chapter 1 with the only difference that now Yamato and Honoka have an awkward relationship. And what happens to Suzuka? Well, nothing at all, she's just being a tsundere who can't do anything else but lie to herself and be a dick to Yamato in almost every situation. Then you'll ask me, but what's the problem? Well, the problem is that Suzuka keeps being a dick for 26 chapters until she somehow manages to say "Well, I guess I've to recognise that I love Yamato". She's been getting on my nerves for quite a long while, so it makes me feel as if to she doesn't really deserve being with Yamato at all. Even Honoka in a matter of 6 chapters did more for Yamato than Suzuka in the whole anime. But hey, it wasn't that bad as a whole but it still nags me that she has ended up being with him, although I've to say that otherwise instead of "Suzuka" it would have to be called "Honoka", so damn, I just don't care about the outcome anymore.
On the other hand, the music is great, the BGM is pretty cool in all the aspects and the OP and ED are both nice. The art is pretty mediocre comparing it to actual animes but I guess it isn't bad, it's just regular. And the characters, well, as I said before, they're pretty good, despite being complete dicks in some situations.
To end this, I'd reccommend this show if you'd like to see a different focus in romance (although I've heard somewhere that Love Hina's plot and Suzuka's plot are suspiciously similar). To be honest, I started watchin this anime with really low expectations and it managed to surprise me in many ways, so I really appreciate that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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