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Feb 17, 2022
"Nisekoi:" is the second season of Nisekoi, a romcom produced by Shaft, the same studio of other series as 3-Gatsu no lion and the acclaimed Monogatari series, what does that mean? We'll look into it. Spoilers ahead!
Nisekoi: follows the steps of its first season showing us the development of our main love triangle relationship between Ichijou, Kirisaki and Onodera, or that's what we'd expect after first season's overall great ending. But, contrary to what we'd expect, in this season, everything looks stagnant and some episodes even looks like filler ones, the pace is weird and introduction of new characters totally ruin the mood.
Shaft's excellent storytelling
and visual narrative that excels in Nisekoi first season almost as much as it does in Monogatari series it's nowhere to be seen on this second season. Pace is slower and how chapters intertwines with each other feels sloppy and forced, there's chapters where you're there, just waiting for it to end and see if the next will bring you at least a bit of development for the main plot, just to sadly get another episode that feels like filler.
The gimmicks of Ichijou and Kirisaki's fake relationship are only well used during christmas and Kirisaki's mother arc, which is, along Kirisaki's lost ribbon episode by the end of the season, the only true development we get for any of the two main ships of the series. In this chapters we get to see how deeply Ichijou's does really care for Kirisaki and how their relationship works now, how they've developed a certain daily life that only they do understand. As for Onodera's development, it is really damaged by the introduction of her younger sister Haru, which I'll talk about now.
As of new characters, there's two that standout and those are first years Paula McCoy; Tsugumi's rival from the Bee Hive hitman's squad and Haru Onodera; Kosaki Onodera's younger sister and also a first year at our main cast school. Both will add little to nothing as Paula's arc it's only there to show us how Tsugumi's changed since her introduction as a cold blooded asassin, and while that could work, it's poor execution let's us only with an episode in between interrupting our main story development. With Haru, things are even worse as she does participate in our main story as a really forced obstacle between Ichijou and Kosaki and besides that, she adds nothing more than 2-3 lost episodes. If we add these ones we get 3-4 episodes less of development and then the season's over.
All in all, Nisekoi: is a let down for all of us who where looking for an ending to first season plot, and while it has some good additions to the series like Kirisaki's mother Hana-san, it doesn't make up for all the bad things it has in comparison to it's first season. As a personal recommendation, I'd jump straight from first season to manga if I were to watch this dissapointing second season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 10, 2022
Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara is a pretty straight forward show, even if it doesn't looks like that at first impresion as it tells us the story of Hitomi Tsukishiro, a young wizard aprendice that has lost the ability to see the colors of the world due a traumatic event in his life, and therefore she's been in a depresive state for ages. That's what this show is about: how we can heal our hearts and mind and keep going, this shows is about Hitomi beating his depresion both on his own and thanks to the help of others.
Although this review is thought mostly as
a brief analisis of Hitomi's character development, from this point onwards this review can contain some minor spoilers to the argument, so if you haven't seen the show and wants to do it I reccommend to stop reading here.
Getting back to it, as I said before, this show is a really direct metaphore about a person, in this case Hitomi, suffering from depresion and as that, it is a really good aproach to this mental health illnes as it doesn't depicts it as that caricature of said illness we're somewhat used to get when an anime treats this subject: Hitomi is a functional girl, she carries on with his regular activities and ordinary high school student life, that being said, our focal point to read his depresion is not her being unable to do things, instead, it will be how she still lives even when she thinks she doesn't have a reason to.
She's completely lost her will, she thinks she's the sole culprit of her current state, she can't see any good in herself and therefore, she things she doesn't have any colors in his life. The colors have gone because she can't see them in herself, if you can't love yourself, you can't see the good things in your environment. And that's a really good description of how a person going through a depresive state does feel. Not all people in that situation wants to die, someones just doesn't have the will to live neither to die, and that's where Hitomi's at the start of the show.
From this point, Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara teachs us how important can be to have peopla that genuinely cares about us and how their help can't cure us at all, but can be the starting point to heal we can't find for ourselves. That's where Kohaku, Hitomi's grandmother comes into action, she'll be the one to ignite Hitomi's spark and help her take that first step to recover the colors of the world, to be again able to see the bright side of things and the bright side of herself, to forgive herself and finally understand she's been unfairly chargin herself with the wrong guilt of being born a magician, something she simply mustn't feel guilty about at all. Thanks to the present and past Kohaku and the whole cast, she'll recover the set of emotions she's lost, she'll get rid of the rigid herself she's forged through years of suffering and will learn, through loving others, to love herself.
Irozuku Sekai no Ashira kara is a beautiful journey to know yourself better and get through hard times. Sometimes you won't be able to do it by yourself, but there's always someone, even if we can't see them, that worries about us and would do anything to help us heal. You've lost your colors? Not forever. You can't get to see the good things in yourself? There's always people that can see them and tell you how they look, eventually, you'll be able to see them by yourself.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 19, 2021
Everything about this show is wrong, but let's try to summarise.
The male protagonist, Ryou, is a 27 year old man, with a good job, good salary and good with the girls. The female protagonist, Ishika, is a regular high school girl of 17 years old, she's kinda otaku and as her best friend says is just an ordinary girl.
So, what's wrong with the plot?
First point: this is the portrait of a sexual predator harassing a teenage girl, not a love story, and there shouldn't be any kind of discussion about it.
Second point: even when Ichika is not a child, she's got something called consentment. From
the first time she met Ryou on her friend's house she states his rejectment to Ryou's propositions, showing a genuine disgust with it. We all can change our opinion about someone else, but the problem here isn't Ichika but Ryou and that carries us to the third point.
Third point: Ryou is a 26 year old man, not a teenager and as that, he shouldn't try to engage himself with an adolescent, period. Even if we get lax about our ethics and we allow him to try it, at the very first moment he got rejected he should have stopped his harassment to Ichika. Instead, he increased his harass and even started to show up in places he knew Ichika was going to be. That's against the law in a lot of countries, not just a moral judgement on the character.
Fourth point: Ryou's sister and Ichika's friend is a really dangerous character. If your older brother tries to hook out with your friend, you, both as friend and as sister should be the first one opposing said behaviour as, like I said before, it's illegal. To portrait this characer as someone that not only doesn't directly oppose to his brother harassment but in fact encourages it and helps him, it's a terrible example of what a friend should do: they should try to protect you from predators, not serves you to them.
Fifth point: It's common knowledge that the men from the otaku subculture around the world are known by their misogyny and disrespectful -if existent- treatment to women, shows like this are terrifyingly servicious to fortify said behaviour because it reinforces the idea that "the world is wrong and all these sjw and feminists are my enemies, I'm right in seeing women as objects without the right to speak by themselves". I know this is obviously a generalization, as like in any other human group there's otaku men who treat women just like another human being as it should be, but the critic is not aimed to them.
My last point about this show it's that it is an ode to sexual harassment, and shows like this shouldn't be allowed on international streaming services. Japan has a serious problem with pedophilia and the anime industry it's a clear example of that. This show is a good demonstration that not only idol and lolicon shows are pedophile but regular romcoms can be it too
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jan 30, 2019
Have you ever questioned yourself about how things could have turn out if you've done something that you finally didn't? Sora yori mo tooi basho (A place further than the universe) takes that question from a very different perspective than other shows who tries to answer the same question, showing us what happens when you, in fact, do that thing you question yourself about if you should or not do, instead of crying over it in the future.
A place further than the universe is the spark that everyone that's questioning itself what to do to feel alive again should watch. Let's be honest, obviously we're
not going to board the first ship we encounter in direction to antarctica, but as long as we understand that the journey itself it's a metaphore, the only thing that we'll find ourselfs searching for after watching the show is that specific journey that will re-ignite our lifes. Want to do something? try it, you'll fail in the proccess, you'll know new people or get to know better the ones you already know, the only failure it's not to try.
This, is the learning we can get from A place further than the universe, a lesson that a lot of other anime has already tried to taught us, but, at least the shows that I've already watched, no one has achieved to taught me. This show not only focus on making you walk that step towards the train that will take you to the next station of your life, this show isn't focused on showing you the final results, the you from the future when the path's cleared, it is focused on showing you the journey itself as the treasure you're searching for, and that's, at least for me, what it makes A place further than the universe a top tier anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Feb 23, 2018
Worst show ever, absolutely all about it's plot is appealing, all the characters lacks a character development and the plot looks like made by a kinder garden kid, the worst show I've ever watch and I can't understand what I was thinking back then to watch it completely.
Horrible show, if you're thinking to watch it, just skip it, it doesn't value your time, forget about it and watch another show.
If you are that kind of people that sees something good on everything, the animation on this show isn't that bad and is without a doubt the best aspect of the show, the sound also isn't
that bad at all, but the story telling, characters, enjoyment and the overall are just the worst I've ever seen.
If you love yourself, please don't watch this, it was the worst mistake in my anime life
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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