Nicola traveling around the demon's world is a slice of life story about a young girl named Nicola whom decided to visit the demon world out of sheer curiosity. Upon meeting a Simon, a demon of the devil clan they embark on a journey filled with many unique experiences such as; exploring the demon world, meeting many different types of demons and unveiling mysteries.
Cast: Nicola and Simon are the main characters throughout the manga, however we are introduced to many unique characters as the story goes on. Each and every character have different interactions and relationship with Nicola and definitely add lot's of
Feb 11, 2022
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 3
In a season filled with action packed anime such as AOT, Demon slayer and Ousama rankings, it may be a great change of pace to sit back and enjoy takagi-san Season 3. For those whom have watched the first 2 seasons there may be mixed feelings, some may have thought it was a great comfort show that was cute and others may think it got a bit repetitive and lost patience with the lack of development. However, season 3 is undoubtedly a huge step up. If you have watchd S1 and S2 you will love it, and if you havent watched i highly reccommend it
Jan 25, 2021
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
look im going to be honest. I have avoided this anime for a LONG time as i thought a music romance anime would bore me to death... well boy was i wrong. I was quite invested since the very start, but especially as the story went on i fell more and more in love with this anime. Quite relatable characters and a great plot that was an absolute emotional rollercoaster. So wholesome and beautifull.
Not only was it a beautifull story but i legit also spent so much time nervous for kosei, especially in the first few competitions, i never thought id get a high ... |