I can't believe what I just watched. This has to be the worst addition to the clannad,air genre of anime. Yuuichi is one of the most detestable protagonists I have ever encountered. Now you
might be asking why,well it's all thanks to two problems. His lack of memory regarding his trip to the town 7 years ago. Also how he is a massive asshole to the women in his life. So let's start off with the first girl we see,Makoto. So she is supposedly the reincarnation of a fox that Yuuichi helped out when he was at the town last and had to leave behind when break was over. Now she is a person and is in love with Yuuichi. So already we're using the sad animal card which is just incredibly lazy and obnoxious. After a while her form begins to deteriorate and her mental state begins to degrade as well. So Yuuichi loving makoto decides he's going to stay with her until she "dies" and he does. He stays with her skipping school and only making sure she is happy. What a nice guy,right? So on one of her final days she remarks she wants to marry Yuuichi. On her final day Yuuichi takes her to the hill they meet and does a little wedding ceremony. Nothing mind blowing but a nice little story. Immediately afterwards Yuuichi is FIGHTING DEMONS IN SCHOOL AT NIGHT! What the hell?! So his classmate mai can see demons and he decides to help her fight them. A bunch of stuff happens (some really nice looking fight scenes) and both mai and sayuri end up in the hospital after the "demons" are expelled. Not once does Yuuichi go to or is it implied that he went to the hospital to visit them after the initial visit. Keep in mind they were in there for months. Next is the sickly girl Shiori,after a lot of hanging out Shiori and Yuuichi go on a date and things really progress from there. So this already feels greasy and the whole Makoto thing which wasnt long ago at this point. So Shiori kisses him on her last night that she is able to move freely because after that night she will be in the hospital and most likely die. Very sad but Yuuichi really loves her so he's ganna support her. Nope. He never once goes to visit her as she is DYING! Instead of visiting his dying girlfriend in the hospital he elects to start showing interest in this annoying girl called ayu. She's your generic moe loli and generally obnoxious. So they end up kissing as his GIRLFRIEND IS DYING IN THE HOSPITAL! And of course ayu is some spooky specter and says she cant be together with Yuuichi anymore. So after what feels like any endless amount of flash backs to this goddamn bench he remembers that seven years ago SHE FUCKING DIED IN HIS ARMS! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN HE FORGOT ABOUT THAT?!?!?!?!?!?! I dont even understand how this is a thing. He forgot his friend died in his hands. For Christ sake there's a line of stupidity and this show left it wayyyy in the read view mirror. So some more stupid bullshit happens and we arrive at the last episode. Turns out spooky ghost girl is actually just in a coma and wakes up when Yuuichi finds out about it. Also Shiori the sickly girl is all fine now. Great. Also the two girls that got fucked up by the demons are fine now too. Wonderful. And the show explains the spooky ayu as a illusion Yuuichi did himself so he wouldn't be a sad panda. So what about all the people ayu interacted with? Is my boy Yuuichi actually itachi in disguise and put them all in his genjutsu? In conclusion Yuuichi is a piece of shit and I hope he tackles a train. This show is trash,you'd be better off watching clannad.
May 25, 2016
Kanon (2006)
I can't believe what I just watched. This has to be the worst addition to the clannad,air genre of anime. Yuuichi is one of the most detestable protagonists I have ever encountered. Now you ... |