This anime is a slice of life with lots of dirty jokes. That's basically the whole thing. If you like that kind of thing, it's great. If you don't, find something else.
It's the perfect show to put on when you don't want to use your brain at all, honestly. It's also pretty short, which makes it a small time investment to enjoy. Something I didn't realize for a while is that several episodes have more to watch after the EP, so it's worth sticking around. That said, you're not missing anything important if you don't watch it, because there's not much in the way of
Aug 1, 2023
Kanojo, Okarishimasu 3rd Season
The first season of Kanojo, Okarishimasu was good. The second season was passable. And this season is shaping up to be great. To understand why, let me give a brief description of the good and bad from the first two seasons.
Season one gave a good hook right off the bat, and kept my interest throughout. It had a solid premise and competent execution. What more can you ask from a first season? Season two... felt like a step down. It was a bit more wishy-washy, both in pace and direction. It often left me sitting, thinking, "Where is this going?" And not in a good way. ... Apr 20, 2023
Renai Flops
While, yes, this anime is a cheesy harem full of tropes and a little chaos, but there is a reason for it. The best thing to do is stick with the show. If you do that, you will almost certainly develop an appreciation for it. There are specific reasons for this, but for the sake of avoiding spoilers, I will just tell you: trust me on this.
Some people have given poor reviews of this show. One such review complained that "the femboy" didn't get them up. And to that I say, correct. This show is not intended to be jerk-off material. It's a cute harem ... |