Mushishi is proving to be a lively so powerful in the quiet he inspires respect. This is a series that reflects but avoids getting lost in sermons and other clichés of the genre. The only morality is apparent harmony between man and his surroundings.
Avoid unnecessary destruction and vehement is a good message that is sufficient to itself, no need to make tons ... Mushishi avoids this pitfall.
If sometimes the explanations can be complicated and difficult to follow, the anime as a whole is apprehended easily in my opinion.
The choice not to reveal any arc is original and very well thought out as
Oct 19, 2012
The scenario is really excellent! The whole story is well-crafted and well told, we learn various important elements via flashbacks (which are thought more scenarios independent of each other) and we learn to know our characters are crazier than others (Isaac and Miria are really those who have the greatest impact, especially the passage in 2001 ^ ^).
Who would have imagined seeing a world as twisted mafia? In any case, I initially I did not expect at all and I pleasantly surprised! Truly this anime offers something for everyone! Found at the base of a universe completely dark and you wonder what the same time, I was ... |