I am a long time Dragonball fan since 2008 and this is without a doubt the WORST Dragonball movie that I have ever seen. Yes it is worse than Battle of Gods and yes it is even worse than Dragonball Evolution because at least Evolution has character growth which this film seems to lack. No joke I actually had to pause the movie a couple of times due to utter frustration and or disappointment.
The animation in this movie is painfully average, seeming more like a direct to television movie rather than a theatrical release film. Also it has way too much CGI where it is
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Aug 9, 2020
Dragon Ball Super: Broly
Not Recommended Spoiler
This movie is praised beyond the heavens from many of the Dragonball Super fanboys across the globe. But that is only the case because this movie does everything to fill as well as warm your nostalgia for Dragonball while doing almost nothing new in the grand scheme of things, in fact it does the opposite of even that. Taking old established events within the overall Dragonball story that has been around for nearly two whole decades and redoing them, repackaging them, and reselling them only this time it is absolute sh*t that creates many plot holes and completely destroys established lore on a far ... greater scale than that of even Dragonball Super which that anime can only dream of doing. Dragonball Super has completely destroyed the lore of the following events within the Dragonball franchise that of which include, but not limited to (Bardock: The Father of Goku), (Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan) and (Fusion Reborn). By the way I don't care if the certain events are canon or not according to the fanboys. I have never seen any type of franchise of many stories as well as arcs take its old established events within their respected history of the franchise and completely rewrite them and forget about the older material like it never happened before, that is a kind of disrespect that is actually disgusting to me plus it shows their laziness to create anything new or outstanding in terms of story telling. Also rather the Dragonball Super fanboys want to accept this as a fact or not, Bardock: The Father of Goku is actually canon within the original manga written by Akira Toriyama himself. There is a page within a volume of his manga that contains Frieza's encounter with Bardock in space yet in this movie it actually never happened, thus canon or not canon, it doesn't really even matter anymore up to this point anyway. Since this movie alone actually broke the fine line between canon and non canon within the Dragonball lore. The story in Dragonball Super or at least the first act of the film is basically just rehashing the movie Bardock: The Father of Goku except it is far worse in quality compared to the older yet superior one. So many inconsistencies and retcons that it will make your head spin just from the first act alone. The second act of the Dragonball Super: Broly movie is not rehashing the older yet superior movie known as Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan since the second act of the Dragonball Super: Broly film's plot is almost nothing like it. However Dragonball Super: Broly is using it as a template of sorts since this film is literally taking the exclusive characters known as Broly as well as Paragus from Broly: The Legnedary Super Saiyan, and both films just happen to have them as the main antagonists. Now the third as well as the final act of the movie literally just completely rips-off the movie called "Fusion Reborn", without doing anything new or innovating with it except for how Broly gets defeated. The story overall is complete trash of the highest order by ripping off not just one, but two respected Dragonball Z films that have good storytelling in them and have evolved the Dragonball lore and has been there for two decades as well as using "Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan" as a template for this atrocious movie. The characters in this movie are just detestable as well as annoying to the point where you want to hurt them. Goku as always is a complete moron who can't get fighting off of his head because he is now just a caricature of the Goku from Dragonball Z. Vegeta is basically the same as well, a caricature of himself from the Cell arc of Dragonball Z. These are our main characters and they haven't changed nor developed as characters at all even if they were actually developed by the end of Dragonbsall Z. But get this, there is not one, not two, but THREE caricatures in this movie, Bulma is the third caricature. Bulma always glorified herself as a beautiful person to an "extent", but she literally now wants to use the Dragonballs to make herself younger and I am not joking. Also Frieza is in this movie because we need more of him and he is completely out of character to the point where he doesn't care about immortality anymore and only cares about growing 5 centimeters taller even though his second transformation is literally a much bigger version of him which King Cold used to look intimidating. Also Frieza starts a galactic war at the end of the film while Goku and Vegeta are on Earth just fighting with each other as always. Yeah, these are our main characters ladies and gentlemen. Now Broly is an interesting character to talk about, however the Broly in this movie is different than the Broly in the original film. Broly in this movie is just a shy, keeps to himself lad, who truly loves his father Paragus who just so happens to wear a long pink skirt during the halfway point of the film, that is all I will say about Paragus regarding that. I actually prefer the Broly from the original movie and the reason is simple, why are the Saiyans so kind and considerate. Within the Dragonball lore they were heartless / cold warriors that didn't show any concern nor care for the well being of other races, so why is it different with Broly. This movie makes the Saiyans in general out to be panzies. Also Bardock is in the movie and he is extremely out of character compared to his original counterpart who was a tough yet cold warrior as well as bada**. But one of the worst moments in this "movie" is when Goku wants Broly to call him "Kakarot" at the end of the film from now on. I would just love to point out that Goku saying this line actually destroys his entire f*cking character in general and that is an understatement. I can't think of a line from a main protagonist of "any" anime worse than this when it comes to missing the mark completely on his or her overall character or what he or she stood for as a character. Really Pathetic! Dragonball Super Movie: Broly proves to me that Modern Dragonball will never ever create anything new as well as innovating because the Dragonball franchise reached its peak within the Freiza arc and since then it was on a slow decline in terms of writing and quality even though I still enjoyed the later arcs. This movie destroys the legacy of not two, but three beloved fan favorite films that have been in established Dragonball lore for decades and this new film retcons them all to the high heavens for the sake of a quick cash grab that the Dragonball Super fanboys did in fact eat up. The only reason why I am giving this film a 2 out of 10 are because of three reasons, Piccolo is in this movie and not out of character, Broly transforms into a Super Saiyan and the movie has a pretty solid explanation as to why that is even though it still leaves out a minor nitpick of mine, and the animation during the fight scenes are actually of really good darn quality. Overall though this movie is an absolute disgrace within the franchise of Dragonball because it not only destroys the established lore of "Bardock: The Father of Goku", but it also destroys the Saiyan lore in general by making them look pathetic and a caring people when that was never the case before this movie came out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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![]() Show all Jul 30, 2020
Dragon Ball Super
Not Recommended
SPOILER Warning:
Oh my goodness, where do I even begin with this "continuation" of a somewhat good franchise overall. This is basically a "sequel" to Dragonball Z. Dragonball Z was not perfect by any means, however going into this "sequel" after you watch Dragonball Z you think that you will be expecting a decent story with brand new yet characters like the older ones, a sense of an adventure as well as a new threatening danger, as The Z Fighters have to rise to the challenge. But, nope that is not what we get Ladies and Gentlemen, we actually get a Quarter of a Half Baked ... Travesty served with a total and utter amount of dissatisfaction and disgust. We will start with the two Main Characters Goku and Vegeta. Goku has been regressed from an uneducated Saiyan raised on Earth with a pure heart who learns the responsibilities of being the main protector of Earth as he tries to and succeeds in passing the torch to someone else in order to fill the role as the next Leader of The Z Fighters into a mentally handicapped, destructive, over the top levels of immaturity, unbearable amount of selfishness and a greatly irresponsible Saiyan who puts the entire Multiverse in great danger all because he wants a good fight. For goodness sakes Goku hires the assassin Hit to kill him in order to get a thrilling fight. Is Goku now suicidal to the extent of getting something that he loves? He made Goten cry over his "supposed" death. Listen I don't want the main character to be a perfect Gary Stu that can do no wrong, but I know that this is actually the opposite of a Gary Stu. Goku has no redeeming qualities in this f***ing travesty of an anime. Now as for Vegeta, He once was a a heartless and prideful Saiyan as well as the Prince of all Saiyans who demolished hundreds of civilizations and killed innocent lives for the enjoyment of it. However Goku slowly, but surely changed him to leave his bloody and ruthless past behind and start a family of his own as Vegeta slowly started to grow quite fond of the Planet Earth and eventually accepted the fact that Goku a low class Saiyan raised on Earth is greater than He is. Vegeta's character has gone full circle. So what happens in Dragonball Super? Oh Vegeta changes his mind in the very next arc and continues to have a spiteful yet hateful demeanor towards Goku and still to this day desires to surpass him one day. Not to mention that Vegeta's overall character is all over the freaking place during the Tournament of Power arc as he goes from crying over Cabba like a little girl to no joke within an instant shrugging off Krillin and Whis's compliments of him and his determination to beat Jiren for Cabba's sake like a teenage girl. Now we will tackle the story of Dragonball Super overall and as you have probably guessed, it is complete dogs**t, there is in fact surprisingly barely a story to be told since there is barely any character development from the characters as well as no story narrative to be found no matter how far and wide you search for it. The story is just about surpassing Gods, to taking care of a Villain that should of stayed dead long ago, to getting involved in a Tournament because two Gods are fighting over petty food, to once again taking care of a danger from the far distant future, to finally ending it off with a Tournament of Survival. Now the only compliment that I can give the story of Dragonball Super is that three of the five major arcs could have worked if they were written by competent writers who knew the lore of Dragonball and those arcs being The Battle of Gods Arc, The Multi-Tournament Arc, and The Tournament of Power Arc. The Revival of F Arc and The Black Goku Arc can never be of decent to good quality in terms of writing no matter how skilled you are as a writer. Dragonball Super also completely fails at creating tension as Bills (Beerus) and Whis can just take care of most of the Z Fighters problems with the villains. Even if Goku and the others are in the far distant future as in The Goku Black Arc, Goku can just merely press a freaking button to solve the threat of Zamasu. Also Whis has the ability to freaking time travel easily without creating an alternate timeline like He is freaking Toriyama in disguise or something as well as reviving Freiza with just a flick with his staff with no heavy cost. Also Dragonball Super lacks originality to the point of copying certain memorable moments from Dragonball Z and incorporating them into this unforgivable "sequel" such as Vegeta's Final Flash on Jiren, to Vegeta's Final Explosion on Toppo, to having yet another time travel arc, etc. Also certain characters from The Tournament of Power Arc are complete ripoffs / knockoffs of other characters from other popular anime such series as but not limited to Sailor Moon, My Hero Academia, Pokemon, One Punch Man, Yu Yu Hakusho, to many more that I am probably not aware of. Dragonball Super just so happens to also lack the basic lore within its own franchise from its predecessors Dragonball and Dragonball Z. From Trunks using the Spirit Bomb, to King Kai's planet coming back, to reviving Frieza even though you can't wish someone back with the Dragonballs after a year or so, to Frieza growing stronger in the afterlife by mentally training even though evil doers can't keep their original bodies when they die and go to the afterlife, to the Potara Fusion having a time limit on mortals, to the Dragonballs having the power to defuse Kabito Kai back to The Supreme Kai and Kabito even though the Potara Fusion was suppose to be permanent as said by The Elder Kai, to not understanding the Instant Transmission and assuming that it is movement rather than Teleportation, to having a ki blast revive you instead of damaging you, and many more. Dragonball Super also has other huge problems such as Power Scaling which is basically nonexistent and dictated by the writers on a whim as well as their favoritism towards certain characters such as Android 17, Frieza, and Master Roshi etc. Dragonball Super also suffers from the writers being so darn incompetent or putting in plot points, but then completely changing it later on during the run of the series such as Goku's evil smirks during his fight with Toppo, everyone was theory crafting that that was actually Black Goku from the previous arc. Another example is The Grand Priest making evil smirks when Universes kept on getting erased from existence making theorists assume that The Grand Priest wanted this all to happen as a part of his plan for something terrifying. Another thing to note in Dragonball Super is the extreme lack of character devolopment in which Dragonball Z proudly has. In Dragonball Super both Goku and Vegeta are technically static characters which is the worst thing to have in such a long series such as this. Also the only characters that have any sort of development are Bills (Beerus), Android 17, Frieza (In which I personally despise Frieza's devolpoment in this series as He should have been the one irredeemable villain), and a probably a few others that aren't on the top of my head right now. In conclusion Dragonball Super is a freaking travesty unlike any other anime out there that I have personally ever seen, from its horrible characters, to characters acting out of character, to somewhat promising plot points that haven't been realised to its fullest potential to make a thrilling story, to its obvious yet "many" inconsistencies within the franchise's respectable Universe, to no narrative in its overall "story", to lacking in worldbuilding, to lacking in tension as well as intense drama between the characters that enhance the plot in some way shape or form, to its terrible and inexcusable animation which most of time looks like complete and utter garbage espeically in the beginning of the anime, to the horrible as well as abysmal fighting cheorgraphy in which upon thorough inspection is actually completely uninspired and repetitive. Dragonball Super is truly a disgrace not only to the anime viewers that have seen it, but also to the many dedicated Dragonball fans out there on this planet. Dragonball Super is so dreadfully awful and so darn HORRENDOUS beyond belief that it actually divided the Online Dragonball Fanbase itself between the Dragonball Super Fanboys that flood the internet still hyping Dragonball Super's return to this very day and the older yet more laid back Dragonball Z fans from the early to late 2000's. Dragonball Super has an overall story that is worse than even freaking Dragonball Evolution and that takes one heck of a feat indeed considering that Dragonball Evolution is complete and utter trash as well. Dragonball Super is actually so disgusting that it made me take a step back and wonder if I should continue following this franchise as a fan myself. Dragonball Super is a series that should be wiped out from the face of existence and then some, I am not joking! Dragonball Super may not be the worst anime of all time, but I can tell you this as a FACT, Dragonball Super is the worst Shonen anime out there and I doubt that any shonen in the distant future that comes out can possibly match or even dream of being worse than this horrendously awful yet disturbing work of fiction that actually made its way out of the drawing board. Rest in Piece to The Dragonball Franchise (1984 - 2012)
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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![]() Show all Jul 29, 2020 Not Recommended
SPOILER Warning:
This anime really wanted to be something special, and I can to an extent see why people truly did enjoy it, However I didn't enjoy nor like this anime very much. The concept of the story is an Otaku getting sent to another world of sorts without a reason and he spends the entire time trying to protect a pretty witch girl named Emilia from a witch cult to an assassin from the Black Market and all because she was kind to him in the first episode. You see this would be alright to an extent if not for the fact of the core ... problem of this series, Time Resets by death and this destroys any kind of character growth for all of the characters except for the main character Subaru, thus she has no idea why Subaru loves her so much in the first place. Time Rests can never work because it destroys character development as well as story progression to an extent. There can be no memorable scenes because they will most likely be erased just to be another alternate timeline. The main character is Subaru Natsuki and he is a bad protagonist who is not interested in returning to his home world or trying to figure out why he has this "Return By Death" ability. You would think that he would study the world's history as well as old religious cults to find out exactly why he has return by death, but nope he just spends a lot of his time impressing a bunch of cute girls. Also Subaru is quite unlikable because he holds a grudge against someone named Julius for getting to close to his Miss Emilia, even if by the end of it all He still hates him even if Julius wanted to make amends with Subaru. In an alternate timeline Subaru was going to completely makeup with Julius until it was interrupted, now that kind of insulted me as a viewer. Subaru did manage to gain respect and complete faith in Julius so it wasn't so terrible. Anyway the other main character is Emilia and she is an alright character although I do get bored from time to time with her. Rem is an insane psychopath who murders Subaru in an alternate timeline due to the impression that Subaru might be a spy with the only proof being that he never left the property of the Mansion and hung out all day waiting to protect Miss Emilia from an assassin. So any connection or feelings that I have between Rem and Subaru is just thrown out the window in my opinion. Ram is an okay to mediocre character, although I did enjoy Rem and Ram's flashback as kids. I also enjoyed the Whale Hunting scenes as well as seeing Wilhelm on screen because he is a "Badass" in general even though he is a little too cold for my taste. I also enjoyed Julius who had a good amount of character development from only caring about his position and pride to trying to make amends with an Otaku he had a grudge on him for almost no reason. The OST was bland and forgettable most of the time and the art was decent with a few distracting CGI animals mixed in there. I will only mention the main antagonist once and He is HORRIBLE in every way possible, an insane psychopath just to be an insane psychopath with barely a motivation of his own. Every time I saw him on screen I wanted to twitch my neck and hit my head on the wall just like he did. Another positive I guess is that the second half of the season is of better quality than the first half and all because of one key factor... buildup between seeing Subaru and Miss Emilia finally seeing each other after that intense argument between them in episode 13. There is also a transgender man who cosplays as a cat but that is all I will say on that matter. By the end of the season I guess seeing Subaru tell Miss Emilia his true feelings about her did kind of rub on me in some way because the series hyped up that moment that was eventually going to happen and it somewhat payed off. I will leave it at that and give this anime overall a 4 out of 10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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