#1 Monster Enjoyer
If im not being clapped in FaceIt or watching some 12 episode romance anime. Im Dead.
“How weak the mind when it wants to forget. Maybe you didn't forget. Maybe you're just lying. Is it a lie you tell to everyone around you, or perhaps a lie you tell to yourself?”
― Johan Liebert
Why did they have to be 2d?
No hoes? No need. I’ve got them.
1. セレナ / Serena
2. 中 なか 野 の 四 よつ 葉 ば / Yotsuba Nakano
3. 弥 海砂 / Misa Amane
4. Anna Liebert
5. ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン / Violet Evergarden
6. アルファ/ Alpha
Scenes that I will never forget
Scenes that I have tattooed in my heart.
1. The landscape of the end.
ポケットモンスター XY / Pokemon XY
2. Serena & Ash kiss.
四月は君の嘘 / Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
3. Kaori Miyazono death.
五等分の花嫁 / Go-Tōbun no Hanayome
4. Futaro choose Yotsuba.
5. I saw the Devil in the eyes.
推しの子 / Oshi no Ko
6. Ai´s murder.
デスノート / Death Note
7. Kira's fall.
ヴァイオレットエヴァーガーデン / Violet Evergarden
8. If only you could haved lived... grown up...
-トーキョーグール- / Tokyo Ghoul
9. Kaneki vs Jason.
新世紀エヴァンゲリオン / Evangelion
10. End of Evangelion
The Goats
I base my life decisions in this mfs.
1. The nameless monster JOHAN LIEBERT
2. The perfect human KIYOTAKA AYANOKŌJI
3. The god of the new world LIGHT YAGAMI
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