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I can say that it's a pretty solid romance/drama series although the ending was very disappointing for me, since the couple I didn't want won at the final.
This second season that culminates what developed in the first, we start that the love triangle is stronger than ever, and Haruo our protagonist finds one or more crossroads where he has to show his true feelings before it will be too late. In this regard I feel that Haruo sins of carefree, ignorant and not very responsible with her suitors, since it's very annoying as most of the time
Jul 29, 2018
My note for the page is 10, but my valuation is really 7.8
Is an anime with tints of mystery and a future (or a past) to tell about a protagonist with amnesia, at first glance it looks like a harem, but it isn't its focus principal to deal with the romance, if not of the protagonist's intermissions with the main girls, which are interrelated through their families and a legend that has a argument weight on the plot of the story. At the beginning the exhibition of the island is interesting and gives rise to varied situations, the style and personality of the main girls in ... |