Fairy tail, an anime set in an imaginary land where magic is at use.
Story-5-Fairy tail is very predictable at moments. The first 10 episodes are probably the ones that are the least predictable. It's good but it could be A LOT better.
Art-7-The art in Fairy Tail goes pretty well with the voice actors voices.
Sound-7-The sound is pretty awesome I like how it relates to what sort of moment it is rather then what character is having that moment.
Characters-5-Characters in Fairy Tail are at the average stage. The writer tries way TOO hard to make the characters pasts relate to who they are today.
Enjoyment-4-Because it's not
Dec 21, 2015
One Punch Man
One punch man,my second favorite anime.
Story-10-The story in one punch man is basically about this moron in his 20s wanting to become a hero... AS A HOBBY. He mentions this a lot to people mainly attempting to say that 'I don't care what you think. I'm a hero for a HOBBY!'This is really amusing because the towns people are just standing there thinking to themselves 'what got into this guy?' Also, one punch man has a lot of monsters in it and Saitama [the main character] gets really excited when one comes around which gets pretty exciting. Art-10-I really like the art in one punch ... |