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Apr 25, 2020
I say follow with rule of 3 with this one, if it doesn't hook you by than, it won't later either.
MC is so god damn useless that story can't progress without him having powers to let someone else do his job. While the story is interesting it's not that unique when you think about it. Basically, this is reverse Darling in the Franxx. But with more edge. And somehow with even more sexual theme of fights.
Story - 7/10 - For now 'cause I don't really have to go
on here.
Art - 9/10 - Surprised with the level of work put into the fights, very good. I'm also liking character design.
Sound - 7/10 - Nothing stands out for me but at least overall voice acting and osts are fitting and well done.
Character - 4/10 - With all the pain in my heart. Lead female is a great balance between crazy and hot, would love to see more of her, but the male lead is.... everything that's bad about this. He's the LEAST interesting part about this thing and has overall very negative influence on atmosphere and story. And I give 0 crap about his past, he's too unlikable for me to like even after a 'redemption/flashback' arc.
Enjoyment - 8/10 - I want crap like this every season.
Overall - 7/10 - If they don't ruin anything else besides MC it's probably gonna end up good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 19, 2017
It's been a long time since an anime pissed me off so much with ending. Let's get non-spoiler part of review out first:
It's not worth it, there's some cool animations and fight scenes, sure, but there's even more poorly written "character background" which I recommend to just skip with 5 second intervals and I'm pretty sure you'll get everything you needed. Tbh you should just skip the whole show and look up gifs and videos/amvs from this, there's nothing else valuable here, just super-badly-written-overly-edgy-fate/taisen.
Now, SPOILER part:
Ok, it started out pretty well with that Boar lady, and backstory was one of the better ones,
so I could easily get into the show, and visuals/fights surely made it worthwhile, but after first episode it was all downhill. It's not like I hated everything, where else can you see "mostly-naked-necromancer-bunny-on-heels vs monkey with a THICC ass" fight?! Ox stabbing chicken in the face was so well made scene as well. And episode 11? Brilliant. I had high hopes for the last episodes after that! Just to be backstabed by show like the rest of the cast.
Normally, I'd rate Enjoyment part of the show a lot higher in a case like this, but story was so badly written and some of the characters so bad, it sucked most of it out. Character backstory just before they die - I'm sick of this already god damn it, is this so hard to learn that it doesn't work that way? Character isn't more likeable because it has more lore, it doesn't give their death any weight at all either. One of the most likeable characters in this show imo was that Bunny dude, and look at how much backstory he has - none. Does he need? No. Did others need? Some - maybe, but only if 12th episode doesn't fuck up and just throws everything under water. Show gave us 0 conclusions, and it's a pure form of frustration of finally getting to the good part - just to be denied. It's the laziest and most pretentious of all writings to just act like it was a wise thing to do when it in fact was a very poorly put dot on a story writer had not skill to pull of in the first place.
wait I just looked it up and the author is Nisio Isin? Wait wha... Jesus. Please don't let this man get near to anything other than monogatari stuff. I love monogatari too much to go on shit-talk about him more, so I'm just gonna assume he put himself in a corner where he had no good way to finish story and just ended it as quickly as he could.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 15, 2016
This anime doesn't really know it's gerne. It can't decide if it's about exorcism, if it's love comedy, or if it's something like... well, let me tell you straight - it's shit. Your brain will start to hurt when you watch this.
Characters are not even 1-dimensional. The writing is getting off-track every second, suddenly anime tries to be serious like hell and than it goes back to being stupid as hell. There's no middle ground. I won't talk much 'cause spoilers but, I just wanna fucking murder every character there.
Even if it was a love-comedy, there's no love, there's no comedy.
Even if it
was fighting anime, there's no fighting, the training is just so stupid it makes you wanna slam your head against the wall.
It has 0 value. There is literally nothing to watch this show for. It's damn hard to make something like this, usually when anime gets this bad, it's so bad it's actually good. (at least fun to watch, in terms of how stupid/ridiculous it is.) Not in this case, leave this shit and don't ever thing about this show. You'd be better watching any shitty show out there than this
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 30, 2016
This is pure bullshit lol. Don't watch this, don't let 7+ rating fool you like it did me, thinking it would be somewhat decent show. Go away fast, this isn't the ecchi you're looking for.
Story is bad, characters are even worse, art is only good for like, 3 seconds per episode and honestly I don't think japanese had seen nipples at this point of history. Maybe they discovered it post 2015 or something. I don't know.
Sound was bad, enjoyment was less than what I came to this anime fore and overall didn't hold up to expectations of "ecchi harem battle magic and overpowred MC"
thing. Meh/10 honestly, I just gave 4 or 5 arbitrarily. I came for a 7.25/10 anime, got less than 6/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 24, 2016
12 series of stupidity, bad writing, no, horrible. I'll try to describe how bad it was. General ratings:
Story - 1 "Pathetic."
Art - 6 "Fair." (But story's so bad it kinda makes you want to score it lower. Story's so bad it influences other things too look bad.)
Sound - 6 "Fair." (Same with art, the rest of the stuff is so bad you wouldn't even
notice if sound or art was done badly.)
Characters - 1, but I wish I could score lower. Like, -1? Too bad I can't.
Enjoyment - 2. Most enjoyable part: thinking about what I'd write on MAL review when this
was over.
Overall - 3/10.
I only watched this to the end so I could write a full review, truly seeing how bad this is, I can recommend you: do not waste a single minutes on this crap. It will leave you wonder why the fuck are you wasting your life.
I'd talk how bad characters were at first, but you need to have them in the first place. "bland" or "uninspiring" don't cover how weird they felt. Sometimes some of them had something similar to characteristics and personality, but in the end most of them were forced, there was even a weird romance setting which disappeared. Yea, literally, I wondered if I missed anything in last ep. But no, this girl showed love for another guy and after that not even a trace of the feeling xD at some point she was even having internal turmoil and I was expecting some kind of conflict between characters, an opportunity for development, but nope, it just "puffed" out of the story ;d
And story was even worse, group of kids gather to make a game? Fine, I like those kind of animes. I recently watched Shirobako, and I'm excited to see young people trying to create some kind of work. Well, too bad they had to put any kind of cliche'd "slice-of-life" stuff, totally unrelated to actually making game. None of the episodes contributed to anything relevant to story, characters, or even humour. Forced competition was stupid as well, I bet they were like, "hm I think our show's ratings are bad 'cause we lack competition. Let's just jam some in it." And they failed at that too. Ending, the shining point of all shows, the best part as it should have been, was no different either. I want to get into more details as why I think writing was pathetic, why characters were 1 dimensional, but I'd rather avoid spoilers, even if I hope you never have to go through pain of watching this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 21, 2014
As promised I'm rewriting SAO II review.
First of all, I question the point of making this season itself. This is just a shameful try to sell their lame story and make easy money, disgraceful at end because I felt offended by this show. I disliked it before, but now it just went shameless.
Why do they even call this anime Sword Art Online? Even 2nd part of first season was questionable why even existed. And now this? It's no way related to SAO main plot. What is this anime, some kind of "slice of life"? It's not even that. It's just some bunch of people
playing. I feel like show was over long ago when they finally logged out, and everything after that is just a filler to make money on something popular. The thing SAO is lacking is objective, story isn't driven by anything. And the reason is that they want this to be kept as "franchise." They could make anime about GGO and Sinon, but they had to get Kirito in it. They just used SAO's popularity to sell this awful writing. I've been outraged a lot by the poor writing and lack of intelligence from the author, but never so much with what happened at the end of anime.
Konno Yuuki dies from AIDS. Are they kidding us? Could they have not given better explanation why?! HOW?! Because it doesn't kill. AIDS doesn't kill people who are kept from danger like Konno Yuuki was. I really checked stuff a lot to be sure they said AIDS in anime. And believe me this is stupid. They could have said anything. Like, anything else to make it real.... You just... can't insult people like this...
When I heard Sleeping Knight's backstory, I thought it was pretty touching and sad, and I wasn't going to say anything bad about that part but killing somebody with AIDS pissed me off -.-' And after that I didn't also get what was the point of this "filler" part of story. How is this connected to SAO. If you're making a drama, ok, do it but don't label it with popular name and use half-assed story about terminally ill people. Why? To make it seem more "dramatic" and "deep." Well, it would have been really much better if they made it into another anime. Like they should have also done with GGO part. But no, we have to get Kirito rubbed in our faces every time.... which brings second greatest flow of this anime - Characters.
I said this before and I will say it again, Kirito is a cheater and has no quality as a character. He's just there so that story can revolve around him so that he seems really really cool and awesome. Other characters who should have gotten much more screen time, didn't get any... Klein is already just a joke not a character.
The only not horrible part this anime has it's production value. It's not really high but sound is good given Kajiura is making osts, and animation isn't half bad. And that's about it. Everything else with most animes is writing. Which is done really really poorly. I can't enjoy this anime even when I try too.
It had some good moment like when Sinon almost got raped/killed. It was pretty... intense. That scene got me really. It was really well done. But than they blew it with cheap luck and how Kirito survived that. That was just plain stupid. It really ruined the whole suspense. And SAO does that often. It's like a formula already for this anime where you build up good foundation and story and ruin it near the end with something stupid.
Overall I give this 5/10 rating. It just makes me pissed off how they are making money with this. And knowing that there are gonna be some people crying about how good this anime was 'cause OMG YUUKI DIED SO SAD, VERY TOUCHING, MUCH PLOT... god... this anime's so cheap....
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 10, 2014
If you're here you've probably watched first season. And you're interested if it's worth watching another.
Regardless of this review I think you WILL watch this, because nobody watches 1st season of Fate/Kaleid to the end and doesn't watch 2nd. Just, nobody.
Still, you want to know how good it will be before watching. Let me tell you straight, it's much better than season 1. 2 Wei is literally twice as good as first.
While half-a-joke (you'll get joke after 1 episode) it's really much better. It was like - "I just came to see some more cute girls doing cute stuff and HOLY S**T THAT
Well, of course it's not THAT great really but admit it... you were here just to see some cute lolies and you actually got more than a "decent" anime. The quality was priceless!! The art was so gorgeous that I was going to give this 10/10 even if it didn't have a good story/characters. (It still delivered quite a story btw)
Tt's like, my 2nd favorite anime in fate/series (1st being zero). This was much better than what I expected. I got what I wanted and even more.
So yea.. pretty much that. I doubt that you're reading this and you're not a fate/fan. And I assure you that watching Fate/Kaleid is time spent best.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 3, 2014
So everyone knows this is based on game series and yes, it's not that easy to understand the whole thing without playing those games.
Yet it doesn't mean that you won't be able to enjoy this anime at all. Even if you're not familiar with games, there's a certain aura to this anime that you can enjoy it as well as others do.
Story 7/10 - isn't anything too complicated, it's rather easy-going, may feel a little slow-paced but that's just the nature of this anime. There's nothing much to talk about story actually, most of the episodes are concentrated on individual characters. They don't go
really too much into background and keep it easy to understand.
Art is quite good, you can just see that on your own~ but it's nothing to great either so it's 7/10.
Sound - well, it's all about taste I say, 8/10 for really relaxing osts.
Characters - nothing too complicated here either, most of them are easy to understand/guess what kind of characters they are. Still they're rather enjoyable bunch of... "people." ( not all of them are humans) 6/10 because there's nothing really unique here.
Enjoyment - this is the key part of this anime, if you like animes like Aria for example, slow, relaxing, peaceful, than this is for you. Even battle scenes won't get you worked up. You can just turn this on and relax from a tiring day. Some of course can't really enjoy this kind of entertainment, but for some it's a rare opportunity to go into a fascinating fantasy world, where you enjoy every second you spend.
Overall I give this 7/10. People who enjoy this kind of anime, should definitely watch this, and for people who're looking for fantasy world filled with action, keep looking, this one isn't for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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