All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 75.5
Mean Score:
- Watching4
- Completed208
- On-Hold25
- Dropped16
- Plan to Watch295
- Total Entries548
- Rewatched42
- Episodes4,648
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 20.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries183
- Reread11
- Chapters1,412
- Volumes330
All Comments (59) Comments
☆ N E W S L E T T E R ☆
Join us for a simulwatch Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!
thats the turning point of the series, its a war an good guys will die (an they will stay dead unlike most shonen)
Necesito más detalles sobre eso. Qué tipo de Café, horario, organización, etc.
Alone does enjoy being able to use a Gods power at will
i did like the artstyle
Asmita is basicly a previous incarnation of Shaka, they are both incarnations of Buddha so Asmita looks just like Shaka but with modern artstyle
they do have a different personality though
yep im virgo but i liked Shaka cause of his design, powers, seiyuu an personality more than just sharing the same sign
his predecesor Virgo Asmita didnt end up becoming one of my fav even though he was kinda cool