This review could probably have some spoilers. So be sure if you want to read it!!!
Normally, i don't really like animes with mechas or stuff like this. But i must say, this anime really reminds me of "Tengen Toppa Guren Lagan" which i really liked as well. The animation is perfect and doesn't look weird. I like the romance is in the story. For me, i think that Hiro and Zero-Two are a good couple and i like it how the other Characters have a romance between each other as well. Not so strong but at least there is something. The sound is normal like
Nov 4, 2017
Tbh, after the start i just don't wanted to watch this anime anymore, because the main character is just so annoying. The only way the Anime could bring me on, were the story and the other characters. Especially "Saraato" <3 I love her character and i loved how she always motivated hiiro. I would have gave this Anime a 9/10, because of Saraato as character and the story, but Hiiro as main character was just too annoying.
It would have been more interesting, if Hiiro would be usefull in the normal fights and not when he gets angry and the dragon awakes in him. That's the ... Sep 14, 2017
Well, i'm close to the end of this Anime. Only 1 episode left.
What can i say about this one? The first Episode was promising and good. After this one the story needs a bit to get to the action. Sometimes i was feeling... Why did i saw now 12 minutes of just nonsense talking. But it was worth at the end. At the middle of the episodes the Anime just gets better and better. I'm must say that the sound is incredible. I never saw an anime with such a great sound tbh. I'm now at the last episodes and i don't want to spoiler, but it ... |