For those of you who enjoyed the game, Animal Crossing was an interesting movie. It summarized the game fairly well, adding in different characters and giving Ai, the main character, a home to live in. It was a fun thing to watch. The animation was cute and the storyline similar to that of the games.
One thing that I didn't like much about this was that it didn't have much of a plotline to go off of. Much like the game, you get a job and fix a house up and that's pretty much it. Where do you go with that in a movie?
Apr 14, 2009
Juu Ou Sei
If anything, Jyu Oh Sei was interesting. It was different. The pictures that I'd seen once or twice passing through lists of anime were enough to catch my eye and bring me to the description of the show. And the description was enough to get me to watch it.
One thing I didn't like about Jyu Oh Sei was that it was short. Eleven episodes didn't seem enough for the packed storyline that it hosted. The characters were interesting enough and the plot was compelling, but I feel that it could have been better if they made the series longer. Apr 14, 2009
Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven
This show, I'll admit to myself, started off a bit slow. The art and music blew me away as soon as the show started. But after watching through the beginning, which was a tad on the boring side, the story progressed and caught me by surprise. I did enjoy this show very much and I would recommend it. Once I got into it the storyline propelled me forward to watch more.