There are three main types of "specific interest" story. When author knows and wants to submerge its viewer (or reader) into the world of interest; when author finds something unusual and shiny, googles about it and decides to make a story about it; and something inbetween.
What you have here - is the story inbetween. Author knows about it, but puts it as unusual and shiny.
It is called "Hibike! Euphonium", and it is about big beautiful brass that shines, but does not breathe.
Most of plots in modern anime about music tend to look like this: protagonist making or taking part in a band or orchestra, grinding
its skill and becoming popular and famous in the end. This plot was used so many times that not it is not very interesting to follow it.
So, as a multi-instrumentalist with a strong knack for musical instruments, before watching, I made a supposition: maybe these series will show us characters actually playing musical instruments? Maybe it will tell us about secrets and mysteries behind brass techniques? Or - in the most extreme case - would it turn me into a brass fan and persuade me to buy a trumpet, as I wanted several years ago? Let's wait and see.
Obviously, with shiny brass and glossy art in preview arts and videos, my first impression was positive enough. Even though the studio making this show would be Kyoto Animation, infamous in latest years for its beautiful bug-eyed art and lack of plot and character development.
For example, the notorious K-On lacked any skill development, jumping from zero to hero in an instant for no particular reason.
If you play a musical instrument, you should have known that learning to play any instrument, from recorder to tabla drums, takes a lot of time and work. Obviously, non-musician viewers would not be insterested in daily routine with blistered fingers, aching back or dry mouth, but a proper amount of these scenes would make you believe characters on screen are trying their best to do music. I did not believe K-On. Should I believe Hibike? Let's hope.
Now for the actual reason: I decided to give this anime a try for having a character playing double bass. Why? Because this instrument is very uncommon in girl-cast shows.
Lots of different characters in different anime series are playing violin; again, mostly they are girls, and violin is supposed to underline their femininity, giving them a very artistic and porcelain-ish aura.
But suddenly here comes a tiny curly-haired moe-girl carrying a stringed coffin larger in size than her. No way it could be feminine: trust me, double bass is really that large and cumbersome, but - surprisingly - not so heavy and loud, being a low-pitched instrument. Would a moe-girl make it roar and slap? Let's watch.
Here it goes. Beautiful art, girls in uniforms, everything is polished and nice. Girls, be ambitious...?
Nope. Girls, be boring, dull and slow-paced.
This is not the show about music. Music is not needed here. This is a show about problems.
It should be called "Naku! Ennuiphonium".
Even K-On made a good and happy, yet poseurish, mood, and here we just watch characters playing in band with sad faces on.
Again: I like happy and cheerful people and characters. They charge you with a will to live. With female protagonist being boring, slow-paced and not pursuing her unfinished dream (which every young musician has) with burning eyes, I can not empathize her. Yes, she had a loss in past, though would it be a shounen-oriented series, she would think something like: "I lost? Who cares. I'll just grind more". She prefers to dig deeper into her thoughts, without even thinking about how she could overcome her sadness.
The problem of this show lies not only in un-empathetic protagonist, but in wrong deepness balance of the whole show. Instead of dripping us, viewers, into the world of music, it drips us into relationship problems of female protagonist being afraid to speak with her childhood friend, who grew into an aloof-dark-emotionless-long-haired type (I personally hate such characters, but that's not the question).
With all this drama bubblegum (as well as biseinen teacher not stopping to smile), Hibike looks more like a shoujo show with cheap plotline, but great art instead. Only Asuka (who looks like Mita from Hatsu Inu, by the way) tries to be the main genki and fanservice source of the show, making me change my opinion about Hibike being a pure shoujo.
By the way, let's stop a little bit on Asuka, until we started to rant about everything else. It is the only character of the show with no purpose other than being better than others.
She pushes female protagonist to the plot, makes her progress more and more, and does not actually care about sad things happening around her. Looks very similar to Kamina from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, but if Kamina was a charismatic character with a big dream and looked realistic and vivid in his setting, Asuka looks and acts like she came from nowhere to do everything better than others. Got what I mean?
Yes. Asuka is a Mary Sue.
And being a Mary Sue is not a good way to push the plot. Because you're not a character, but more like a random person on stage caught improvising.
Where was I?... Another bad thing is that plot jumps from one place to another too much. With unneeded amounts of drama atop it reminds me of Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai, with the only difference Hibike being realistic enough.
The second problem lies in over-dramatisation and depressive atmosphere suited only for 15-year-old girls experiencing coming-of-age period, because it is the time when you try to cope with your seeings of the future. In short, the characters are constantly sad.
And the sadness keeps going and going! Compared, for example, to Hanayamata, nobody ever tries to turn the sad situation on screen into aspiring, funny or just interesting. Each episode looks not at all like a show about dreams and future, instead looking more like a footage from some dark arts circle. Dress all characters in black, make it rain outside, and the atmosphere would be ideal for the show.
Seriously: the lack of any happiness in characters' onscreen life makes you believe that it's a show about a funeral band.
Again, you could take musical instruments out of the show and replace concert band with some other props to make the plot flow. Replace the setting with an artist academy, shooting range or tube-rolling mill, nothing would change drastically: a bit of inner works, and no actual gravitation of these works. They just exist.
The characters are portrayed as realistic. But are they?
Actually, they were balanced enough for a boring setting at the first six episodes of these series. Not counting female protagonist and her turned-aloof friend, we also have Hazuki, who I found really funny to watch, and again, typical quiet moegirl Sapphire with a large double bass. The problem is she did not play any bass soloes, and is also rarely shown in orchestra, with main frames being occupied with big beautiful brass. This does not make me happy as a contrabassist (self-taught, not the best on, but still learning!). The only moment of her starring was in a trio with Hazuki and female protagonist. And this is not enough for a main character with a double bass.
The most "realistic" part of these series is that characters always shed tears for other characters. Without even thinking about how exactly they could make a profit for themselves, I say. This, being Japanese enough trait, takes all characters down.
I do not propagate egocentrism, but if you want to live the life, you'll need to think about yourself first, not about your senpai. Just remember: if you give your clothes to everyone, you'll leave yourself naked and probably die of pneumonia.
Any lack of self-esteem in characters makes them unsympathetic and uncatchy, turning them into grey goo of depression. And the show without individual characters is not an interesting one.
One more question to discuss is the yuri part of the show. As some people already noted, this part was really unneeded in the plot. With Reina acting les-yay for Kumiko, I can only suppose it was just a move to attract more audience. Of course, they are in an absolute need for a mutual kiss, ain't they?
If I am right, the original novel did not have such shameless fetish expositions to attract more audience, because female protagonist already had a potential partner.
And the show has no need in this yuri fanservice. The show needs yuri like a goat needs an accordion (or a fish needs an umbrella, or a dog needs a fifth leg, as we say in Russia).
I had hopes on the series. Yet still, after the first 6 episodes, drama bubblegum goes on, female protagonist is still acting boring and unempathetic, and even cheerful Hazuki and Sapphire are turning into snot-chewing scenery, making these series even more uninteresting and boring.
The problem can be described as such: every important character in this show (even the optimistic ones) survives such an unempathetic and dull background you just don't have any wish to feel with them.
All problems with unsaid words, insincerity and fake feelings could be easily solved, but - apparently, the strong and noble people of Japan (with all their strength and nobility still raped by Soviet Union and USA) are not allowed to express feelings as they wish.
Aforementioned over-dramatization of events in these series makes you want to turn it off and think your life is much happier, even if you are a bankrupt disabled widow. This does not even look like a character development, it's a character degradation, a thin reason to turn characters, potentially capable of living, into fools walking through the forest and searching someone more stupid than them. (It was a reference.)
Strange enough, with Buddhism being popular in Japan, to see every character in this show in sad mood, dramatized situations, uncomfortable around each other. Each and everyone of them does not even try to become a Bodhisattva and to forget any perishable bad luck of this world.
Girls, stop this. At the moment someone suffers more than you, stop crying over brass.
Special mention goes to Reina. As I said before, I greatly dislike "aloof&emotionless" type of characters. They always look like they try to act grown-up, forgetting that not the actions are measure of growing up, but experience is. Reina's case is similar: she even states she tries to be special, that's why she wants to play trumpet better.
You want to be special by playing trumpet better?
Reina, playing trumpet does not make you special. Even a street cleaner can learn to play trumpet, if he wants to. And becoming the best is the dream of all shounen main characters.
If you want to deal with a trumpet, you need to play it in a special way. In a way nobody ever played it. No matter what, just do something unusual.
Play djent on trumpet.
(All right, jokes aside: check out Pierre Bastien. That's what "special trumpet" means.)
And later this striving for being special became contagious. This is it, the unfinished dream to make your eyes burn...
Not. This part of plot is so far-fetched and hastily-made you don't have enough time to live with it, to believe it and, of course, to empathize with such aspiration. If KyoAni pushed it i the beginning of series, you could believe it more, though the show would really play itself like a badly-written shounen story.
The only part of the show that I watched without taking my eyes away was the ending song. The ending was suspenseful and overall gorgeous. Such a shame that for such an ending the anime would suffer such a depressive mood without any chance of happiness in the characters' eyes.
In this quality, we have:
Story: 5/10 (for being not very original, but okay)
Art: 10/10 (again, instruments are really beautiful)
Sound: 6/10 (nothing special, but let it be 6/10, it's a show about boredo... err, music)
Character: 4/10 (unempathetic ones are overbalancing empathetic ones)
Enjoyment: 3/10 (so depressive and boring, you could go mad).
Let's set overall score of 5/10. I really wished it could be better, but with the series being such a mood-dropper it could not.
That does not mean Hibike is bad. It is believable in some way, it is beautifully drawn, but it is overly dramatized, plays itself in a very unhappy and unwilling mood and, worst of all, does not have a hook. A quirky idea to be interesting enough to watch.
Of course, there is a potential to watch it. But not to breathe it.
Cry, ennuiphonium. Until the last episode.
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May 9, 2015
Hibike! Euphonium
Mixed Feelings Preliminary
(12/13 eps)
There are three main types of "specific interest" story. When author knows and wants to submerge its viewer (or reader) into the world of interest; when author finds something unusual and shiny, googles about it and decides to make a story about it; and something inbetween.
What you have here - is the story inbetween. Author knows about it, but puts it as unusual and shiny. It is called "Hibike! Euphonium", and it is about big beautiful brass that shines, but does not breathe. Most of plots in modern anime about music tend to look like this: protagonist making or taking part in a band or orchestra, grinding ...
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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![]() Show all Feb 4, 2014
Not Recommended
The most frostbitten and grim problem in science fiction is that it does not go well with actual science.
The second problem is that it usually appeals only for popular and trendy themes without going further into their hard scientific side, which can be used to understand them realistically. I'm not talking about turning all science fiction into thorough research on the problems and tying it up to reality, but about careless swinging the science like it can do everything at any time you wish. Sad to say it, but a lot of science fiction authors pretend not to notice that science needs a REALLY long ... time to progress - therefore, they write stories about sudden revolutionary plot devices or techniques which can make science move faster and attract the common viewer's attention. The worst problem is very often these are invented or operated by young and unexperienced ones. And if they need to be experienced or just able to do something right, authors turn them to the Chosen Ones or geniuses, to describe the whole impossibility of the plot. And here comes Steins;Gate: an anime about the youth of the nation changing the world. While still being young, unexperienced and, most of all, plain mindless. ___________________________ Through approximately the last 10 years Japanese authors developed a kind of fetish about exploiting the young geniuses theme. Note: somehow in every third series, movie or OVA you can see a young adult, or nearly adult, or worst of all - a teenager savviyng no worse than its adult counterparts, which - in the worst case - will stand for a kind of moving useless background doing nothing intelligible. They are supposed to be professionals, but their professionality is only stated, never proven. This is due to the fact creators need to describe the characters of specific age in order to attract a specific target audience so that their actions were understandable for viewers, or even persuaded them to think about their own actions. Even if the authors have to give to the child a mind and/or charisma which basically is unable to accumulate in such a young age. Yes, even if that child would be born and raised in a Masonic lodge and would learn to converse from aged seasoned prostitutes. When in school, I knew a lot of really smart people, guys and girls. You can say we were attending the same club (the biology club). They were very aspiring, and later did well in their lives, but no one of the smartest girls was a egregiously imbalanced wench with a nearly perfect appearance publishing in scientific magasines since grade school. Hell, even the smartest girl of our club looked like a mop wearing loose T-shirt: she only cared for her mind, not for her appearance. Nerd girls go in this category too. You may like their intentions, but not their looks. There are really few true geniuses in our world, but... now it's a kind of fashion to give a genius label to anyone who does not behave like a typical consumer. I do not deny that some people grasp something from childhood better than others - but not every second one. However, if we now look at the creations of Japanese authors in total, we see that in the anime version of Japan (note: described as real, otherwise it is an alternative history) the normal young people of current generation are not exposed to glamor (well, forget about kogals for now), do not smoke and drink heavily, have no streak for delinquency (we're laking about positively presented characters here, not obviously evil gang-bangers), are not typical consumers, and are not led by any basest interests. Pure ingenues. No, of course not everyone are included in this list, but really a lot. And do not think I am a misanthrope: I respect everyone, unless the person in question is not a neo-Nazi, a feminist, a priest or a consumerism victim, which only wants to eat, to excrete and to entertain themselves. Idealisation does not stop only on geniuses. Here come overly rich characters with their own maids or butlers, who own the whole lot and can easily make you vanish. Oligarchy is presented not in a negative vision, but in positive - these people bathe in champagne and eat caviar with golden ladles, spit on all others'heads emitting infernal laughs while covering their mouths, but we are forced to think this can be worked off. Instead of donating money for orphans, disabled people, cancer patients or the aforementioned science to make it go faster, they are living high lives, but still presented as lovable. Noblesse oblige? Screw these plebs, I'm the rich one here, plebs gonna suffer. Double standards, don't you think so? So, if we now look at the typical characters from a bad-written anime script, most of them are just loose, licked up, ideals. Stereotypical, formulaic bishounens and bishoujos; one can understand by looking at them they are nothing but the mind, the honor and the conscience of the nation. Even if they are totally washed otaku guys/yaoi fangirls. Every fifth of them is a genius and can save the world in one finger flick, but simply does not want to. Not because he or she can be quietly eliminated for these actions, but just because he or she just does not want, you see, there are more important problems, such as what said person will eat today. And, sadly, a few characters have a good, realistic image that would remind you of one of your friends. Not the escapist with a half-meter long crimson haircut, but your neighbor or friend or drinking buddy. They do not necessarily need a wild backstory with tears and drama: you simply make the characters actions appropriate in this situation, so that you can interpret it from your point of view. ___________________________ This anime is suffering primarily because of such kind of idealization of characters. A lot of formulaic, predictable and just boring gals are attached to the bunch of losers simply because... what? Right. Here be place where a Main Problem of Juvenile Science Fiction appeared: yesterday's kids created something that mature and wise people with experience (as we thought) did not came up before. Customisation for the audience. Let's check them up: a stupid naive moegirl, an imbalanced foreigner girl with overly idealised mind AND appearance with no reason of being a classical tsundere, an annoying overly rich catgirl, a kuudere villain girl. The typical fat otaku is displayed as idealised hacker. Let's just close our eyes on it: he even looks like a no-lifer... but, again, really heavily stereotyped. Again: mind, honor and conscience of the nation. There goes time traveler Japanese girl saying that C(S)ERN will conquer the whole world in 2036. Whole world! What about Islamic countries and its uncontrollable monotheistic doctrine? Want more videos about heads cut off, now starring C(S)ERN scientists? Russia, which became even more wild in the last 20 years? They won't even reach Moscow without drowning in swamps. North Korea, which dares to oppose everyone while being poor? It is the big and dangerously brainwashed hive which can lash on everyone the dictator does not like. That's because there are a lot of Japanese science fiction authors (just like their American counterparts) thinking that their homeland is the center of the world: the homeland dies - the world dies along. They do not know a thing about the defensive abilities of other countries - they only judge the world by themselves. This makes a dystopian scenario origins quite clear. Where was I? Even counting the fact that mature and wise people had already traveled in time before the losers club made it, the situation is not getting better. Authors have not explained the working principle of the oven: they just realized if they try to push at least one theory in the area where they know nothing, nerds and real scientists will bomb them with letters of offense. Therefore, they decided to keep silent, instead calling random pseudo-scientific thematic gibberish for nerds' fun and joy - just add a pair of facts taken from some Japanese gonzo editions for techies. If these things are already popular memes - they are already known by the people and will make more profit. The same reason forced them to make characters use said popular memes: the more visitors from the popular anonymous forums join the audience, the more of this series will be a profit. This is what you call a fanservice, not naked protagonists. As everyday in modern Japan, this is never stated, but if you look, you'll see a very glaring detail: female domination in inappropriate places. Go and compare male protagonists with female protagonists: you can easily find out that females are always better, smarter, cuter and stronger in their will, and males are no-good losers. Liberal feminist conspiracy? You decide. Art is nice, animation is good, but music is quite generic. Pop and rock with electric guitars, nothing new, conceptual and interesting. And generic piano in dramatic scenes. They could add some interesting instrument. The only good thing in this anime is a complex multi-layered plot, which made everyone sing gospels for. But this plot, though really interesting, is hanging on pseudo-scientific strings and fanservice, and first I really enjoyed it. But, if you try to forget everything mentioned before and just simply enjoy the show, you will notice the strange thing. Whenever the plot needs to be pushed forth, authors inject more and more undescribed and unreasonable rear-pulled plot techniques. Previously I've mentioned the Chosen One, and I really hoped there won't be such kind of characters. WRONG. Previously I endured the existence of impossibly smart characters, impossibly rich ones, impossibly naive, impossibly strong-willed and other impossibly idealized. But the power of Chosen One lying in Okarin hit my limit. I barely completed these series. ___________________________ Later, my smart friends attended the top- and nearly top unis of the country, and I decided to choose something more mundane. Now I am a post-graduate microbiologist reseacher, I learned well about the inner works of science, and the ones mentioned in these series are nothing but... yes. Idealised ones. In modern society, in a lot of cases, science is completely trusted or is not trusted at all. The hype around these series is caused only by this fact. An early idea about LHC opening a black hole was just shamelessly exploited like in a low-budget B-movie, but target audience ate it up. No matter that there was no black hole in actual LHC work at 2012: if there is a hypothesis, there is an exploitation of it. Hype must go on. They tried to darken the inner works of scientific society, pretending they know everything, but in reality it looks like a bad kind of darkfic. On the other side there are people that trust science selectively and can easily distinguish pseudo-scientific gibberish for wannabe-kind of nerds from the real scientific facts. You may also remember that over-hyped things never fulfilled all your wishes. This one is a nice example of being not so good as I wanted to. The main fact is somebody really know about inner works of science. And they can't judge the book by its cover. Unfortunately, Steins;Gate is nothing but cover. Therefore, +3 for the plot. Nothing more deserves even a single plus. That's all I can say about it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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