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Nov 7, 2023
Season 1 made magic out of nothing. You could tell that the source material was... well it was nothing. Interesting setup followed by people with no personality talking to each other passively and about not much. But somehow, season 1 was really good.
Season 2, on the other hand, the source material is actual dogwater. No amount of magic can lift it up from its unfortunate source material. Maybe we can give the source material credit for at least trying to be something instead of nothing but clearly the author doesn't have the writing chops for it.
It feels like it should be a mature-ish show
that takes regular, boring things (again there still isn't much to the source material) and handles them more maturely and wth more nuance than you would expect out of anime, especially isekai. But the author is bad to know how to add nuance and makes it clear that nothing should be taken seriously because every plot development and solution to problems that crop up are handled in a way a 5 year old would think up.
Regardless of the awful source material the anime team is still going strong so I can't give it too low a score.
If you liked the first season you'll probably like the second, as most people don't get as triggered by stupid writing as I do.
I say the writing is stupid, but none of it is awkward or unnatural. Given that certain important character are very stupid, this is how these scenarios would indeed play out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 22, 2023
I understand that it's supposed to be slow and almost iyashikei-lite, but this little happening is unforgivable. 5 episodes in and we've covered one very slow episode worths of content. Atmosphere and a sense of quality and effort are still there, but it's just way too slow.
story: 1. nothing happened in 5 episodes
sound/visuals: 9. As well animated and sounded as nothing can possibly be. not a 10 because there are shows where nothing happening is the point aka iyashikei's and this show doesn't do nothing as well as those.
characters: 9. I suppose the one thing that has happened is that a few character have
been introduced incredibly subtly and masterfully. I can see this season being worth it just for those characters. But nothing's happened so far so can't say.
idk nothing's happened, there's nothing to say. It's probably worth 20 minutes a week if you're into mahoutsukai typa shows.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 22, 2023
Shockingly good! considering how generic it looks and I mean yeah, it's everything you hate about the current generic, low effort isekai meta, but shockingly good considering that.
Story: 8. Story setup starts off with a classroom getting isekai'd, who would've thought that this is the MC's second time? MC makes it clear that things are sus, and slowly a fleshed out history and world building gets dished out.
Characters: 8. Generic MC and every woman is already in madly in love with him, however, shockingly the MC acts like a normal human being. It's almost as if the author has actually interacted with other people in
his life. Shocking, I know! The MC and the women around him somehow act like people and it kinda just works even though it shouldn't.
Sound/Visuals: 2? idk. You know what it looks like and it won't surprise you. On the bright side it won't horrify you like a few of the bad apples we've gotten have.
Villains: 4. Part of the world building and history that I mentioned earlier. The MC had a generic isekai 5 years before the currently time in isekai land, but something isn't quite right. That said the minor villains we have seen have been actual generic trash with no surprise goodness, so that sucks.
I give it a 6, which is lower than the average, but I generally rate things more harshly, so I do think this is way underrated. I think it this should be in the low 7's by mal standards.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 29, 2023
Writing this review just to say that the anime only ending was infinitely better than what happened in the manga. It's what solidified it as one of my childhood best animes. Season 2 was so sad and annoying. Everybody is so annoying and stupid in season 2, because the anime only ending didn't happen. I think what I like most about Blue Exorcist over similar B tier shounens of this era is how brisk the pacing is. It never stays on the same thing until you get bored. It never keeps an annoying character or plot point mind-numbingly annoying for long (I think one of
the problems that really stands out about shounens in this era). Except that in season 2, when the thing that removed the most annoying characters and plot point in the series gets canceled because it's not manga accurate, it gets really bad and annoying.
Art: good, unique, allies outside of MC and main girl kinda suck, but the overall art deisgn, world, and pretty much everybody except for the those allies look really good.
Sound: idk
Story: again, i liked the pacing. The anime only ending was really interesting for younger me and shaped how I approach a lot of difficult issues.
Characters: MC, MC's brother, MC's dad, MC's other sorta relatives dynamic is great. The villains are great. The allies are good only in the anime only ending. They suck in the manga/season 2.
Sorry for bad review. Again, just wanted to say that the anime only ending was infinitely better, and one of the best parts about the show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 27, 2023
The charm of slime isekai is its refreshing (refreshing that is if you haven't delved too deep into bad light novels) premise, great character designs, and just chill atmosphere. It's writing has always been bad, which might ruin the series for some, but given its general chill atmosphere it can be forgiven. At its best, slime isekai's writing is generic and ignorable. You watch it for its chill atmosphere and fun fights and interactions. Slime season 2's plot tried to take itself seriously so I didn't like that part of it.
So, give that's my background on the series, how is Scarlet Bond? The part
that takes itself seriously hit a new low and is impossible to ignore. The new character designs aside for the brother ogre are all really bad. Most literally have no distinguishing characteristics and are literally just grey-brown generic not-humans. New Main Girl is just a generic 14 year old with green extenders on her side bangs. The fights suck. Voice acting randomly sucks. All emotional scenes are just suddenly there and just as suddenly gone with no build up or stakes or investment or anything. Every moment of tensions is just Rimuru sandbagging (that's kinda all of slime isekai tbf and most anime movies have a similar trope) and any loss gets taken back immediately (happened a lot in season 2).
tl;dr its weaknesses are magnified and its strengths don't exist.
That said I recommend because if you like slime isekai, obviously you gotta watch slime isekai season 2.5. You'll probably like it, because nobody who watches slime isekai seems to care about writing. But the action is really really bad. I don't think even the most dedicated fans can defend the fights here (again aside fights with the brother ogre). That trailer really showed off literally 100% of the good parts in this movie.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Sep 22, 2022
Writing/plot: -10
animation/hype: 10
10 + -10 = 6.
+ 1 for good ending.
Basically, this is just Demon Slayer. I came for Jujutsu Kaisen not Demon Slayer. It reminds me of when the marvel guy directed Justice League, and no matter your thoughts on the Snyder cut, the original felt very un-DCU
Scenes feel very disjointed. Like every scene was different people working on it without communicating with each other with no director to patch things up and make everything flow. The scenes individually were nice but I guess the director was just really bad at his job. No chemistry between characters. Characters themselves are fine and are acted
well, but something about how they respond to each other doesn't work.
Typical convoluted and stupid villains doing random shit for no reason. Unlike in the main series, there isn't the one or two well written villains with actual motives behind their actions to distract you from the evil because evil that all the other villains are.
Gojo does equally convoluted and stupid super hero stuff, as you'd expect, but Gojo's cool enough to pull it off.
If you're a fan, you still gotta watch. If not for the action then because it's important for the main plot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 27, 2022
We all should have realized that this series wouldn't have any animation by season 2. Once you accept that, you realize the art itself is quite good and the story is better than most things you'll find in the medium.
Story: pretty fun part in the light novels, but a lot of it doesn't really make any sense in the anime with the cut context. In the anime, it's just Ainz doing a bunch of random shit and being really weird and inconsistent. I still think it's a pretty good adaptation, but with the type of story it is, you kinda need that context.
Art is pretty good. Sad whenever I see any CG, especially when the CG is replacing other things that could be cooler. It's not just that the death knights loook jank, but they aren't supposed to be just death knights. They're also supposed to be some other things that I would like to have seen shown.
Sound: I think it's good? Voice acting is very fitting at least, as opposed to generic.
Character: Overlord doesn't really have characters. There's a few like Brain that are side characters that are interesting I guess, but that only goes so far. Instead, Overlord has a bunch of plot devises. These plot devices are very cool, however, so it works, but it's hard to give higher points to character given that there aren't any.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 21, 2022
Second best surprise hit of the season by far. Anybody saying this is generic copy pasta didn't watch the show, which you can really blame given the art and sound, but you can blame them for writing a bullshit review.
Art it is ugly. Girls have big tits I guess, but that's about it.
Sound is worse i think. It's bad. Art and sound are indefensibly trash.
World building is very simple, but surprisingly there. It's not just a dragon quest generic world, it's a dragon quest generic world with some culture, some history, and some implications of said culture and history. It's not much, but few shows
even the good ones have even that slightest bit thought put into it's world building.
Character guy is kinda generic, but it never veers off into the unironic incel autistic power fantasy. The show is aware of it's characters' insecurities (well, one for each of the major characters) and the show is based around said insecurities. It's not about getting the big sword nor about getting the big tits. It's about overcoming the character flaws of the major characters. Still, it is the one character point and they do spend 80% of the time just gettting the big sword and the big tits so I can't give it too much credit.
Anyways, very pleasant surprise how good the show is. I'd give it like a 7.9, but I'd feel like it would be too much of a hate review to give it an 8. Even if I think everyone else is stupid doesn't mean I should overcompensate and give it like a 10 to balance out the score.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 21, 2022
This is the anime I think of whenever i see an awkward scene in a low budget anime. How to make a kinda meh scene feel amazing? Honestly, there's not much to the source material of this. I suppose it's not a generic trope-athon, which is refreshing, but still nothing really happens.
Art's not offensive. It's pretty when it needs to be I guess. I suppose the designs are unique even and it does stand out from the crowd, but being surrounded by shit doesn't mean it stands very tall on its own.
Sound is straightforward. It's blatant. You can feel every crescendo coming before you even
clicked the play button. But somehow with what I'm assuming is a tiny budget (and all the other stuff "budget" means when talking about anime), it makes you feel the right feels when it needs you to and you even get goosebumps in the right moments.
Just a feels pleasant to watch all around.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 25, 2022
Unfortunately there's no rating category for directing or scene smoothness or w/e you want to call it, I'm sure there's a film word for it, but I don't know it.
Source material is great, I'm reading the light novels right now. This is a pretty solid part of the story as well, so all's good there.
Art, people might think it looks kind of bland or simple, but it's the exact art style of the light novel, but done better somehow. That gives it a lot of charm that makes it impossible for a light novel reader like myself to have any qualms with it. That
said, it is still pretty bland and simple.
Other people bring up animation, but this show is pretty much just standing around and talking. We can't say monogatari or hyouka is the standard of anime's about peopel standing around talking, but what is there I enjoy. Lots of unique facial animations and charm anywhere they could shove it into.
Sound, again pretty bland and simple. I actually loved the "sound" in the first season and still liked it in the second because of how amazingly it was implemented and enhanced the scenes. This is the start of the "directing" that I'm trying to talk about, but in this season, it's just really jank and the scenes don't fit at all. In the second episode already, we have one of the most dramatic and sad moments in the series play out in happy go lucky, wii menu esc background music. A lot of the problems is the scenes themselves but the music choice is also a culprit. Without the amazing implementation that the first two seasons had it's become so much more apparent how bland the music is.
Character, same characters as before. Again, great source material, nothing much to say there. Maybe I should take off more because of how awfully they are portrayed due to the awful directing, but again, it's just the same characters as before.
I think you can blame some of the bad "directing" to how the seasons were separated. Season 2 ended in a way that made it hard to continue. It changed some of the events so that there was a satisfying conclusion to the season 2 story. The emotional arc came to a close basically. However, what's actually happenning is the the end of season 2 was right before the dramatic final arc. It should have transitioned into the dramatic start of season 3. That's part of why it feels so jank and unearned the dramatic scenes in season 3.
But still, it's just really jank and it feels like they're listing unconnected scenes without care for an overarching emotional through line. It's like they worked on a bunch of random scenes in a random order, maybe sprinkled in some dramatic music somewhere around where maybe it might fit sorta. And then maybe some other tracks in the dead zones.
Still, I'm enjoying it as a light novel reader just because it's animating scenes that I've already read. I just wish it were better like the earlier seasons.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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