Jul 23, 2018
Ok i finally watched this movie after really enjoying the tv series.
I was definitely intrigued to watch this due to the new scenes that would be added which would show the future post the ending of anime.
Suwa was also my favourite character so seeing it from his persepective would be interesting however.....
This movie thouroughly disappointed me .
I mean for one, 40 mins of Recap seems a bit excessive especially in a 1 hr movie so we barely get 15 mins of new content before credits take the last 5 mins.
Also the movie basically showed how suwa's life would basically suck no matter what
decision he took.
In the timeline where he got naho and kakeru together, he's reduced to the uncle who always babysits the couple's kids and can just stare at how his crush is leading a happy life with her husband.
i could've still been okay with it if the timeline where naho and suwa got together was a happy one for him but it seems that's not the case at all. it all but outright states that they aren't in a particularly happy marriage. It was already known that this suwa feels extreme guilt about "exploiting" naho but naho's feelings were left ambiguous for the viewer to interpret, in this movie it pretty evident that this naho still has feelings for kakeru and pretty much just settled for suwa. so the end result is a loveless marriage for the most partwhere both can't be happy, suwa because of his guilt and naho due to her lingering feelings for kakeru.
this raises the question as to whether suwa's guilt is actually guilt or a coping mechanism for the fact that no matter what, his wife doesn't love him like she did kakeru.
Maybe he sent the letters to himself and made himself appear a selfish bastard to his past self just so the past version will not end up in this depressing future where he is in a loveless marriage to his high-school crush who cant love him and since there was a chance kakeru would survive this time due to the others letters he would end up having his heart broken since the future version knows for a fact that no matter what he'll always be a substitute to kakeru and in any timeline he is alive he'll always get rejected so this way he escapes the pain of heart-break with minimal pain while not resenting naho or kakeru for it .
So maybe future suwa set all of this up through his letters so that past suwa will end up in the best possible future for him, one where he isnt in a loveless marriage or have his heart broken at realizing naho would never love him and not even resent kakeru for being naho's lover at the same time.
wow so i ended up creating a full theory on this movie.
So basically to summarize, i didnt like how they showed how suwa's life would suck either way and also how it kinda ruins the anime for me.
So i really can't recommend this movie to anyone unless they wanna see a bad epilogue and recap that ruins the anime even the kakeru x naho moments are too less and lacking a lot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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