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Apr 28, 2024
Decided to check the manga out, since I was impatient having to wait weekly for the anime weekly episode release.
I was glued to it because I wanted things to change and I wanted to see more of the main character (Kafka) and how he works towards his goal to stand by Mina's side to fight, but turns out Kafka rarely shows up in the paneling, because the author focuses on like each and every side character. The writing and formula for them were so stale and unbearable for me to sit through, as I had to skim through everything to avoid wasting time on shallow
characters I wouldn't want to invest in. Oh and Mina was rarely showed up as well.
And because of how they're getting so much focus, it becomes so apparent and predictable that the Kaijus would get back up later after assumed being defeated/dead 2-4 times just so we can see Kafkas transformation to make up for the lack of his paneling to finally be in use for 2-3 missions already, because rarely does Kafka gets enough paneling for his transformation to number 8.Even up to the latest chapter. It gets tiring and repetitious. Each side character needs to get beated up first after they thought they beat each and Kaiju they went through.
Each side character gets the same formula gets numbers weapons > flashback > sharing wisdom > does all the flat and boring fighting panels. Rinse and repeat. It drags on for 3-7 or more chapters for ONE side character, it becomes so stale, because it NEVER balances out and show other characters situation happening, the world felt so narrow, and dead because of that. Hence is why I would rather skim through it, to make matters worse waaaaaay too much exposition for each character on their numbers weapons, situations and etc. Kafka rarely ever gets any developments, only once or twice did Kafka use his monster sweeper skills from his previous job to identify the weakpoints and organ to support the defense force, but it's already thrown out the window now.
And because these side characters are focused too much, the "main" protagonist Kafka is easily forgettable.
Even more frustrating is having to see the same villain focused for like 70+ chapters, the plot gets way less interesting and boring because of that. Kaiju number 9 overstayed for too long, there needs to be new things.
Comedy/humor has been inconsistent that it's forgettable, and when it does get brought out, it feels so out of place. The author went decent at the beginning chapters, but then all things went down hill. The paneling, and actions need to be better. Things need to get cut out more, and have other characters focused simultaneously in each chapter for efficiency. Kafka and Mina needs more paneling. Those are the only characters that are interesting that were set in stone since the beginning.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Apr 14, 2023
Another concept that never really had the writer put much thought into.
The writing of this movie has contrivances.
-Repetitious traveling across Japan in quest for closing doors.
-Tamaki and Tomoya just rolls with it, letting Suzume run across Japan with zero explanation as to what's going on, as they transport her.
-The dialogues with Tamaki and Tomoya about Souta disappearance heavily indicates and hints that he does not die, just to later come back.
-The story plays it safe, there are no stakes nor really any real meaning to the catastrophe that's happening, making the world feel less alive, while you can't help but not feel the danger
at all.
-When Tamaki (Suzumes guardian) confronts Suzume on how her life is ruined spending a decade with each other, and compelling with herself taking off days just to find Suzume. After getting into a heated argument, they then all of a sudden brushed it off, and act like life was normal after a few minutes later.
-The reliance of folklore that really gives no explanation to the worm catastrophe phenomenon. Especially Soutas reasoning and motivation for being a closer, why? "It's a generational thing".
-Suzume barely even knows anything about Souta, and despite that shes a teenager, develops feelings for him, despite being a University student.
It's tiring, plain, and repetitious, each time the door closes, the Daijin is the keystone guide cat having every route set up for what was already pre-determined and predictable, it always tries to capture your attention on the emotions after each doors being closed, message and connection with people through voice and visuals. When really, there's never a consequence in Japan changed or effected, so why would I even be concerned? Even though it happened in the past. And then there's a lot of running, driving and even biking....
And what was even the point of having Souta being frozen in the Ever-After, just for him to come back? It's such a poor excuse for it being "emotional" it really didn't set the bar. I thought the Ever-After are for the dead? How exactly did he die, and just come back alive after Suzume supposedly "rescued" him? It makes the ever-after even more underwhelming than it should be especially the ending.
Many of the characters act dumb around Suzume, in a way that its convenient for her to freely go where ever she can.
The world just does not feel alive to me. Especially the lack of questioning with the earthquake warnings and Suzumes odd behaviour. It's like the movie thinks the people in the anime knows what the audiences sees.
Basically this movie are only for those that only want to see pretty pictures. It was a disappointment, I was expecting maybe some profound dialogues or quotes. But it was just simplistic.
SOME of the soundtracks were nice especially have watched this through IMax, it's what I could say, along with the visuals, but that's about it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 18, 2022
Never even thought that there would be a time where I would respect studs.
This animes abhorrent adaptation, ruined by its horrible pacing, awful character and story writing has left me on constant procrastination. And no the sexual contents do not make up for it.
This anime starts off with a male protagonist named Reito awaken from his cold sleep after 5 years, being the only scummiest male out of the few remaining others that exists on the planet out of 5 billion woman. Hes a medical student that suddenly wants to put his time, and mental health and avoid mating
all for the sake of his luxurious privilege of keep his virginity and loyalty for the one Woman he loves. So then he tries to find the cure for what is known as the "MK" Virus. Despite the fact that he had no experience while there are 5 billion woman on Earth that could take up his job.
Number 2 Aka Reito, is willing to put 5 billion woman at stake, gives zero good reasons on why he shouldn't mate. But we're talking about him being the most "precious" resource on Earth. Except for the fact that the anime is horrible at portraying that. So not only is he the number 1 scummiest, but hes also the biggest male imbecile on the planet. Loyalty shouldn't be an option when humanity is on a brink of extinction. Before the pandemic it would've been respectable considering how humanity will still continue their existence at that time. But what justice or right does Reito has for only one person?
There are no real tensions, nor enough organizations, groups and others around the world to show how dire the situation is, it's as if Reito being dense wasn't good enough. Except we got the "UW" (United Woman) a corrupt organization that exists in the US. With how lazy the writing is, somehow, they're able to be slick and slack with the world with their corruption. While one opposing group named Izanami is the only one taking a stand. Which the leader of course is Reitos lover.... who is also just another young inexperience student... who would've thought!
So you're telling me despite that there are 5 billion woman on Earth that exists all over seas, are some how able to fall under the UW? The writer clearly has skipped his/her history class. Groups of peoples opinion will get diverged no matter what, no system is perfect, but this anime is so linear and shallow with their objective, it's a headache. So somehow, the UW is able to prosecute all the worlds top researchers, doctors, with no further explanation on how they do it! They're just that unscathed from suspicion !
The plot without a surprise is predictable and unsurprising, few males left on this planet, and wanting to use a virus that was made to use against them from UW's corruption. It's just as not as surprising as how Reitos character has not changed or developed since episode 1 until the end.
Hino, Kyouji aka Number 1 on the other hand is actually providing service more for the humanity. But hes a pedophile so I disregard his services after having a crush on Reitos little sister. Which brings me to Doi, Shouta aka number 3. At least he makes this show a little bit bearable . His back story is just a cliche bully type like any anime, but when put in this scenario after his cold sleep, his indulgence does show to be realistic, but his actions aren't reasonable nor provide the situation. But being put in a school system to set up to avoid him panicking or ruining his health is not a good concept for me to bring the fears and the dire situation.
The pacing is obviously bad because the animators know how much of a train wreck of a dumpster fire this whole series is, so not much care nor effort had been put towards it along with the animations.
Is there anything positive for me to say about this? No, not at all, I can't think of one thing I can think up of. You're better off just watching hentai. Do not waste your time on this nonsense. As I had also dropped the manga for this series as well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Mar 20, 2021
Cells at work is focused around finding the most adverse health effect, with a world filled with humanoid sentient cells working under a dark environment. With such intense dark immersions giving you information and an incite of reality of situations inside your body. There is never time to take breaks, no fairness,with tons and tons of responsibility and dedication. This is Code Black.
Main characters: Now before I even watched this anime, I had low expectations for the main character (red blood cell), but in terms of mindset, sorrow, courage, and etc. He is not one sidedly on one behaviour throughout the series. Where else example,
if you were to watch the main character whos constantly acts on a one sided behavior, while not being reasonable, it would get irritating. But this is not the case with the main character, when handling situations and even silly situations, he does no over-reaction, which is more realistic to me, and it's what you see in other animes often these days. And as for the White blood cell, she is very supportive, despite her dedication to her job, her smile and other expressions just catches you.
Setting/Atmosphere: To me I think it's way more logical to add the dark atmosphere with adverse health effect situations in Code Black, where else in comparison to Cells at Work, it's a mixture of lively and the most adverse enemy you could find there.Which it feels conflicting to me. The art style and shading add to it too.
Narration: Animation/cutscenes still roll on as the narrator explains information of each health effect,a different and unique approach compared to the predecessor.
Cells as humanoid sentient beings: Having cells as humanoid sentient, shows that code black can just slap reality in your face constantly with no mercy, to the point that you want to feel bad for these guys ! Because there is no other opportunity and there is no choice,they are stuck and you can't get out. You can really analogize their workplace to the reality we live in today,in many different ways, except the reality for the cells is much more harsh. There are times I can get disbeliefs as I get immersed to it.
Logic/information: This anime does not stray away from inaccurate information ! And uses it at a very sad and dark creative way. It can encourage people to be healthy too, it even help me solve one of my health issues along the way! Because these days, people learn from shows/movies and even part of the personality changes. So Code black can teach you a thing or two.
Soundtrack/Opening/ending music: Love the soundtracks very well made dark, intense and exciting, however, the opening autotune is just meeehh.... and as for the ending music, I find it to be an acquired taste by listening it a few times to like it.
Action:Code black has decent amount of action but not as much as the , while different cells don't get as much spotlight as the predecessor, but it's way more focused on code black environment along with giving you information from the biggest health issues. New cells are also introduced while assigning a different role.
Ending: But wow.... just in shock..... even up until now as I write this review.....
All in all I love this anime, I want to dedicate myself to supporting the blu-ray,merch and other contents, for it to get a season 2 !
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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