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Feb 12, 2022
"GTO" surprised me a lot, after seeing the first episode (which is great) I thought it was going to be a comedy series with a well-characterized protagonist who can do everything like in "Golden Boy", what a surprise I was when I I realized that there was more than just comedy in this series, since there was also a lot of drama and sometimes even exploration of themes / characters. During some episodes it was great, but when I began to see the same situations all the time, the surprise was declining more and more, because for a few episodes seeing comedy situations with
a lot of melodrama and some learning can be very good and entertaining, but when this it starts to repeat itself a lot it just tires you out (no matter how good the anime is) and that's why in order not to tire you out, the series has to constantly change focus, sometimes finishing arcs very quickly so they don't become insufferable, or doing everything the opposite by making bows longer than they should so that they are not forgettable.
These inconsistencies that the series has are a shame, because there are very good arcs that handle their themes very well and in which the characters get some development, but what these arcs achieve is offset by some bad arcs that do not contribute anything and even they can make false developments (Like Anko's first arc).
and therein lies the problem with "GTO", while the series achieves a lot, it also has a large number of errors, luckily these errors never outweigh the successes and that is why even with all its problems I cannot put a bad note to this anime.
As I said before, the first episode is simply impressive, the rhythm there is enviable, the characters are introduced and developed very well, added to the fact that a large part of the themes that the series will develop during the rest of the series are handled, it is simply one of my first favorite episodes of all time (A real shame that the series forgets many of the characters in that episode).
The end of the anime, unlike the beginning, leaves much to be desired, not only is the fact that it ends in a hurry, but it is also added to the fact that it leaves many things unfinished.
And it is that returning to what I emphasized throughout the review, "GTO" is an anime that even if it is full of errors, conveniences, plot devices, plot armor, etc. It just does so many good things that it's impossible to take the credit this anime has away.
Art and sound:
Easily the worst thing about this anime is the animation, the designs look dull and poorly drawn, the colors are horrendous and it's full of inconsistencies. Luckily the music stands out a little more, I quite like the first opening, and the endings are ok, there are also some osts that I quite like with a somewhat jazzy sound.
The characters are the best of the series, although only partially, there are very good characters, some meh and others that are forgotten by the author.
Something typical with anime with so many characters.
Onizuka the great teacher, is an incredibly charismatic character and with a quite human and rich characterization (rare thing in a comedy), he is one of the best characters in the series although if I had to name something bad about him is that the fact that literally he can do almost anything and survive even a bomb, it makes a lot of the tension lose, to the point where the author has to limit his appearances so he doesn't solve everything too quickly and easily.
I would love to continue naming the rest of the characters one by one, but it would take forever if I did that, but if I can summarize, most of the characters manage to be, at least, charismatic, and some manage to have some development. But there are also many characters that are forgotten and never get their development or are introduced unnecessarily. Some things are halfway, like the relationship between Onizuka and Fuyutsuki. Leaving all in a similar way that the story section.
It's true that I didn't like some arcs, but 90 percent of them were entertaining, to say the least. It's been months since I watched such a long anime in such a short time (I literally watched 23 episodes in a single day, something that for many is not much but for me is impressive).
Anyway, many know that I don't like to say much in this section since it is quite subjective and something that seemed entertaining to me may bore others, but at least from my point of view, this anime is a very entertaining one.
Overall (6/10):
"GTO" is an anime one of those anime that you can't hate, I highly recommend it, maybe it's a bit overrated by some but still it deserves your attencion.
Hugs to all those who like my reviews (nobody jujuju) bye! bye!
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 20, 2022
This is easily one of the best animated videoclips i've ever seen, not only for the animation, it is also the song the thing that elevates this to a marvelous level. Boris is one of my favourite bands and this track called "Ibitsu" from the album Akuma no Uta is one of my favourites songs form that album. I also love the style in the animation, its looks very good considering that is CGI. The videoclip in general is just CRAZY and thats why i love it. The quality of the audios is like of bad production, but thats was made in porpouse.
With all being
said, i finish this short review.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 11, 2021
Gainax is one of my favorite animation studios, but not everything can be perfect and this anime proves it, because just as I did a review on one of Miyazaki's worst anime, now I have to do on one of the worst Gainax anime.
Story (2/10):
Ok I admit that the concept is not so bad and that with a good execution and characters this could have been a very good anime, but unfortunately this is not the case, and the plot is more on the side of the slice of life and the comedy. Ok this is not something so terrible either, if the characters are
charismatic enough and the jokes are witty we could have even a decent comedy, but again this is not the case, since this anime not only has a cancer comedy with annoying characters but also wants to take himself seriously from time to time going to a more dramatic side where totally fails because this is handled in an incompetent way with also constant changes of tone that make me not take this anime seriously for even two seconds.
It shows at first how this anime was made without a planning work, many times it is not understood what the hell this anime intends to do, as I said it seems that sometimes this anime wants to be a slice of life comedy, sometimes a drama and even a fighting anime, this is not so bad and if you execute it well, you will have things like "Brigadoon Marin to Melan" but I emphasize, UNFORTUNATELY NOT THE DAMN CASE.
And I still don't even talk about the number of cliches in this anime, have you seen the final battle? Everything there is super cliche, the protagonist riding a bike desperate to want to save the Mahoro while she uses a super powerful weapon to try to defeat the antagonist but he survives without a scratch (I did not expect it at all! (notice the irony)) later it seems that Mahoro is going to be defeated but the antagonist instead of killing her insists that she fight with all her might (incredible that I wasn't expecting either! (notice the irony x2) they fight for a while and just when Mahoro is going to be defeated Again the Protagonist arrives to save her in the least cliche way in history! (notice the irony x3) he places himself in front of her trying to stop the antagonist and he hits him thus unleashing Goku's fury ..... sorry I got confused , thus unleashing the fury of Mahoro which is going to use a weapon that will end his life (incredible that I did not expect, I am so tense about the unexpected end that this wonderful anime may have (notice the irony x8948423)) and you know what it is that end? the antagonist giving up and Mahoro stopping her attack, and as if nothing had happened everything returns to the status quo with everyone happy. This is easy one of the worst endings I've ever seen in my fucking life.
Mother of beautiful love how can it be that Gainax did this thing.
Art and sound (4/10 and 5/10):
The animation is not so bad Gainax always knows how to take advantage of the lowest budgets, even so this does not mean that the animation has a lot of defects, leaving the animation aside I did not like the designs of the characters, they are very generic, they are too forgettable, I don't like them one bit. In the sound section I think that the voices are quite good and the music is quite generic, I only remember the ending because it made me a bit fun.
Character (1/10):
The characters are terrible starting with Mahoro: First, she does not feel like a robot, whore where you saw an android with such feelings, she doubted about killing the commander instead of immediately following his orders (as she should be) and this it's just one example of why Mahoro doesn't function as a character.
Suguru: Suguru is your typical empowering fantasy protagonist, he has many women and friends who love him, he's smart, and he has an android maid. "But Suguru also has a lot of problems" some will say, and even if that's true, the anime hardly emphasizes that a bit.
Slash: Mahoro's pet is a plot device with legs, it does not acquire any exploration or development, it only serves the plot when it needs it.
Shikijou sensei: Easily the worst character in anime and the reason why I can't take a fucking second of this anime seriously, instead of making me laugh, it makes me feel uncomfortable. If she had been a character that appears every so often I would forgive him but she is all the fucking time bothering.
Ryuuga: He's your typical one-dimensional antagonist with shitty goals and motivations (and he's still one of the best characters in this anime because at least he gets a reflection at the end) nothing more to say.
The rest of the supporting characters don't get any development or introspection either. They are characterized by only one thing and they are not even so in some cases. The only one who is saved from there is Miyuki but everything that was done with her is left in the middle.
And we don't even talk about characters that are still more secondary like the thugs who steal the bus at the beginning of the series because they are so archetypal and cliche that they make me laugh.
Enjoyment (1/10):
In terms of enjoyment this is definitely one of the most boring anime I've ever seen along with "Someday Dreamers" and "Gundam 0083". So staying on my list of "anime to cure insomnia" I am not lying when I say that I fell asleep about 7 times watching this anime. I would talk about the reasons why this anime is so boring but it is something that I already said in the other sections and I do not like to say redundancies.
In conclusion, if you can't sleep, Mahoromatic is the solution.
Overall (2/10):
Mahoromatic is one of the worst anime I've seen in my life, I'm very disappointed that Gainax did something so terrible, this is an anime that I don't recommend even to my worst enemies.
It's boring, cliche, pretentious, stupid, offensive, and all the worst in anime.
Maybe later I will watch and review the second season although I don't think I should if I want to keep my sanity.
With all this said I say goodbye. See you next time!
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Nov 24, 2021
Hello, after so long without making reviews (like three months) I have finally returned.
Today I will talk about a comedy that mixes everything bad from anime by putting it in a mindless plot, making a kind of stew that tastes so bad that it is delicious.
The story of this anime is as I said very stupid, an angel from the future is sent to end the life of a future pedophile, but in the end it does not kill him and he stays living with him.
This anime has gore, ecchi and as I said before all the worst of the anime, but as the series
does not take seriously for a moment making this a more absurd comedy than "flcl" and "excel saga" merged and multiplied by 727.
This is why everyone's relationship with this anime is love / hate. For some it is a terrible comedy with terrible productive values, but for me it is one of the funniest absurd comedies I have ever seen in my life, I can see it 1 million times and die laughing as if it were the first time I saw this anime.
I love satires and in this anime mahou shoujo (one of my favorite genres) is satirized in a great way. Pipirupipirupi best line ever.
Art and sound:
The production values are pretty shitty, the animation has many objectionable aspects and it looks very outdated for its time (reminiscent of animes more from the late 90s / early 2000s).
The music is also bad, I do not remember a single song from the ost and the opening is brilliantly bad.
The characters work very well, even the secondary ones manage to stand out very well, it is true that most of the characters are archetypal but precisely with the intention of satirizing these archetypes.
You will not find very complex characters, much less a development, all the characters are very one-dimensional, but that is precisely why they work so well.
Enjoyment (20/10):
As I said before, this anime has been for me one of the most entertaining that I have seen in my life and to this day, after having seen it repeatedly, I still enjoy it.
I always liked mindless comedies, the more absurd the better for me. For some, watching this anime may be insufferable but for me it is a pleasure.
Overall (6/10):
Dokuro chan is a very particular and unique anime, you can love it or hate it that will depend a lot on your tastes (many know that I like to be as objective as possible but in this particular case it is impossible for me).
I recommend that you go see the first episode and draw your conclusions from there.
I warn you that you will see one of the strangest anime out there (there is a lot of gore and echii so remember not to see this with children).
With nothing more to say I say goodbye for today, I am really happy to have the time to make reviews again, I hope you are too :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 13, 2021
Miyazaki is NOT perfect and this movie is a demonstration of that. The reason is that Miyazaki tried to direct a story written by someone else, instead of directing something that he had written (as he always did in his best works).
Story (4/10):
"Howl no Ugoku Shiro" is one of those Ghibli movies where unfortunately despite having interesting fantasy elements these are not used and the film ends up concentrating more on boring slice of life aspects. The story is full of gaps, almost no world building, zero development of themes and a plot that when it just gets interesting, ends with a hurried ending in
a point where the viewer had already lost total interest in the film.
Magic is never explored either, we never really know which things can and cannot be done, we never know how powerful magic is, the role of magicians in society is never explored, demons and curses are never explored, and the war never get some development. With all the interesting messages and themes that the movie could have explored, everything is thrown overboard to make boring slice of life moments with the characters being a fake family.
In conclusion the plot is wasted potential.
Enjoyment (5/10):
The elements of fantasy made me quickly interested in the movie, but as after half an hour I was already falling asleep, the pace at the beginning of the movie is very slow and very fast at the end, this makes the viewer bored at the beginning, achieving that by the time the end comes, I no longer give a damn about what happens in the movie.
To all this add that the film lacks the development of themes, messages and characters, making the whole thing even more boring.
Character (2/10):
Here, as in almost all Ghibli movies, the only decent character is the protagonist, since the others are all plot devices with legs. Even so, it's not like the protagonist gets any good development or something like that, she's a stupid one-dimensional character (She literally falls in love with Howl for stupid reasons) and she achieves all with help and luck . As in all Ghibli movies, romance is touched in a very superficial way and more as a set and plot device than as something that really adds richness to the plot.
I hate Howl, as I said, the guy is nothing more than a plot device, his personality is never explored and that is why he never gets a development. At the same time thanks to the magic never explores clearly, Howl fits perfectly to serve the plot, when the plot needs him to accomplish something to resolve a conflict, then he achieves it and when the plot needs him not to accomplish something to generate cheap tension, then he doesn't get it.
The other characters are even less explored and only serve to help the protagonist when she needs it.
In conclusion: the characters are a disaster and almost all serve to move the plot
Art (8/10) and sound (6/10):
It is sad that with such a terrible script so much money has been wasted on this, and I can imagine what it would have cost to animate the castle.
As in all Ghibli movies the animation is beautiful, fluid, detailed and the backgrounds are beautiful.
In sound the music is good and the voice acting is quite good, it is not very good but it works well.
In conclusion: great production values as always from Studio Ghibli.
Overall (4/10):
"Howl no Ugoku Shiro" is another case of money and wasted potential, if the film had a better rhythm and exploration of themes it would have been decent, but since it is not the case I consider this film bad = 4/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 12, 2021
I love realistic movies, those that simply show the experiences of our characters. Even so, if it lacks a good development in its themes then the result cannot aspire to be more than mediocre.
This movie shows how even with the direction of the great Takahata and the production values of Ghibli, when a story has no ambitions and tries to show something so simple there is no way to improve it.
Story (5/10):
To be honest, there is not much to talk about this movie. The film tries to give a certain feeling of nostalgia to the viewer, but fails in that, the protagonist reflects on important
moments and how they provoked the she who is now at the same time that she realizes other changes in her.
Even so, this also makes the film very boring and is that with almost 2 hours of duration the film makes the viewer fall asleep.
At least I can say that I liked how in the field Taeko can be shown searching and finding that "missing piece" in his life.
On the other hand, the memories of Taeko seemed extremely boring, forgettable and even some of these irrelevant (although I recognize that those moments of Taeko crying seemed very well done, since in animation they always tend to do that type of scenes very badly).
Character (4/10):
I do not like most of the characters, not because they are bad but because it is not like they have a very good characterization.
The only one I like is Toshio, he is at least a much more charismatic character.
There is not much more that I can talk about the characters since they really do not contribute much and about Taeko I already delved into the most important thing in the previous section.
Enjoyment (2/10):
As I said at the beginning of the review: I love realistic slice of life, as long as they have a good themes development and a good pace. In the case of this film, almost two hours of movie make it incredibly boring even for me. As in many Ghibli films it is very light in tone, simple in presentation, simple in themes and slow in pacing.
In my opinion one of the most boring Ghibli movies I've seen so far.
Art (10/10):
Many people did not like this movie in its animation, but in my opinion it is the best technical work of Ghibli that I saw. I LOVE designs, Taeko's design as a girl is very cute, and I also like her adult design (some do not like her smile but I love it) very rarely do you see so much emphasis on the facial expressions of the characters , something that in my opinion is worthy of applause.
Add to that the direction of Takahata, the beautiful backgrounds, the fluidity of animation and the beautiful colors (very well chosen to represent the two stages of Taeko).
The technical work of this film is without a doubt perfect and one of my favorites in all history.
Sound (5/10):
Unlike other Ghibli movies this movie is very quiet, I can barely remember a bit of the soundtrack, the voice acting was fine. In this aspect the film is neither bad or good.
Overall (4.5/10)
"Omoide Poroporo" is a film that, as it does not have many ambitions, having only the intention of giving a simple message, that is why I can not give it more than a 4/10. If it weren't for the technical work, which for me is exquisite, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 10, 2021
There are times that even having good productive values, if the plot is simple and there is no one talented enough to contribute something to it, the result will be mediocre.
Story (3/10):
Umi ga Kikoeru is a rather simple and cliche romance movie, there really isn't much to say about the movie since there isn't much to highlight about it at the same time that there isn't any big negative point. We could say that the most negative aspect of the film is precisely the fact that there is not much to comment on since it is one of the many (typical school romance with a
protagonist who does not realize that he was deeply fall in love with the girl until the last minute).
Outside of that I think the only reason to see this movie are its visuals because if it were not like that, nobody would give a fuck for this movie.
Art (8/10) and sound (7/10):
As I said before, the visuals are the best aspect of this movie, the backgrounds are beautiful, the animation is fluid, the colors are well chosen, the designs work very well and the music is amazing.
Maybe the direction was meh but outside of that the rest is amazing.
Character (4/10):
I can say that at least the characters are not as archetypal as in other romances of the style, it is not that they are a big deal, but at least they work properly making this a "not so cliche school romance".
Enjoyment (3/10):
The film was quite boring, simple presentation, slow pacing like almost a large part of the work of this studio (with the difference that the message does not develop much here).
Overall (4/10):
I am sorry to give this note to this movie since it really is not bad, but it is not good either, it is generic and forgettable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 9, 2021
Aura is a film that tries to give a good message, being an attempt to make "Don Quixote" modern. With the difference that instead of a crazy man now it is a cute waifu.
Story (5/10):
It's funny how this movie puts more emphasis on its characters than on its message and yet this is the only aspect that do not completely fail.
Even with that, we must also highlight the incompetence of the writer, the film begins by talking about bulling and ends with a message of accepting oneself at the same time that out of nowhere everyone wants to be like the lunatics of the
I don't like the changes in tone either, I feel like they want to manipulate your feelings, when the plot needs it the movie becomes very depressing or very optimistic.
On top of that, I didn't manage to take almost anything seriously at the beginning of the film, why in all the movies about bulling the antagonists are one-dimensional baddies who treat people badly just because?
Finally, the aspect that makes me take the film even less seriously is the immeasurable amount of inconsistencies that exist throughout the film, things like Ryouko building a temple of tables in an afternoon do not have a fucking sense.
In conclusion the message is still there is only that the presentation and execution fails completely.
Art and sound (5/10):
The animation is ok but it is nothing to write home about, it works well even so I would like to emphasize that despite being a bit forgettable I like the designs (Ryouko's reminds me of Boogiepop). In sound aspect it is ok, the music is quite forgettable and the voice acting is ok too.
Character (4/10):
The characters are in my opinion the worst aspect of the movie (which is a shame since the movie places a lot of emphasis on them).
The protagonist is the only one who is partially well written since at least they gave him some development (going from interest to repression to acceptance) also the way in which his development is executed is very well done without any abrupt changes.
Outside of the protagonist, the other characters are poorly executed such as bullies, which are one-dimensional and wasted potential (For example, it is not understood what the point is with Yumina, is she envious? Is she jealous? Is she also repressing herself? none of that is taken advantage of and in the end ends up being a bad person just because)
Other characters like Kume or the master are just plot devices with legs.
And the only reason why people like Ryouko is because she is a cute waifu, if anyone came across someone like that in real life, the most possible thing would be to think that woman is crazy (and what if she was also ugly ). These kinds of doubles standards are everywhere in animation. In addition, Ryouko feels very exaggerated, she takes her fantasy world too seriously, as I said, if such a person existed in reality, the most possible is that he is in a psychiatric hospital and not in a school (And where the hell are his parents? ?, the girl misses classes for a week and her parents do nothing about it).
Overall (4.75/10):
Aura is a movie that tries to give a good message but that fails in its presentation and execution causing the movie to end up being one of the many in the end (At least it is better than other anime about bulling cof cof koe no katachi cof cof).
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 8, 2021
"Roujin Z" is one of these cases where the concept is interesting, but fails because of the way it is executed.
Story and enjoyment(4/10):
The concept is interesting enough to develop many themes, but it ends up not taking this opportunity, making Roujin Z more of an action movie with a bit of silly comedy than a cyberpunk work with ambitious themes like Akira (Work by the same author). In my opinion this movie is wasted potential.
Add to that the film is quite boring, the pacing is slow and there are the changes in tone from serious to comedy that make it impossible for you to take
the film seriously.
And I don't like the ending either, it doesn't make any sense.
Character (3/10):
The characters are the worst aspect of the movie, the whole cast is very flat and one-dimensional.
The only character I like is Takashi because at least he gets some half-development (that doesn't take away from the fact that he's a complete idiot).
The only thing that the characters contribute are silly moments that only cause cringe, or serve to the plot (like the old mans).
Art (7/10) and sound (5/10):
The animation is the only positive aspect that I see in this movie, the backgrounds are beautiful, the framerate is decent, the designs are ok although they are forgettable and I liked the color palette. Overall a good animation job
In terms of sound and music it is quite generic and mediocre.
Overall (4/10):
For a movie written by Akira's creator this movie is a complete disappointment, I do not recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 6, 2021
Aiura is one of the most boring anime about "Cute girls doing absolutely nothing" that I have ever seen.
There is not much history as such, they are just girls doing everyday things. This anime pretends to be "funny" when in reality the only thing it achieves is being boring and cringe. Characters are characterized by just one or two archetypal things
In terms of animation and music it's ok.
There really is not much more I can say about this anime, it is one of the many, I prefer azumanga daioh much better (another anime of girls doing nothing that at least sometimes makes me laugh)
Story (2/10),
Art and sound (5/10), Characters (2/10), Enjoyment (1/10) and Overall (2/10)
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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