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Feb 27, 2025
this is a sad sad day
i wish i would have never have to say this about a Re:Zero series but man what a garbage this was
this series started well, up until episode 8 it was fine, subaru was in suffering and stuff
but after the delay in airing the animation, it somehow became the worst fucking thing you could have think of
the fight with regulus was so fucking bad, he is the strongest enemy and couldn't kill or pose ANY difficulty for subaru?!!! not even once?! the only difficulty for subaru was ski on ice part!!
the way they find out about his lion's heart and weakness
was so bullshit, subaru realized it from mere "little king" title, that yeah, he stops time and shit even though his wives don't know about this power!!
how the fuck did subaru find out reguluse's wives are tied to his heart?
it could have been so easy to handle this
for example make regulus to not go too far away from his wives, this would give the clue that the wives are more than sex slaves but no, subaru just find that out, out of thin air
the motivational speeches are fucking pathetic and we get around 16 of them in this fucking anime, like dude we are here to see subaru in pain and agony, who the fuck do you think the target audience is?!
again, so fucking disappointing, Re:Zero was famous for keeping you on the edge of your seat but this one simply make me not care
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Feb 2, 2025
my first review got removed by a certain mod because "it was offending to fanbois who liked this anime"!
here is a filtered, less offending,more pathetic version of my original review:
"a masterpiece that inspired generations of strong female characters, a philosophical giant in anime industry that challenged gender norms and….”
we all have seen these titles, i knew this is a bad anime just by this title, usually a good feminist anime becomes target of criticism of feminists, ironically because of its realism but here the praise was so high that i already could smell something’s up
My suspicion turned out to be true in the
first episode
the episode starts and gives this “a prince wants to save princess” bullshit and then it introduces Utena, she wears boys uniform (kind of!) and she outperforms the entire male basketball players all by herself and wins a dual against an asshole swordsman with a black woman as her slave? with a real sword while she had a wooden sword
If you ever saw anything like this i want you to know, it is a bad and propagandist feminist work, the reason is simple, if the main girl is the strongest person in the movie then the real social dynamic between genders and “female oppression” couldn’t possibly exist in that world, how can there be a patriarchy and people “looking down” on women when the strongest people are women?!! This simple argument destroys this anime and any feminist work that follows this formula
Think about it, she says she wants to be a prince but she is stronger than the prince! why would you get inspiration from someone weaker than yourself and pretend they are the stronger person?
a example of a good feministic work is "anne shirley” in anime and “Zootopia” in Disney
we have a couple of nothing burgers episodes which a bunch of randos who challenge Uretha To a duel to get the black girl as a trophy! there is also themes of incest, well not literally but the obsession of the red dude’s sister with him was pretty weird
Anyway, she ends up fighting the prince she was longing for (the red dude) and loses because she was scared of hurting the prince, after that for some fucking reason she starts dressing like a normal girl, her friend says what’s this, this isn’t normal, Utena says it is normal, her friend says NO, BAKA,it isn’t normal for you. all the time that this was happening, i was wondering, why does this conversation exist? What? so the symbolism make sense even at the cost of plot and decent dialogue?
the rose bride is a whore in this story, she clings to those who win the fight, the moment Utena lost she abandoned her, but symbolically she is good, this contradiction happens because of incompetence
So she ended up realizing she wants that black girl and challenges the red dude and plot armor kicks in and she wins
Again literally nothing burger episodes till episode 33 and Utena is fucking black people! LOL you can’t make this stuff up, did i mention the dude she had sex with was engaged at the time and the hero knew about it? (btw i guess another taboo is broken in 1997, sex outside marriage and outside of your race) and in episode 35 we see the black dude kissing a child (so pedo taboo is broken too)
and finally we are at episode 38, the black dude was the real prince all along, he snaps his finger and Utena turns into a princess, he tells her you don’t need to fight anymore and i'll do your fightings for you, it’s time to be happy forever and ever like in the prince and princess story as if that makes any fucking sense, Utena refuses and says what about the black girl!, he tells her who cares about her and they fight, i don’t spoil it too much but let’s just say the ending was max retardation
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 28, 2024
i typed top 10 philosophical anime, this name came up so i thought let's give it a shot
i'm not sure this is the case but it seems like this anime is inspired by Martin Heidegger
there were themes of "thrownness or falling in the world", "anxiety from existing", "care", "guilt",...
it can't be a coincidence, the Haibane is a symbol of Dasein
the anime captures the theme okay but unfortunately the story isn't that great because the dialogues are trash, it the same old unnatural conversations you hear when empty characters talk, "i believe in reki", "reki is reki, isn't it reki?!!"
again, you can get tricked by thinking
this anime is great because it has philosophical topics but it is a fucking ANIME
the priority is story-telling, it's character development, which we don't really have in this anime
the guilt rakka feels isn't really felt by us about existing and being useless, rakka is a horrible character, an actual NPC, nothing interesting about her, the only character worth mentioning is Reki, but even she didn't do a great job, it was just okay
this anime reminded me of "Shinsekai yori", in that anime characters got "developed" based on survival, you knew them by how they "reacted", but ultimately they were empty and all of them were the same personality, they are what writers call "character type", you don't see a human, you see a "type", like "angry dude" or "yandere",...
this anime suffers the same thing, the characters are just types, they don't have actual human conversation or reaction
it's funny because before this anime i read Tolstoy's opinion on good art and he mentions that using the world or history of a country that your characters are in, is a form of cheating
for example, if i write a book where the MC lives in Ottoman Empire and instead of focusing on my story, i start by describing how Ottoman culture was back then, i'm cheating, i'm using history to keep you entertained, and this will keep you entertained but not because of my story but because of Ottoman history, it's cheating
the same thing happens more or less in this story
there is this weird wall and how you shouldn't touch it, how you shouldn't talk to those plague mask guys (which the anime never explained why)
these are fascinating world buildings but how do they help with character development, or even the plot?
well, they don't
did the walls have to exist for the story to function? these are random facts that are thrown at us
overall i was watching this bored all the way till the end but it wasn't bad enough for me to drop it
i wanted to give it a 5 but because of trying to be philosophical, i give a 6
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 27, 2024
what the fuck did i just read?! good prank though, you really played with my emotions really well
there are SOOO many things wrong with this trash of a manhwa
Character Review:
1-Joon (Main Character)
he is a pos, he is leading on 3 girls at the same time which is evil, he also keeps playing with the emotion of his wife by constantly going to concert of his ex-girlfriend
ALSO he constantly is saying "HEY, are you cheating on me with your manager" when he literally keeps hugging and holding hands of other women!! fuck this guy
i hate people who smoke, so right of the bat i hate her,
she is portrayed as being "strong independent woman"!! MY ASS
she literally decided to suck the cock of the company that blackmailed her instead of fighting back, she said the lawsuit would cost her gazillion dollars, BULLSHIT, no company even in north korea (the best korea after reading this shit) can do this to you, she decided to ghost his boyfriend for around a year or two instead of sharing the problem so that the two of them can fix it together.
she is a cheating lying evil bitch
i tried to give her the benefit of the doubt because of the lawsuit but in the last page she literally says she could give up her career and join MC but that is not her place and that "he would be happy but i would be miserable", if you choose your career instead of your relationship, you are cheating EXACTLY in the sense as if some richer partner has come to the picture and you chose them, it is cheating and it has to be called that
"you are the most important thing in the world, never forget that joon", "promise me you never leave me", "i will always be by your side", "i'll never leave you","i love you so much"
ALL of these quotes are lies and she knew she is lying at that moment, this is why the story is garbage, this is not the Duna that we knew, no way she says "my fame is more important than him" when we know she is constantly afraid that people are leaving her behind
easily the best girl, she was just a little dumb, why do you keep remaining around this loser of a mc! she truly deserved better, the author did her dirty, she became "replacement" for duna, even when she is trying to have a connection to mc, we keep getting flashbacks of duna! even the author knows this is a bad relationship, so why did the author did this?
all the other characters are horrendously bad or redundant
the author doesn't understand what love is, at all, she thinks love is those moment of excitement you feel in a relationship, the author (it's a female), is mistaking lust and crush and passion for love, most likely because she is an empty loser herself, "i love you so much that's why i have to let you go and chase my career that i was blackmailed into but gods please don't let him get hurt so much"! LOOOL
if you think i'm butthurt because of the "sad ending", think again, i'm currently reading Aeneid by Virgil and i cried my eyes out for "Dido", the Dignified Queen who got destroyed by Venus and how Aeneas was forced to abandon her against his wish, that is a tragedy because it's well built, there is no loophole, this my friends is trash
i see people coping by saying the ending was "realistic", well yes it is realistic because retarded people end up in this situation
this is how it should have ended, she should have informed her boyfriend (just like in the flashback) and then they should have gotten married and have childern just like anne shirly, because the entire story relies on moving forward in a relationship, first it was crush, then kisses, then becoming bf/gf, the next step was obvious but "muh career" was clearly the way to go!
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jan 6, 2024
a copy without an original
Most of the problems of season 1 is apparent here unfortunately I’ll just do a quick rant and then I elaborate on them below
It’s actually disappointing how people are crawling over each other to hype up pure radioactive nuclear garbage called "Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season"
how style and fight scene have become what we mainly judge an anime with, who cares about plot holes? who cares if we get asspull after asspull
all that matters is mei mei is fucking her simp brother, all that matters is kakashi doing the "blue technic", all that matters is the fight scene, look at that badass
technique kakashi just pulled out of his fucking ass, look how our 0 dimensional main character Yuuji is fighting with all his passion for humanity and finally look at how the heroes give a final speech to the villain about friendship
The thing about the blue technique is that it’s not just a power the character has, it’s a get out of the jail free card, oh you are losing the fight? The villain is smart? Don’t worry you have this hidden technique to save you, which makes you wonder why not use this power immediately? This is the plot hole I’m talking about
In a certain episode a certain ‘nobody’ dies and this was supposed to be a sad thing but the death serves as power fuel for Yuuji to fight evil harder at that moment, that’s it, I’m not upset why he/she dies because none of the characters are developed or are interesting, the incompetent mixture of comedy and seriousness made it impossible to emotionally invest in anything in this shitshow
The asspulls in the show are awful, during a fight someone suddenly gets emotional and it’s power-up time, this is really insulting, I don’t have to explain that this is a cheap way to win a fight against villains, this is overused garbage
The thing that makes me angry at the fight scenes is that they are absolutely purposeless, what is it they are progressing in the plot? Nothing! If that villain didn’t show up nothing Would have been missed
it's 10pm and instead of sleeping i'm writing this, i hate you guys so much
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Dec 9, 2023
i think it's safe to say AOT didn't handle the character of Eren and the Ending well, it was total shit.
and i don't appreciate the dry humor of the-most-reacted-against reviews on this anime because i think many people are too dumb to get that you are actually mocking the anime by exaggerating it's greatness by saying stuff like "Isayama is a philosopher who went beyond reality".
i'm gonna go full conspiracy theory here, ready?
i think after eren started to become a symbol of a great man who will crush his enemies, the current establishment got afraid and somehow forced Isayama to turn eren into a whiny
little bitch who is an incel, eren was becoming the right wing hero, his race was about to go extinct (just like white people) and he crushed those who opposed him
i really think they either give Isayama a huge amount of money to fuck eren up or they threatened him
in short this anime is as bad as the manga, historia's existence meant nothing, annie falling for armin was cringe and...
i also hated how this anime turned into a time travel bullshit, this is about war so solve it in the battlefield
so yeah i hate it
music and opening was truly awful
animation was bad too
this was a complete mess
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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May 15, 2023
i'm actually proud of myself, i used to watch the entire anime even if i saw obvious signs of it being garbage but now i don't waste my time and simply drop it
i love books, i thought i would like this anime even if the mc is 1 dimensional,generic,not having a single fucking personality trait besides reading,mary sue. but i was wrong, in episode 2 i realized it's over, elinna agrees to be married to a prince because she gets access to a special library with rare books and she 'slowly' falls in love with the prince, now that's the plot, first off what a
whore!, she marries someone not out of love but for personal gain, second off after 4 years the prince is talking to another female character named Irene and elinna realizes oh i love the prince actually! there is no interaction between elinna and the prince, NONE, but what really sealed the deal for me was how in episode 2 Irene out of absolutely nowhere framed elinna for pushing her down the stairs and how prince tried to "solve the mystery" acting smart and all. that was so fucking cringy that i had to take a hot bath
don't watch it, it really is as bad as other reviews are warning you it is
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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May 14, 2023
man, this has to be the most boring anime i have ever watched, THE ONLY good thing in this anime is hand-to-hand combat fights
i don't care about ANY of the characters, Motoko is just a smug bitch, Batou is motoko's bitch and Togusa is batou's bitch.
why is motoko dressed like that in a police force environment?? the only reason is fanservice, how fucking stupid are they to not know this anime has a serious tone so wearing a bikini in police station while investigating a national crisis doesn't make any sense
holy shit the plot is boring, the entire time i was like Oh NO here
comes the Super Hacker that can hack all live media and put his logo of a laughing emoji on face of the people whose brain got hacked
i'm gonna be honest, i didn't understand the plot very well, it was so boring that i couldn't pay any attention to anything, i can't believe i didn't remember a single name from this anime while writing a review, i had to search it for god's sake
i hate the opening song as well, this has to be among the song's i passionately hate, Motoko is 3D and Oiled, so fucking creepy
don't watch this, this is an overhyped garbage
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Apr 30, 2023
i'm not a big fan of yuri but since this is only ecchi and i was told there is good deal of jealousy involved i thought lets try something new for once so i checked this shit out
if i say the plot is a Contrived mess mixed with asspulls i have not exaggerated
the dialogues are horrible and emptier than the writer's skull
there are random scenes that don't contribute to the story at all for example the drama about the fucking grandpa didn't matter it was just a waste of time
the characters are so god damn empty, what is mei like? silent girl, that's it, introducing
her father didn't add any layer or depth to her character whatsoever, what is yuzu like? she is gay and that's that, and don't let me start on other characters beside yuzu and mei, her mom, her friends,... they had ZERO depth, not even a single decent dialogue
every girl in this anime is gay or bisexual like wtf
the plot is basically: Yuzu is gay so is Mei, they meet, mei kisses yuzu, yuzu shits herself, yuzu wants to confess but chickens out, Random Person Number 1 enters the scene and kisses mei right in front of yuzu, yuzu shits herself, Random Person Number 2 enters the scene and kisses yuzu right in front of mei, mei pretends to not give a fuck, Random Person Number 3 with her sister enters the scene and wants a threesome while blackmailing mei while licking her ears, both yuzu and mei kick her out, mei and yuzu kiss each other, yuzu shits herself, THE END (roll credits)
it's unbelievable the most liked review for this anime is a recommended type and gives this series 8/10 while admitting all these flaws!!! we really are living in post-Truth era aren't we?
literally everyone watched this anime for the lesbian action, but to my surprise there wasn't anything wild here, only simple kisses
btw the fact that mei totally losing her control while getting her ears touched right in front of her enemy was full retard mode
watch it ,don't watch it , IDGAF
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Nov 3, 2022
this is such a badly executed and directed anime, this anime wishes to create a female version of Johan Liebert, a charismatic female who is complex but the issue is this anime has been tried out before.
everything is textbook, that's the main issue, this anime is unbelievably lazy, there is nothing refreshing.
Magase is brought to station to get questioned and during the conversation, she mentions how the name of the Main Character is about justice (textbook and pathetic attempt at hinting the message of the show to the audience), then she says she will cooperate if the MC talks to him about his personal life
(textbook example to make the villain be an existential and identity crisis for the MC), then she just suddenly disappears from a police station (textbook example to make the villain and hero's confrontation a cliffhanger for the later episode)
you get the point!
if i (somebody who doesn't know shit about screen writing and anime making) can point out such an obvious copy pasted writing in this anime then there is no hope.
this anime keeps making its secondary characters to keep saying "is suicide that bad", "maybe we should just kill ourselves",...
do not watch this pure crap, doesn't worth it
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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