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Jul 25, 2023
I gave this story a 5, but I can't really recommend it. Because the anime is just kind of about nothing. The central conflict is about who the mc does or does not talk to. mc talks to some girl, they discuss something, and then the trivial issue gets solved.
What is there to even say about it honestly? The characters aren't all that annoying but aren't interesting either. The biggest appeal factor of the story in the manga, the mc's inner thoughts, were removed.
If you wanna watch this, I recommend expecting absolutely 0, bc that's what you'll get. No laughs, no smiles, no tears, at
the end you'll feel jack shit, unless you dislike the fl for being toxic and playing games or smn.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 12, 2020
When I first started reading I though it'd be a lot more generic than what I got. I thought there'd be some handsome shining knights, some back stabby revenge plan and a lot of befriending everyone. In a sense, I got some of that, but it deviates a good enough amount to make it truly enjoyable.
The central focus point is actually completely non related to the otome game manga's. It's mostly about family, growing up and the hardships of high society (this one is actually often used). The villains aren't particularly well written, the opening chapters were quite boring, the characters were being cliche sometimes
and the story would slow to a crawl at times. It isn't perfect, not even close. But the art, the small hints that the characters still are quite child-like, the moments of simple character interaction and the scenes which have really pretty art makes it stand out quite a bit. It's much more akin to a slice of life manga more than anything. If you really like more emotionally focused manga, it might be for you. At least, if you can forgive the excessive amounts of tropes and small mistakes for the pleasure of reading some really good scenes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 2, 2020
After 34 chapters of setup, it finally looks like the story can actually go somewhere. At least, I hope that the mangaka figures out that only having depression as your focus doesn't really keep the readers attention for too long. Nevertheless I am very interested in how the story will go. Potential is the biggest factor as to why I give this manga above a 5. There are many potential plot threads to explore: The mass depression surrounding the town, the weird family dynamic, the inner conflict between giving up and throwing away the suffering or enduring it in hopes of a better future, the
ideologies and idealisms of the main cast, the overobsessive behavior towards eachother and I could likely go on and on. The hope that it develops in a direction that's not utterly disappointing is only faint however, as the writer as of yet has not done much with the story. If you read the first chapter and skip to the last it's not as if you're completely confused as to what's going on. But for now I'm slightly excited to see where it goes and curious as too see if the author will cowardly base the ending on the hollow relationship with the mc and the idol in the end.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 11, 2020
Kiss x Sis strangely enough is one of the better romance stories I've read up to date. The writer definitely knows how to keep the manga going, throwing twists, changes, character development and even different writing focuses throughout it's runtime. And I have to give him props for that. It's almost never nowadays that I don't have the feeling that the story is dragging it's idea out for way too long.
[Quick sidenote, the title is probably top contender for the most "technically true" titles. Sure it does happen, even more than a hundred chapters in, but it really has stopped being the focus about 20%
of the way in, it's not a gag manga.]
Now, if you start reading, you will definitely feel like an 8 or 9 is off. I was at first confused too, it felt like just slightly spicy ecchi, could just spend my time reading a hentai instead. If it kept that way I might've given it a 6 or 7, nice art, cute waifu's but not really much else.
But then something weird happens, quite quickly even. It's definitely the first time I've seen a manga do this.
Now just to give context, this has a harem tag, to be specific, it has 5 members (not gonna tell which though, since it would be a minor spoiler)
So what happens basically, it's that a side character becomes the main character, and the main characters become less important than the new main, but a bit more important than the other two.
this happens I would guess about 4 times total for now, some being much more satisfying than others. Like the comedy between ch40-80 absolutely killed me at times. And the more new self deprecating main character actually got me liking him more than back when he was full dt mode (like is usual to harem mc's)
Also, not to worry, at first it was just a somewhat more daring ecchi but the new chapters definitely has it in full smut territory (the territory where sexual acts are shown but only a few panels instead of a full focus on it like a hentai)
And really, to be honest after a while it becomes rather hard to dislike the cast, sometimes the changes in them are a bit strange, but overall it feels like they actually could be people (unlike the earlier chapters) and that they're actually growing at the rate they're aging in. Which is probably a thing you don't see too often from Japanese media, characters properly acting their age.
Overall it's great stuff if you want to be entertained, quite a bit of the focus is on the perverted parts but it has quite a bit more to often. If you're a guy definite recommend.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 12, 2020
This is definitely one of the most disappointing works I've seen or read until now, though it's not like I absolutely hate the adolescent part, without it I might've given this a 6 or a 7.
Now, I can relate to the awkwardness of how to behave near a child in order not to set a bad example, in that regard it was done pretty well, the problem is that without it the writer doesn't have anything to show off, being (at least at the time) weak on most fronts.
I wasn't engaged, enjoyment was few and far between and I didn't learn much of anything at
all. I consider most of my time wasted.
So here I'll give a long ramble of the top 5 worst parts of this (and possible solutions if I can think of one) from horrendous to least bad.
1. 10 year transition period
The idea itself was to begin with something that could only come from a brainfart, but even the execution is absolute garbage. Nearly nothing (aside from a few appearance changes) was different, no new friends for either the mc or his aunt, barely any changes in demeanor (aside from the overly obvious, like the brittle bones or that during puberty hormones become a thing) and on top of that the author throwing away the only thing (s)he (can't bother to find out) had going for it. A solution to this would either be a montage, or just a faster change in pace, like using 2-3 chapters to cover a year of growth.
It'd still be jarring but if you make good use of the panels you might be able to work out a natural transition.
2. Plot
So you have the big opener: Girl get's abandoned by everyone except for the savior mc, he has to learn how to become a good parent. Sadly the execution of everything after is boring as shit because a) very little happens, and b) the stakes aren't set up properly.
And you'd need at least one of them to keep a reader engaged. Now it's obvious that the author wants to write an SoL of the most average life possible, so A isn't going to happen. What about B then? Basically what could've been done is show how the little girl would be impacted by wrong behavior from the mc, to give him reason to stress over it. Also show (or at least give more than a vague indication of) the finances, have him try to pick out very cheap school supplies to cover for the month, show how much worse the situation became after changing departments because I sure as hell didn't notice any effect (aside from one joke). Basically set up hurdles for the duo to overcome, no matter how mundane or trivial.
3. Atmosphere
This is a pretty subjective topic, since it's literally about the feeling it gives off but what I noticed is that it was a greatly missed opportunity to make an average (at that moment) manga into something 8-9 worthy. What I anticipated what a sort of familial atmosphere which I guess the author tried to set up but came short of. I guess the major issue is that the main duo never try to rely on each other, or have a heart to heart conversation about how they feel about their situation. This makes them feel a bit too distant, not so much a father and daughter relation as him pretty much feeling like a babysitter. It felt pretty uncomfortable seeing as that was probably the entire point of the manga, seeing them grow together as people, before the writer wanted to go for a garbage romantic drama.
4. Romance
Spoilers lol
So basically the childhood friend guy really wants to date main girl but he's with another girl because of a plot contrivance which he can't get out of, so he says go away and the plot contrivances sister says no and thus something something wincest time but it actually isn't and the main character knew all along even though a few chapters before he calculated blood relation but no this is a morally upstanding manga so it's just going to be pretend-incest and they make a big deal out of it but probably noone gives a flying fuck.
This shit is just retarded, maybe a fix would be to just rewrite everything after chapter 26 (I think it was).
5. Characters
All I really knew about the young main girl was that she was a masegaki (kid with adult like behavior) and I knew from the mc that he barely had a will to live but now slightly more. I also knew that the young romance rival was reckless and dumb. After the 10 year interval I knew that mc needs some calcium, that main girl is just generic JK and that rival looked like he came straight out of a shoujo manga but was still a complete idiot. Just because they behave like people doesn't mean they have depth. Just give them some hobbies or a bit of personal philosophy, maybe a few quirks or fields of expertise. Not really that hard.
writer is very bad at writing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 5, 2019
Lazy animators and incompetent writers present nothing much: the animation for a cheap cashgrab in a sub-par anime season. It has no story, no character and barely anything worth noting. The only thing really worth praising is the okay use of classic anime comedy and a relationship before episode 12.
The first episode actually kind of got my hopes up for a solid 7. It was quite an interesting idea of making an op character more op than the op parents to flex with his op-ness. This however is not used because shin has noone to compare himself with as he defies set laws of this
world and does what none can even dream of accomplishing. This anime does for "I just invented a new magic" what hyakuren valkyria did for "I just invented a new type of war strategy". What hyakuren does better is that it has actual battles and not just lazily one-shotting everything because the animators couldn't be bothered creating a fight.
"So what about characters?" you might ask. What characters? Sure they have a certain type of behavior reminiscent of anime archetypes but if you think about it, they have nothing a regular person has. Interests? none. Dreams? none. Ideologies? 0. Likes and dislikes, what's the point of asking.
Having said that the writing staff thought it was a genius idea to focus on character interactions. But what do you do when nobody has anything to say? Let them act like clowns of course.
"What about the plot?" Well, to summarize: Guy does thing, everyone copies thing but worse because not op like mc. Old woman mad because mc too op. Old guy goes "Ah this wacky youngling with his world obliterating powers". Also something about massacres and zombies but who even cares.
"And the art?" 2nd rate character drawing. 3-4 Locations; school, forest, house. That's all you get.
All in all, at the very least give me some story or character. I like my stupid jokes but that's not the sole reason I watch low quality trash anime. I expect like, 1 character trait for the mc, a concept turned plot and a few interesting backgrounds so that I can go "yes, good bg". That's not too much to ask, I hope.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Apr 28, 2019
This anime had my hopes up the first few episodes, but the last few only made my eyes roll. Every line of dialogue now has become as predictable as any other isekai schlock cashgrab. The first few episodes were great setup, the arena arc was really suspenseful, so why did the quality have to drop so badly? The characters the last few episodes were completely one-dimensional and predictable, raphtalia is the embodiment of justice, naofumi is still kind of suspicious of everything but not really and filo acts like a kid. Now, the characters on their peak were nothing much to talk about but atleast
they had a bit more. Naofumi was spiteful, wass actually afraid of using the shield's rage function and actually had a moment of weakness. Raphtalia was caring and supportive of him in even the worst moments and was angered at the injustices done to them and filo was a bit more rash, you could say. Now, they try to still maintain these characteristics but they're fading quite quickly, filo's rash attacks feel weird compared to the fact she does everything exactly like told thereafter. The childishness is also not recognizable in any attacks, they feel more like one of a well trained soldier. Raphtalia really doesn't so much, she has become a bit of a side character that just hangs around the grouchy mc. Naofumi also doesn't really develop, or even has any characteristics beside A N G E R Y. Has there been any mention of his past, what he likes, what he wants to do for the world? Nothing, right.
I could go on and on about the characters, but you should get the point.
Onto the plot: there isn't any. It feels more like death march, just going wherever doing whatever with sometimes a little sidequest. Then they do some things and Naofumi gets a new party member or item or whatever. Lame.
The problem with this anime is that they're trying to go off of the momentum built in earlier episodes to carry the plot, but instead should build upon it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 27, 2019
This anime felt like something that could truly be good, if it had a sensible direction to focus on. Kaibutsu oujo is trying to be a slice of life, with dramatic and comedic moments. However, it fails at all of these points. The gag "comedy" barely even registers as something to laugh at, and the dramatic moments have 0 influence on characters, plot or environment. Also it's kind of hard to be very invested in either comedic or dramatic moments because the characters are one dimensional morons.
"comedy": gags revolving around the character one trait, the main guy is a useless wimp, the princess a
goth kuudere, her sidekick an airhead, the sister borderline braindead and the wolf very angry. The never develop beyond that Because in a world of mystery and murder, the idiots are who come out on top, through the power of plot armor and deus ex.
"tragedy": Throughout the story many things happen which could easily fill 2 other anime; death, abandonment, betrayal, you name it. Sadly there is never any effect on anyone on anything, someone could get raped and they'd forget after 5 minutes. The main character never tries to better himself for the safety of others, even though he'd fit the bill of such archetype. The hothead never tries and strategize, even though it just turns the situation worse most of the time. Although it may look like there's some development at times, it never carries over to any later point.
The painful part is that the entire story is pointless, even though it was designed otherwise. This anime had pretty good ideas for sideplots and a good sense of style, in comparison to most other anime. Sadly they just don't care about what happens, the setup is there, the payoff never comes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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