The ending sucked.
It was definitely supposed to end with a full 100% Rumbling, the entire Alliance getting killed, and Eren returning Paradis to greet Historia and their daughter, the reborn Ymir, telling her that she is free because she will not be burdened with what came before her thanks to all sacrifices her father had to make to give her a free life.
But instead, AOT went full Shonen and gave us a shitty ass Code Geass, rom-com, and Disney ass ending. đź—‘đź—‘
There are plot holes, characters assassination, character regression, and plot holes all over the place.
Eren, in chapter 12, has a conversation with Commander
Pyxis where he shits on the 80% plan b4 he even knew of the outside world. He says verbatim: "It's too naive and rosy." Eren right there, shouldn't be stopping for anything.
Ymir's "Stockholm Syndrome" is bullshit. What King Fritz did was take away her ability to speak, burn down her home, and killed her parents, all of which ruined her life. Stockholm Syndrome requires some compassion from the abuser which did not happen.
Eren gave Ymir the CHOICE to decide. EREN freed Ymir. Mikasa DID NOT free Ymir. Mikasa had NOTHING to do with founder Ymir. Founder Ymir yearned for FREEDOM from being oppressed by the will of the king, and EREN broke her away from that. Mikasa didn't let Eren go at all the credits show that. She took the next three generations to Eren's grave. That's NOT moving on.
Eren was not trying to end all human conflict. He was trying to break the cycle of hatred towards Eldians, that's it. Paradis fighting amongst themselves wasn't Eren's concern.
The ending ruined the themes of the show. Eren sticking to his motivations doesn't make him an "edgelord". It's called conviction.
Eren's view of freedom isn't corrupted. It's the literal definition.
Eren primary goal was not protecting his friends. If they needed to be sacrificed to save his home, then so be it. Attack Titans users sought freedom, no matter the cost. Just like Kruger did when he said how he sacrificed the Eldians on the outside for the betterment of Paradis.
Grisha, Freckled Ymir, and Eren Kruger siding with the alliance makes no sense: Grisha still gave Eren the founding titan to Eren in the first place because Eren showed him memories to go through with killing the Reiss family and taking the founding titan. Krueger sacrificed Eldians on the outside for the betterment of Paradis. Freckled Ymir trusted Historia's safety on the island because of Eren's powers. Her siding against Eren at the end puts Historia and the island in danger.
Cringey plot armor: The entire alliance should've died fighting Eren. But Isayama got cold feet because he was scared of the IRRELEVANT EM shippers and other character stans that DID NOT understand AOT at all. They shouldn't have lived through that in the first place. How in the hell were there no casualties in that battle? They're up against the FOUNDER with LIMITED gas and blades against EVERY SINGLE TITAN SHIFTER IN HISTORY. Yet the worst thing that happened was Levi getting his leg broken. Like, what?
Grisha's "stop Eren" changed because of the outside world ruining his past life with Dina and Zeke. And because Zeke even implied that Eren showed him something to convince him to give Eren the Founder and Attack Titan. Eren showed him a "scenery." that scenery being something that would've made all the sacrifices worth it. FREEDOM.
Eren wasn't even happy staying with Mikasa. He was NOT okay with letting Paradis get destroyed.
Eren DID NOT want to burden the future generations with the TERRIBLE cycles of children eating their parents, which is what King Fritz wanted.
There was NEVER going to be an alternative option. It was kill or be killing to the core. If anyone outside side the walls were spared, Paradis was going to get destroyed because peace talks don't persevere anything. They came back and wiped out the island just like Floch said they would.
Zeke being magically Talk no Jutsu'd by Armin makes no sense because Zeke is nihilistic. If he didn't get his plan, Eren's was the next best thing because then there would be no reason to fight. The rumbling is literally the same ending as the Sterilize plan but just the other side would die instead. Zeke sees no point in fighting. So, why would he care about Armin naive useless "hope." Armin is NOT going to convince a grown ass man who's drowning in his own ideals and beliefs.
How did Mikasa get her memories manipulated if she's an Ackerman AND oriental?? PLOT HOLE.
Killing Zeke SHOULDN'T have stopped the rumbling. Eren broke Ymir away from the will of the royal blood, and she WILLINGLY and CLEARLY sided with Eren because HE gave her what she sought. Now, since the Founder IS NOT bounded by the blood of royals, killing Zeke SHOULDN'T have stopped rumbling.
Eren and Historia are the true endgame. It's deeper than just a romantic ship like EM was.
Eren and Historia EMBODIED the true themes of the story like Sins of the Father and Deal with the Devil.
Eren is pro-natalist which is against the ideology of Zeke who is Anti-natalist. Eren having a baby with Historia is supposed to stick it to Zeke whose mindset is that life is worthless. Eren wants to prove that ideology wrong. Which is why Eren was VEHEMENTLY against the 50-year plan and the Sterilization plan.
Historia and Farmer were supposed to be a cover up for Eren and take the heat off of him. That's why everyone thought Eren was doing the partial rumbling when he unleashed the titans. Eren is supposed to be the father in the reveal.
Eren and Historia would surpass their parents by NOT burdening their child with the decisions of the past generation and love them unconditionally.
Historia's birthing conveniently fell on the same day of the Rumbling which is to remind us that it is an important piece to the plot. It being the farmer all along makes it a waste of time. If Historia was going to have a baby, why does she ask Eren his opinion on it and why does Eren need to be there in the first place if he's not going to be involved?
FRECKLED Ymir wanted Historia to SAVE her. Eren calls Historia the worst girl in the world who SAVED him that day.
Eren and Historia's child would be named Ymir, who would be reborn FREE. Eren freed FOUNDER Ymir and Historia choose to live for herself like FRECKLED Ymir taught her.
FRECKLED Ymir taught Historia to live for herself, Historia taught Eren to live for himself, Eren uses Historia's words from the Uprising Arc to teach FOUNDER Ymir to live for herself and FREED HER.
Freckled, Ymir told Historia to start being selfish and live for herself and stop living for others regardless of anything. Eren, in the uprising arc, Eren felt nihilistic after he found out what his dad did and wanted to die and told Historia to eat him and said, "I never needed to happen." Historia resonated with Eren right there because her mother told her the same thing b4 she died. Historia then freed Eren and saved him and gave him his motivation back. Eren then told Founder Ymir those same words, which FREED her. Mikasa is NOWHERE to be found in this. She is NOT what Ymir was looking for at all. The connections between Eren, Historia, Freckled Ymir, and Founder Ymir are abundant.
Cred @GregSmithIII on YT
Feb 14, 2025
The ending sucked.
It was definitely supposed to end with a full 100% Rumbling, the entire Alliance getting killed, and Eren returning Paradis to greet Historia and their daughter, the reborn Ymir, telling her that she is free because she will not be burdened with what came before her thanks to all sacrifices her father had to make to give her a free life. But instead, AOT went full Shonen and gave us a shitty ass Code Geass, rom-com, and Disney ass ending. đź—‘đź—‘ There are plot holes, characters assassination, character regression, and plot holes all over the place. Eren, in chapter 12, has a conversation with Commander ... Mar 24, 2024
Black Clover
Definitely not perfect, some of the characters can be annoying sometimes and the humor is a hit or miss, it's really good sometimes but other times it feels out of place and cringe. Probably my favorite anime of all time though I don't care what anyone says, the fights are peak and emotional and it's like almost every side character in the show doesn't get left out they all have amazing character development throughout the show. The plot might be basic but it's executed almost perfectly in my opinion.
The only complaints I have is that sometimes the humor gets repetitive and ... Mar 9, 2024
After seeing the low rating this has I was compelled to give this a review, I feel like giving this anything lower than an 8 is criminal, the art work alone is a 10/10. Sure the story could be better and this could have easily not have been an Isekai it would have just worked better as a regular fantasy story in my opinion but the characters are likeable, the character development is amazing. The action is almost non stop but because the art is so good you don't get burnt out. The monsters are extremely well designed almost Berserk level good, the only reason
Aug 21, 2023
In order to fully enjoy this show you're going to need a lot of patience, the pacing is absolutely terrible but the story is amazing, the animation gets great later on, the plot is good, and the world building is amazing. From my experience some arcs are hits and others are misses and thats due to the terrible pacing this show has. During the skypiea arc a couple of the strawhats were fighting the same obese twins who used weaponized farts as a weapon for like 10 episodes and then Luffy is just being sped inside a lizard for 20 episodes being a dumb*ss.