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Oct 18, 2021
TL/DR: The art slaps, panel progression slaps, the characters look way better in this style, we get to see some more character development that we never got to see in the original. All in all it's done more with 4 chapters than the original did in 200+. Ufotable should have adapted this instead of that 1 episode Rengoku prologue before doing an entire recap season.
I have a lot of things to say about this, so let's get some things out of the way first.
I was never a huge fan of the original Demon Slayer manga. I've always found that my tastes are pretty generic
when it comes to action shounen but ever since I started reading it back in 2016 I always found that it was missing something that would bring it up to the same level as its competitors. After dropping and resuming it a few times I finally made it to the end when the series concluded and found myself underwhelmed all the way through, unlike the anime which has blown me away time and time again.
These side stories, on the other hand, made me feel some of the same things I felt while I was watching the anime. The way that the panels flow and the framing of the characters was near perfect in every way imaginable. Had the entire 200+ chapters of the original been composed and drawn in the same manner I probably would have liked it a lot more.
The Tomioka/Shinobu side story was enjoyable. In the original you can basically take their characters at face value, with the only backstory being that "they are this way because someone close to them died" just like everyone else in the series. Maybe I'm just biased or maybe it was the art but they felt more like actual humans in these 2 chapters instead of just the flat characters they are in the original. Side characters were nice, interactions were nice and even though it played with a lot of the same concepts as the original it still utilized them in a more effective way that actually made me feel some emotional connections to what was happening.
The Rengoku/Kanroji side story is what I feel the strongest about and was what mainly prompted me to come here and leave this review. I honestly believe that these 2 chapters accomplished more in terms of defining and constructing Rengoku as a character than the entire 15 chapter arc/movie that was dedicated to him. Not only do we get to see the origin story of how the two became hashiras, but the main fight between Rengoku and Hairou (Lower moon 2) was much more well composed than its counterpart, Rengoku vs Akaza. We also get a glimpse at Rengoku's father in action, I can't really remember if we get to see that in the original or not other than how he feels after learning his son is dead but I think the connection between Hairou and the Rengoku family is neat.
When I compared the two fights side by side, I was definitely more drawn to the Hairou fight as I found the art was, well, better. But looking at it from a more objective point of view you can see that the panel composition and overall progression of the fight is much more effective in building up to a climactic moment. Especially considering that they use the same finishing move in both fights and many of the panels are almost identical in terms of framing, the Hairou fight just seems to more effectively build tension between the two characters leading to this big finishing move that takes up an entire page. Big panels or entire pages of a single subject, like a characters face or a pose after an attack, really drive home what the reader should see as an important moment and this side story just does that so much better than the original does. Oh also Kanroji got to do some stuff so that was cool too.
I think that should about sum up all the important bits I want to get at, maybe I'll make a video or something if anything else comes to mind.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 16, 2019
Where to begin with this work of art that was not done justice.
I would consider Marry Grave to be a modern day Rave Master or Fairy Tail, with a more romantic twist instead of the usual 'friendship is magic' trope. While manga like Black Clover may be taking the spotlight as a 'shounen successor', I really think that Marry Grave is much more deserving in that regard.
What makes it so much better is that, unlike so many other fantasy-setting manga, it presents the reader with a realistic end goal right off the bat; to reunite Sawyer with his lost wife Rosalie. The set up is
so simple, but with the pairing of likable characters and interesting events it makes you want to root for the protagonist to see his goals turn to reality. Maybe I'm just a sucker for a good love story, but it's so much more satisfying to see two characters finally come together rather than to see one character just become the strongest or something along those lines.
In this age of dominance by isekai and fan-service, it's very rare to find a manga with so much potential to be a great shounen classic. I have to say, it's a shame this manga was cut short when it definitely could have run for another 100 to 200 chapters and retained the same energy that it captures the readers with in it's initial chapters.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 10, 2018
They've done it. They've finally made an idol anime interesting. For so long idol anime have all been a cookie cutter format of getting a bunch of highschool age, or somehow younger for whatever reason, girls to form a group of misfit idols that somehow takes the world by storm with their 3D animated dancing segments. Zombieland saga just threw that template out the window in the first episode. Not gonna spoil anything, but the first 2 episodes of this series really make a statement about not being like other idol anime.
The casting choice of Miyano Mamoru was top notch, having just come off a
Steins Gate binge I'm fairly biased towards his characters. His energy just brings a whole new level of entertainment to the show that would be difficult for any other voice actor to match.
While most of the characters do share common characteristics with other idol anime, just the fact that they're zombies makes them infinitely better.
Overall, expectations completely blown away. This one's a winner.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 10, 2018
When I first heard that this was getting an anime I was skeptical. Lots of novels and manga with very graphic content often get toned down a lot once they hit the big screen, for obvious reasons. While they didn't show all of the images that the novel or manga may have shown, they managed to capture the same level of brutality through smart editing.
I would love to give the art a higher rating than 7, it really deserves about a 9 but it just looks so out of place seeing a group of 2D characters being led by a grey 3D blob. I
get that using 3D models is much easier and time efficient than fully drawing and animating the 2D character, it's still gonna cost them the points.
Overall, super pumped for the rest of the season. This is the one to watch for all the action junkies out there.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 17, 2018
I like to call Overlord the "Successful Sword Art Online", mainly because it takes what Sword Art tries to do and actually does it successfully.
Both stories are fundamentally the same; they trap a veteran of the game inside the world of the game and we get to watch how they abuse their power/wit in order to beat the game, or conquer the world in Ains' case. The reason Overlord succeeds is because it's actually interesting.
Build up is an important factor in most story telling, generally the bigger the build up the more exciting it is when things actually happen. It took Overlord 3
seasons of introducing characters, various locations and factions, differences in power levels of the characters and other important info, and it definitely paid off with that season finale. On the contrary, SAO only took 4 episodes to try and achieve the same effect. It didn't work out so well.
In essence, Overlord is how the story telling of an overpowered cheat character should be done.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 26, 2018
Hataraku Saibou is an interesting concept, I can't think of very many other things that personified cells except for Osmosis Jones. While the idea is great, and the cast is filled with amazing and talented names even for the side characters, the execution is a bit off in later episodes.
As of now I've seen around 2/3 of the episodes they have planned for this season and I'm pretty sure the structure won't change too much over the last 1/3. Not to say it's a bad thing, but it gets a little repetitive when each and every episode is filled with a similar event just involving
different side characters.
On an educational point of view I'll probably remember more from this than I will from any of my science classes, but from an anime perspective it just lacks that deep and meaningful story-line to push it anywhere past the "good" range. If I had to compare it to another anime it would be like the first few episodes of Bleach where all Ichigo does is kill Hollows.
Still an entertaining anime, but I wouldn't recommend to anyone who doesn't like repetitive events.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 26, 2018
Found this anime from a clip on youtube, so when i clicked on the first episode and watched the opening for the first time I thought I had the wrong anime.
This anime is like if Daily Lives of High School Boys was made again with girls.
You have a great trio of characters right off the bat, each with their own hilarious traits which makes for amazing comedic interactions. The voice actors for the main cast all seem to be on the newer side, so based on this series I have pretty high hopes for what they can do in future works.
The reason I'm
giving the story a 7 is because the structure doesn't have a whole lot of development, you could pretty much watch it in any order and only miss out on a few inside jokes or references. Everything else hits spot on, the animation and voices combine to make one of the funniest anime I've seen.
Great watch if you're looking for a more comedic and less serious anime this season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 22, 2018
I like to call Bleach one of the founding fathers of my anime/ manga experience, up there with Naruto and One Piece. These 3 classics are what got me into the world of manga in the first place.
Bleach may appear as a cliched shounen manga type that we see today, but you have to remember that it contributed to the standard of shounen manga that we see today.
The characters, both good and bad, are well designed and given enough depth that we can see what both sides are fighting for as justifiable and reasonable from their point of views. While it may be one
of the longer series out there, it has good reason to be. The arcs are of a good length and are well structured unlike the fillers we see in the anime.
Even if it may appear as generic and unoriginal on the surface, it established a foundation of what shounen manga is for me, earning it the rating I've given.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 22, 2018
This series really took a while to warm up for me. Based on the first two or so episodes I didn't have much hope for it, but once things started to get going I was hooked.
I was initially very opposed to liking this anime, after reading all the massively praising reviews and comments I tried watching it and thought it was overrated. To me, it just seemed like they were trying to do a slice of life in a sci-fi setting, which really didn't work. I guess this is why you should never judge an anime by the first (few) episodes, as this idea
was immediately corrected. As things started to get more serious, my engagement with the series grew until I binged the entire thing in a day.
Final verdict, give it some time. If you aren't hooked after the first episode just push yourself to watch more, and it really shows why it deserves the high rating that it has.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 9, 2013
This anime has blown my mind. I remember how excited I was when I watched the first two episodes on Crunchyroll, and then rushed to another site to watch the 3rd one. The storyline is just amazing, they didn't fail to present the great idea like they did with SAO, i mean seriously, 3rd episode and they're already 2 years into the game! They could have at least dragged it out for another dozen episodes or so. Anyway, back to SnK, The art is just amazing aswell. The eyes are probably the most detailed out of any anime i've watched, and the titans each possess
their own special looks.
Overall, i recommend that everyone watch this anime, you won't be disappointed
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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