It's is the first manga which I have started reading in my life.after watching it's anime series I have fallen for this series and can't stop my self from Start reading manga of this series.the story of this series is really very has clean story without any rubbish matterial.each and every character in this series is well defined.once you start reading it you can not stop your self from reading It again and again.i really honor the work of this series thanks to the author of this series who have given us such a wonderful memories.
And I still hope that someday we
Jul 8, 2021
Finally completed this series today.its very hard to describe greatness of this series in words.story of this series is really very great and inspiring.yhe story of this series gives us a great life give us a strong message to forget our wrong past and try to move forward towards brighter future.character representation of this series is really very good.every character voice actor has truly put life in each character.i want to thank all the team members who worked hard in making this Lovely beautiful series.
It's very hard to tell what other watchers thinks about this series but for me this series is really very ... Jun 4, 2021
This series was really character representation story line every thing is greate in this series .they have shown each and every battle seen perfectly .some seens in this series will make you emotional .the story of this series also give us good life lessons.its ending made me very sad and I can't control my tears in last.i loved every part of series but I really don't like it's ending😔
At last I want to say that every one should watch it ♥️ And I also want to thanks all the team members who worked hard in making this series.thank you for giving us such a good ... |