Satou-kun no Makai Koukou Hakusho is a continuation that manages to surpass the first part of the manga and maintains the same level of art and crazy acid humor with light gore. I was surprised by this sequel, the story really evolved and holes in the plot were fixed and mysteries resolved, I didn't expect that to happen.
This continuation proves that the protagonist actually has unrequited romantic feelings for his friend, which is confusing because the manga is not a BL and Ichirou's feelings are canonical. I believe that the manga is not considered a BL because at no point does the manga
Nov 25, 2023
Satou-kun no Juunan Seikatsu
Satou-kun no Juunan Seikatsu is an unusual shoujo manga with a male protagonist and a dose of light gore with acidic humor.
This "human in a supernatural high school" type of story has been used more than once, so what makes this "commom plot" manga special? Its harebrained, skeleton-obsessed male protagonist does a great job of not being boring and is always doing something new crazy and the other eccentric characters also don't disappoint in bringing fun to the reader. The manga's humor is acidic mixed with light gore, but nothing too heavy or prejudiced. In my mere opinion, it was a great choice ... |