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Oct 18, 2024
So this is basically a story about how a guy rapes someone when has a crush on, multiple times and well, they label it as romance.
I had to read the manga to confirm this and yupp, it is full on rape.
The characters are shallow, ones known for simply being a simp while the other is, well...existing...there's no depth to the characters or thr plot itself. Since the kanga mostly consists of smut scenes, and the anime tried not showing those scenes, this anime felt empty as the show didn't really try to come up with something else to fill that void. It
was simply VOID.
The rapes....there are just way too many of those. And it's bizarre. The dude likes him, and so decides, the best way to go about this is by raping him and he continues to do so...and somehow, neither is the rape acknowledged nor reprimanded...if anything its glorified ad romance and hot burning love.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Oct 18, 2024
For an anime thats been fairly popular and the OST being made by Creepy Nuts, I thought I would give this a try but unfortunately 4 episodes in, I'm not satisfied. I actually have a headache. Maybe this isn't my cup of tea?
So, basically the starting half of the 1st episode was promising. The entire concept of "What the night is", "the freedom that comes with night" etc was an interesting concept and I thought it would be more interesting if I got a show that explores an insomniac's nightly adventures along with a vampire girl. What basically ruined it for me is the
abrupt fall of the storytelling and this anime becoming one of those animes you don't really think of once you finish an episode.
Firstly, the things I did like--
1) the animation and color palette was good. I love how some parts were dark and gloomy and yet again some parts were so vibrant, as if calling out to the dull teenager to liven up his life.
2) the concept of exploring one's own city at night. The wonders the dark brings with it.
The things I didn't like-
1) the vampire's first impression is she's mysterious, she's older, she knows stuff, and the next minute she's the silly anime FL who has the intelligence of a 12 year old girl, blushes at anything and well...is just overly sexualised.
2)the protagonist has no development whatsoever. It kind of became a pain as he seems socially unable to function
3) the story from being about an insomniac boy trying to find his way in the night time just abrupt changed into the same boy randomly saying he wants to fall in love with the old vampire. And that basically becomes the premise.
The problem is, this had so much potential..imagine an anime where you could see a 14 year insomniac exploring the night time, uncovering small mysterious, meeting mysterious beings and meeting like minded people. It could have actually been something phenomenal instead, it became about how an old ass vampire woman who acts like a 16 year old, grooms an insomniac 14 year old boy and somehow the 14 year old boy's mission is the fall in love with her. The romance felt forced, characters weren't fleshed out well.
There was a great idea, but it wasn't executed well and we ended up with an overtly sexualised 12 episode of grooming.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 6, 2024
An anime that slowly but tastefully unfolds the story, keeping the elements of mystery and thriller intact..
If anything, I'll say CSM anime didn't get as much hype after its release as it should have.
The Plot-
The story deals with a world infested by different kind of Devils. What I love is the way the devils are represented, I.e, through negative feelings and actions(gun, violence, curse, etc)
It's seldom to see such a unique yet contrasting set of characters put together. Denji, a boy, burnt out completely, finely gets a chance to live a life that offers the bare minimum, but he's satisfied. What
makes denji's character fun and actually relatable for many is how, he simply wants a worry free life, a bed to sleep on, three square meals and well...touch some goodies! No clear or significant or grandiose goals...Aki, consumed by hatred.whike significantly loses his youth, himeno, to thrust all her dreams, hopes onto another person, kobeni,fighting even thoigh she would rather be home, Makima, a completely suspicious woman....all characters are fleshed out so well...and I love how we learn about them bit by bit...
One thing's for sure. csm has a great soundtrack. Whether it's the songs or the instrumentals!! I love how the songs are just so fitting for each episode. God, it was an experience I won't forget!!!
Alot of people complained. I loved it. I loves the colour palette, I loved the action scenes. I loved it all. Also the visuals at the End Credits were just bomb.
The angles, the focus on certain body parts...loved it all.
Basically, CSM is an experience in its own. Whether it's losing, gaining, loving, hating...it's all just represented beautifully.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 5, 2024
When the first episode came out and I watched it, I felt this was going to be better than Tokyo Revengers but unfortunately my opinion changed midway into the show.
The first episode, we're introduced to the main character Sakura. He's someone who is always on edge, is ready to throw a punch at anytime, loud, blushes at the most random things.....and that continues all throughout. The problem is, they started the show with a banger by showing us how anxiety and neglect has affected Sakura unfortunately, they don't make enough use of these two important points and Sakura becomes a character you won't
even miss if he wasn't there.
I think the problem starts when the side characters are introduced. The side characters have so much personality, screen presence and an actual charm to them that you forget the MC. Whether it'd Suo, Umemiya or Choji or Togame , you're instantly captivated by theri characters. They all have so much to offer.
From episode 5 to episode 10, literally i forgot Sakura exists.
He's also supposed to be good at fighting but you realise he's actually not. He simply throws kicks and punches whereas the other characters are skilled and you're actually interested in their fights.
Another thing, the aide characters have been much potential, that Sakura is lackluster in comparison buy what actually made this show average for me was the constant "Sakura is the main character so we're gonna keep him in the middle and give him all the attention even though he's simply a character with character B Personality "
The others constantly push Sakura forward and its like they try so hard to remind us that he's relevant.
The thing is, Sakura just isn't capable of anything. He's simply just someone who gets angry and all worked up. No character development, nothing. And all of a sudden, Suo has to say that Sakura will be the grade captain.
This was probably the most embarrassing point cause Suo, is q character that is so capable and well made that he is someone who should have been a leader, but poor guy is made to usher the utterly useless one to the top.
What's baffling is every character in the show has one job, push useless Sakura to the top..
I wouldn't recommend it honestly. I wasted my time and patience.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 8, 2024
I have nothing bad to say about this. Usually manga adaptations are somewhat disappointing but Oshi No Ko has done it well.
The animation fits the "J Idol" world perfectly. I love how it's bright and vibrant, it's like theses colours hide the darker side if the industry from the public
The characters were well fleshed out just like they were in the manga. What really is attractive about the characters is hiw each one of them us wearing a mask, trying to unravel the entertainment industry. I love aqua's thought process and for Ai, I'm glad we have a character that is
Nothing is overwhelming here. And nothings cringey
The plot obviously is thrilling and keeps you engaged.
And of course, the sount track!
Anyone wanting to watch a thriller where characters are playing chess then yupp, ill recommend this.
Can't wait for season 2!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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