First and foremost I would say - " Don't get thrown off by its art style and you would see something good".
I was also first hesitant to watch this anime because of its art style(which is somewhat like 3D animated movies)but I tried its first episode and after that I just went on to continue.
"Its has ACTION,element of SUSPENSE and a lot of THRILL, if that's what you like go for it. It's worth your time."
Sound tracks are ok and Character development is fine.
After the anime I am now following the manga because I can't bear the suspense but they release a chapter a
Apr 29, 2016
Akame ga Kill!
If I had to describe this anime in one word I would say that it is - RUTHLESS.
{You would understand why I called this anime ruthless after you finish watching it and I am not saying it because its gory .} I started watching this anime on an impulse as to watch some thing hardcore/gory (with some blood shed) and OMG, I was totally stuck to it from the first episode. It could have been so depressing and emotional (it still is) if not for the in between light moments full marks from me on this master piece. The action is good. Sound ... |